
America is Trafficking Children

This is the most disgusting outrageous behavior and no one is acting on it? CHILD TRAFFICKING, and why not? This country of people only seems to care about a comfortable lifestyle, how much money to make, and walking around with their cell phone in their hand since their identity is of Importance. Yet this fraud system calling themselves a government doesn't care how or what they do, because already the majority of people, will not do a fucken thing about it. Let's just break this down for everyone, society, the Movie Industry, and the church, are filled with child molesters, sex trafficking, pimping, and pandering, white people pimping out their kids only to kill them later. White people blowing up buildings and mass murder shootouts. White girls get pregnant only to kill the newborn baby and to receive a get-out-of-prison-free card. Sound familiar? Why are white people such a problem including this corrupt system that is predominately white men?

Do you notice in this image it's not a white child? It's a child of color maybe from another country who was kidnapped. And yet storage facilities are being used to keep these children hostage, where are the authorities or are they involved too? Considering they are allies for the rich it wouldn't surprise me. This entire system is a prison of abuse, sex offenders, and murder for profit. This entire system is set up so the fucked white race can not only financially benefit from everything but haven't you noticed they are the core problem of the numerous manifestations in society and around the world? The poison that pisses on Humanity.

It took me years before I began to understand the structures of neighborhoods, towns, and cities, everything we know is angled in a certain location for a certain reason, libraries next to police stations, rehab next to hospitals parks next to certain closed communities when leftover land is sitting empty (gives reason to do something with it). As I grew up in a small town in Los Angeles, I knew there was a big world out there I would never have the chance to see most of it. I don't need to travel since knowing all of the world is suffering, there is no point to it now. Growing up in Chicana I learned early on what racism is all about and too many times it was thrown in my face by teachers, family, school administrators, peers, law enforcement, and friends. Structures of society are only angled towards abuse and racism. Rape a black woman no problem, rape a white woman, "hang em". Regardless of race after watching Epstein and Bill Gates, it's obvious these child molesters don't care about the color of their skin, as long as they have their fun abusing children and murdering for profit it matters not. 

The white man uses the military to be his ally, promising so much for men to join with housing and medical benefits, and in the end, the veterans get fucked over and left with nothing, maybe a government tip, but of course, they have to fight for it. While Kamilla Harris is with her bullshit of how the veterans are well cared for on Twitter is a phat lie, if they were cared for so many veterans wouldn't be on the street with no place to go. After many years of listening to the lies between the states and the church controlling the masses with brainwashing, white people and their poisonous behavior run so deep. The white man has infected families with drug abuse, incest, rape (war tactic) emotional abuse to dominate women. Then the media sets the stage to filter the lies and the elites re-writing history is the main culprit of why the masses are so fucken confused and it's our fault why we hate each other. Stop listening to mainstream media and start questioning these motherfuckers. This is my observation of the white man against people of color.

The difference in class falls into play as the white man stripped my ancestors of everything and forced men of color to fight their fucked up wars, murdering people for profit. It impacted our families (global impact) from getting ahead, it was intended to keep men of color down, to keep all of our generations down. Today all backyard countries are suffering from the same inhuman shit and it's now so easy to take these kids who have suffered the most, using them for exploitation and sex abuse. These countries are suffering so much because the "white man" is a murderer. Destroying people's lives and murdering for profit. I'll be glad when the human race ends! At least it will stop sex crimes and crimes against humanity.