

Tirza Veliz from Riverside is a Black Widow by nature, she is young, and very attractive, but highly vengeful, and an adroit liar. A few years back early one morning I heard the yelling of a young female walking down the inside of a hallway on the property where I lived and her "gangster boyfriend" was trying to break the lock on my front door. As both of these losers attempted to break into my home, they were caught on film. The young girl who was yelling was Tirza's sister with her long dark hair and the other person was some young Mexican kid where a black hoodie. I guess Tirza must think she is intelligent in telling her sleazy family members to break into my home as she works hard at being a threat to people she hardly knows. Unfortunately, I'm not as stupid as her parents who fall for her bullshit. Let me describe a situation that involved the police and them making a false arrest with abusive behavior, all because this whore wants to cry wolf about domestic violence. Tirza has had numerous relationships over the years most of which haven't worked out. She is the mother to a young child and yet Tirza wasn't raising this little girl herself, Tirza's parents were for the most part. Yet one day she meets a young man who has his own place and Tirza doesn't like the idea of having to live with her family anymore, but not being able to afford a place of her own, she somehow uses her manipulation tactics and false charm to move into the unit because her intention was to kick the person out who was the original tenant so she could have the place to herself. I guess she thought she was the smarter of the two having this young man arrested on false charges lying about how he was hitting her and abusing the daughter. Did  I tell you Tirza Veliz has done this before? Yes, she has a long history of crying "domestic violence".

That's right she has done this to another young man because the court docs are still on the internet. Remember any time you take another person to court it shows up as public record. A man named Rudy Avila was also the victim of Tirza's evil plan. Tirza has numerous sexual relationships with various people. Her ex-husband for one as this guy makes a very good living bringing people to the US from other countries, so he gives her what money he can for his daughter and gets a "fuck bonus" on top of it. Then there is her friend the "cop" her dyke lesbian friend Tirza also has a fuck relationship with as long as her friend can run pedigree information on people which cops are not legally allowed to do, at least not randomly, it makes Tirza happy to steal Identity. This is a form of "IDENTITY THEFT" the cop and Tirza are committing. If I had that lesbian cunts name I would be calling Internal Affairs!!! So a court hearing took place and this young man had an attorney, of course, that fat fuck was useless and never did his job. As a matter of fact, he betrayed the customer and decide to hand his card to Tirza so she could call him, I guess that attorney wants a piece of ass too.

As for the court hearing the judge already knew she was lying, she provided no evidence at all, but this is the corrupt part of the court system, the opposing party has to prove they are NOT GUILTY, and the court automatically believes a whore like Tirza Veliz. Now this is really bad as young women can easily lie and get away with calling the police and lying about how they were raped or beaten up and the cops and courts assume their right, it's the man who gets screwed over. This is why I am exposing this WHORE TIRZA VELIZ and the lawyer (Nathan Gjesdal) from Seyb Law Firm who is just as big a whore as the bitch who lies about domestic violence. Let me educate everyone on domestic violence. Women who are in severe relationships of violence are not seeking help, why? Their mentally and emotionally damaged that they are too afraid. Most people can never understand that it's a psychologically manipulative tactic of the person who is causing the fear and abuse. I've known many women in severe situations of abuse and they never got the help they needed. Those women will never ask for help, they hide and make excuses for the person who is battering them. Social Workers refuse to do their job correctly and have a handicap for helping the kids who were infected by all of it. When a woman and her children are being severely abused, you're not going to see or hear from the family. I had a friend in high school whose father was very violent and tore the family apart, my friend was only 16 years old and was on the street because the mother was too scared to do anything about it. 

Another trap of domestic violence is when a man keeps the woman barefoot and pregnant so he can keep her away from family and friends. If she is young he can use manipulation. I've known young and older women who have been abused by a husband and boyfriend. It's nothing to lie or joke about. One young woman I worked with told me how her brother raped her several times. He was sent to prison but later released. Michelle ended up marrying her boyfriend who too was violent because he learned it from his father. Domestic violence is nothing to laugh about or lie about but this bitch has her own personal problems she has not resolved and until she does, nothing will change for her.

Tirza is a liar and whore, and her rotten behavior didn't get her far, but she tried hard to ruin an innocent man's life, all because she wanted him to pay her bills. She also tried to get pregnant so she could trap the man, and he paid a heavy price for his freedom, but he eventually escaped. 

Yes, I know it's all hard for so many ignorant people to believe, but women can be just as abusive as a man. Men might lie a lot, but women are better liars. Women can be very convincing to an audience and stage an entire show because women are extremely vengeful when they choose to be. Her plan didn't work, but what she did do was find another fool to fuck, get pregnant and now he is paying all the bills.  If you ever see Tirza Veliz stay far and away, she will steal your pedigree information and use it to benefit herself. Tirza now has three kids, is fat, and has another Jon (she is trapped) to support her so she doesn't have to work. I feel sorry for that guy he really has no idea the mistake he just made.


The article was interesting but what annoys me is how this white guy still gets away with his crimes. His prison time was nothing and most of all he chooses to tell those ass-wads how he pulled it off?  He gave away his secrets. The only reason they want to know is so the FEDERAL RESERVE can change how the currency is printed which becomes harder for anyone else to create fake bills. Those employed to print currency for a FRAUD GOV will know the secrets to the paper and ink. This young man was smart enough to figure a few things out, but being white got him less time because if he wasn't he would have had a harder time with the court. Men and women of color are treated more abusively with circumstances than white people when committing crimes. That is my first peeve. My other peeve is how white people commit more crimes, heinous crimes at best than people of color but spend less time incarcerated and are treated differently, sometimes they get a slap on the hand. 

This is not so much a peeve but I'm glad to hear he wasn't killing or hurting anyone. He was honest that he wanted to do something to make money to support the family, nothing wrong with that. All the criminals in the white house and the Vatican are sex trafficking children and sexually abusing and killing babies and all those fucked up white people are usually white men and they think it's okay to kill a child, just as judges support some stupid white trash whore to murder her child and let her walk free.  While I am on the subject although it's irrelevant I sometimes have premonitions in dreams as I did of a white man who killed and sacrificed a baby. Eventually, more information will come to light and I will identify this piece of shit, it wasn't just a dream the dream was telling me it was happening. It was a warning of some kind. All these FREEMASON FAGGOTS are nothing but murders and child killers, at least this white guy only printed money which is a fraud, but then so is the currency we use daily from the FEDERAL RESERVE. See they print the money, the losers in the White House don't have control over the cash in this country, only the laws, yet all those pieces of shit must think of ways how to make money from us and put up dummy corporations to generate money so they live well. A major factor of why this country is a fucked up financial situation is because those white men created the mess. A reason the 99-cent store closed quickly was because the false Gov didn't want it anymore, they owned it.

Now I can't understand how people can be so conditioned mentally and not see the problems that have manifested. Understand the money is not real, it's only "paper and ink", it has NO VALUE, it really doesn't. People can learn to live on the land without it, but of course, as humans, we would need to fish for food to eat and build with the dirt to live.  No one wants to do that, do they? Everyone wants an easy life never work and have lots of cash. It's time to change, if US humans don't start BUYING LAND and learning to live on the land and work with their own hands you might find yourself in a serious predicament. These elites have us conditioned and brainwashed, co-dependent and it gives them leverage to control every aspect of our life including our money. Paper Currency won't be available to anyone, BlackRock will make sure of it, it's coming sooner we think.

People have been conditioned so well to the comfort of life and co-dependent having everything given to us with a price. I'm sure everyone knows this is the trip up being convinced to work (ancient custom of pledging) but the work is not supposed to be taxed only if you have a business, so the taxes are FRAUD TOO. Another scam lets invent employment and threaten employers to pay a tax, so the people pay a tax and the oligarchy gets rich off all the FRAUD TAX being paid, what a brilliant plan. Since so many people over the years knew of this FRAUD AT THE TOP. Certain people such as Alcapone chose not to be a part of that because he fell into a different category. He wasn't doing anything different than the criminals in the white house. The politicians are a different club and have numerous allies, such as the FBI, CIA, LAW ENFORCEMENT, MILITARY, and the news media which they own today. It's how they misdirect the public to convince the rest of us, that people like AlCapone and other mobsters are Public Enemy 1. They're not, it's those same WHITE MEN who are the problem of this entire system, they are just a larger GANG, that's all.

Although he knew he didn't belong to CLUB A, he did it his way, like this white guy who printed his own currency. Alcapone is very much misunderstood, like Scarface. Do you know what Capitalism is?  Getting FUCKED!!  Yes, it is but only white people who are politicians and rich pieces of shit are allowed to be "white collar criminals", but when they fuck up, it's okay lets just send them to bed with no dinner. As we need to keep the whites appearing to be punished but we don't want to fuck them too hard only people of color should be abused and sent to prison for life to die.

When have you ever heard white people talk shit about politicians being murderers and stealing money or filing tax fraud? Never those white people only talk shit if some drunk tries to buy a beer with his EBT Card or goes on Welfare. Why don't you get a job and work? A white person never says that to another white person at least not that I've ever heard. White people commit more crimes on every level than people of color, but people of color are subject to more abuse and prison time. Society is convoluted that between cops and criminals, people just never stop hating on each other and never stop to look at where the real problems started and why? 

are those in the White House. The WHITE man is BLACK!!! See the fake royal family is not royal, it's all bullshit and the money that flows in their direction was a setup from a banking industry they control, this is what blows my mind how FRAUD IT ALL IS.  Yet our mind is conditioned to see it as real as they earned it. Also if a person doesn't make a lot of money at a job that will be taxed only to screw you over in the end, your a loser, your poor.  It's a stigma and a label it too was invented to mind fuck with people so they feel bad about themself. All the while struggling to survive in a temporary world is why people go mad.

This idea of NEW WORLD ORDER that the fucked up white race has in mind, will not last, and I theorize it can only go two ways. Either people will fold and the numbers of the human race will rapidly decline (which is needed to balance the world's soul) or people will retaliate against the establishment and kill each other until we no longer exist. I don't see the plan of a new world order to control the masses happening at least not in the way the politicians hope it will happen. If it does it still won't last because, in the end, everyone DIES!!! 

Although many people are stuck and stupid the human race will die out and those in the white house are done. They won't live much longer and their children are grossly incompetent to take over where Dad left off.  Now if the paper currency doesn't continue and is replaced with only DIGITAL FRAUD CURRENCY I see bad things happening in society. It will be a massacre FOR EVERYONE. Right now it's important to change how you live and your eating habits. If you find yourself with nothing and wandering as a caveman, you better adapt like one to survive until death. It's all any of us have to look forward to it's all temporary only death is real.



All right I'm sure all of you have seen the image, and what's wrong with this picture, everything is wrong with it. Does it look like a raid is going on? No, it does not, it appears as if some ass-wad is casually turning his back so another ass-wad can take a photo at a random home he is walking on the property and it could be anyone's home, not necessarily that jackass Andrew Do! It's incredible how he still had his job but soon after was asked nicely to RETIRE, he should have been FIRED!! From what I understand his daughter was committing FRAUD and Peter Pham was the founder of some shit company called VAS, but Andrew Do is involved and all of them were stealing over 10 million dollars. Andrew Do His ugly face is on the county website. I have a question since Frank Kim claims to retire like a bitch which I do not believe maybe he should check Andrew Do's birth certificate to confirm this loser from off the boat is a US citizen?  How exactly are these gouks getting jobs to work as county supervisors? Has anyone noticed how the Asian culture has saturated this country with employment which American citizens should have?  Because it's in the millions and like the Armenian families all they have to do is have kids to stay in the country, yet turn around stealing birth certificates from citizens here in America? You MOTHER FUCKERS should be deported back to where you came from!! Immigrants like Andrew  Do come to America to steal and commit FRAUD!

Yet the white race allows it all because as I said before it's the white man who condones all this bullshit because it's the rest of them who perpetrated this crap, to begin with. Giving these immigrants off-the-boat jobs as County Supervisors, allowing them to access monies only to steal to support their immigrant families, but it's the Mexicans that are the problem. Fuck you assholes! Let me enlighten everyone, it seems that Andrew Do not only purchased a home for his daughter with taxpayers' money but is stealing money to fund other organizations because this fucker has set up another business called the VAS in Huntington Beach.  It's a nonprofit to help all the VEITNAMESE IMMIGRANTS INTO AMERICA and those already living here. As I dive deeper there is another image I found an image showing the FBI actually at Andrew Do home in Tustin Orange County supposedly. These mother fuckers have numerous properties and have been embezzling for the last 5 years. This article says: Federal police, including the FBI, raided a Tustin home on Thursday after a lawsuit accused a nonprofit of missing millions of taxpayers dollars. Property records showed it was the same home as the daughter and she is being sued because Rhiannon was a part of the scam of embezzlement of more than 10 million dollars. The neighbors said it was a ghost house because no one came around only to throw out the trash and bring in the cans, just in and out.  If these fucken immigrants walk on these charges this county of citizens needs to rise up and demand they be incarcerated in prison both of them. Frank Kim knew all the time what was going on it may be the reason he retired while stealing birth certificates.

This lying skank is now going to cover her ass and make excuses why she will no longer continue school and it's not because of the coronavirus you lying bitch., notice how the YOUTUBE comments are turned off. I guess this thief is worried about backlash. Well, you deserve it skank because Daddy isn't paying for your education is he, the taxpayers are with stolen taxpayers' monies. How many other families are pulling this same crap? These fucken gouks pull this crap and the Pakistans buying up all the motels and hotels are exactly the same as their criminal activity, setting up shop in America with the bullshit nonprofits, ripping off customers, stealing from taxpayers and this is how they expand the business. This is the part that pisses me off law enforcement will protect the interests of these assholes all the time. What I find amazing is how quickly these losers have no problem finding an attorney to run to their defense and claim their innocence, especially the daughter. They're NOT GUILTY just NEGLIGENT. Of course, people like you are never guilty of anything when you steal it's justified and for a good cause. Now the media is protecting both of them to say how the daughter MISUSED COVID FUNDS, what bullshit. Is this the excuse when they go to court so the bitch can walk and her daddy too? How the FUCK DOES SOMEONE MISUSE 10 MILLION DOLLARS? Other articles claim it's 13 million. No one can get their story straight, The bottom line IMMIGRANTS stole millions of TAXPAYERS' MONEY TO FUND OTHER IMMIGRANTS INTO THE COUNTRY AND SUPPORT THESE PEOPLE WHO were MORE LIKELY RELATED TO ANDREW DO. People come to this country because it's easy to embezzle money from taxpayers. Daddy wasn't fired he just had to resign nice and quiet wow these CRIMINALS get slapped on the wrist. The FBI is a fucken pathetic group of ass wads in all the photos I have viewed many people are carrying out containers, and large bags of who knows what, and yet no one actually knows where these thieves Andrew and his daughter actually live because they have purchased several homes. Although the media references a home in Garden Grove and Tustin. The FBI is pathetic they are not investigating shit. These two CRIMINALS ARE NOT BEING PUNISHED FOR THEIR CRIMES. With every article I read it becomes more pathetic excuses of how it's a Vietnam Memorial for all the immigrants to feed and help them. What the fuck ever.  This is an example of a POLICE RAID.

BOTH ANDREW AND HIS IMMIGRANT DAUGHTER NEED TO BE IN PRISON! All county supervisors are GUILTY!! I believe they were involved in stealing money from taxpayers. Why are these Immigrants not in prison?


All the times I've listened to adults rant and rave about the abuse, war, and corruption in America and throughout the world I never understood what they were talking about because I was a kid. No one does when being young or an adult, most adults don't understand a lot of things, 1) education 2) it's hard to separate the lies from the truth 3) American Politics are Mafia, and no matter how hard a person tries to make a difference these pieces of shit are going to do it their way, no matter what or who gets in their way. 4) American people choose not to stand together for reasons I've already expressed but most of all the races HATE each other and for that, the politicians and all other officials are so pleased, haven't you noticed the game is rigged to ruin, kill and monetize the human race? America has turned Communist!! DIVIDE AND CONQUER WORKS!

If you want to make a complaint to allow these criminals to do right (which they never will), the complaint is not objective, it's biased. See here, this is how fucked up and rigged the system is with county officials. You can make a complaint but it will go nowhere because the very people you grievance against are those who get away with such crimes, it's FUCKEN FRAUD AND IDENTITY THEFT. So I decided to move forward and make this complaint to the Attorney General - Governor's office and all over the internet, so it receives all the PUBLIC ATTENTION I NEED IT TO. Their YOUTUBE VIDEOS ARE BIASED SINCE ALL COMMENTS ARE SHUT DOWN!!

This brings me to the subject of government agencies regardless of the jurisdiction you live and work in corruption is all the same. First, let me clarify something, I don't care if you believe it or not. The circle of politics and government is ONLY  a group of rich ass-wads made of flesh and bone which is NOT a government, it's only labeled that way to sound empowering. This body of people is working within a corporation (MAFIA) and it's a sick game that has to do with controlling the slaves and making as much money off of us as possible. Yes, I realize there are many intricate details and a lot of bullshit involved, levels of corruption nevertheless, the USA is a corporation, NOT a Government. The game is rigged, it's a lie, and all of us are brainwashed and have been subjected to lies, hate, war, financial corruption, abuse of children and adults, and most of all promising housing only to steal pedigree information (birth certificates).


Frank Kim is responsible for the Orange County Health Agency for those EMPLOYEES WHO ARE STEALING PEDIGREE INFORMATION FROM unhoused people in Orange County. (I HAVE A PLACE BUT MY SHIT WAS STOLEN BY MICHELLE). These people are county workers driving in a county car similar to a police car with an OC logo on the side, but the car is all white. These workers are wearing a blue uniform and are young women who are Mexican (Hispanic) whatever you choose to label it as. These women are giving the impression they're going to help with housing, it's all bullshit. They're not going to help at all. START TAKING RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR WORKER'S BEHAVIOR!  These MEXICAN WHORES ARE STEALING PEDIGREE INFORMATION AND BIRTH CERTIFICATES!!  THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IMMIGRATION!


Lying whores (Michelle 714- 975-3026 cell phone county worker) are collecting tons of CDL, Social Security cards, and Birth Certificates which are entered on their personal IPAD. The lie being told is: "WE JUST NEED TO CONFIRM you're a US CITIZEN". This is a fucken bullshit lie, I have NO doubt it can be determined if a person is a citizen or not, the social security number itself can make that determination. These bitches are county workers lying to people they want to help, it's all lies they HELP NO ONE!!!! I AM GIVING AN AWARD FOR A PHOTO OF MICHELLE (Mexican CUNT) IF YOU KNOW WHO SHE IS!!! THAT LYING WHORE HAS IT COMING!

However, there is some other agenda being played out here and Orange County's racism and abuse among many people who have already fallen between the cracks with receiving no help from any organization from this shit county is proof of how corrupt the situation is since none of those people have been helped or housed. If that were true NO ONE WOULD BE ON THE STREET!! Numerous property owners accept Section 8 housing in OC and LA (you just have to ask) so Frank Kim can't use that excuse. NUMEROUS OFFICIALS DO NOT WANT TO HOUSE ANYONE!! THE POLITICS HAVE CREATED THIS MESS. FUCK ORANGE COUNTY AND FUCK ALL THOSE CORRUPT WHITE PEOPLE!!!! AMERICA DOESN'T BELONG TO YOU MURDERS AND CHILD MOLESTERS!!!

This has nothing to do with citizenship but I can be certain this corruption of stealing birth certificates will be a weapon used against the very people on that document. Or some other sick agenda, isn't it bad enough the white man is a MURDERER, WAR CRIMINAL, and CHILD MOLESTER, and NOW HE WANTS BIRTH CERTIFICATES I WONDER WHAT HIS INTENTIONS ARE? IF HE WASN'T A CHILD ABUSER THEN WHY WOULD THE GOV WEBSITES CONTINUE TO CARRY THE FACEBOOK LOGO (CHILD ABUSE CHILD TRAFFICKING) HOW GUILTY THEY ALL ARE!!!

Never trust any Gov agency, county, or city health agency, it matters not who or what the agency is representing county workers or anyone working as a judge or the DA, City Attorney, or County Supervisors their all the same lying pieces of shit, who could care less and will never take responsibility or resolve problems. These losers CREATE THE PROBLEMS!!! Yet if you seek their help for any reason, be sure they will lie and betray you, to gain your pedigree information. NEVER GIVE THIS INFORMATION AND IF YOU DO BE SURE THEY WILL TELL YOU WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW FIRST (not after) BEFORE HANDING A BIRTH CERTIFICATE OVER. I WILL EXPLAIN WHY? 
There are numerous white people throughout Orange County working in churches, and nonprofit organizations claiming they will help people with food, health care, housing, and any other services read their website. It’s all lies.

If you look closely these counties manipulate the people within the communities to financially support the county and its services, at the same time, they sell food and other services making money off the same people living in the communities. Yet the state of California is just as rotten and corrupt giving millions of dollars to the agency that could support hundreds of families, but it’s all lies, just like you see here in the photo. This is the richest country in the world but the greed of THE WHITE MAN IS THE PROBLEM. If the DEVIL does exist, it's in the white man's soul. All this bullshit of how these counties and Gov are helping people, it's all BULLSHIT, ITS FUCKEN LIES, they help NO ONE!!!! FORGIVE THE TYPOS I AM PISSED OFF!!


What these corrupt pathetic human beings are part of is a corrupt system, betraying people to gain information about your birth certificate driver’s license, and social security cards, and collecting all this pedigree information so the employees like Michelle who drive around in FULLERTON Orange County car working for Orange County Health Agency can study it and steal it from you. She keeps it all on her PERSONAL tablet as it’s an open window for Identity Theft and the county supervisors don’t care!!! Isn’t that sweet? Don’t you just love it when bitches like this LIE with the intent ONLY TO STEAL THIS INFORMATION and then she reads everyone’s SOCIAL SECURITY, wow a perfect invitation for EMPLOYEE THEFT!!!! Perfect opportunity. MICHELLE IS A LIAR, SHE IS NOT HONEST!!! I still have her voicemails and I am going public with that too.

A COMPLAINT WAS MADE TO Janelle who works with county supervisors she told Logan just have the people contact the police department because she is too lazy to get off her fat ass and do her job. This is ignorant white trash, you know white bitches never work, they just collect a paycheck sitting on their asses doing very little to nothing. Janelle doesn't want to hear what I have to say, this is why the police are always involved with unhoused people in Orange County. And yet they will continue to lie for their fellow co-worker and pass the buck onto law enforcement, especially if you’re in the Orange County area. White people in OC are RACIST AND SHIT!!  A GOUK LIKE FRANK KIM IS STEALING MY BIRTH CERTIFICATE QUESTIONING ME? The Greed and hate start at the top the white man who runs this corrupt abusive county filled with murders, human trafficking children, corrupt mafia politics, and abuse on every adult who is not housed or struggling to survive in America. The more damage caused the more people will become subjected to the corruption of politics! NEVER TRUST OC HEALTH AGENCY!!!!



OWNING YOUR OWN HOME IS A SCAM: America is filled with illusions and lies. The American dream itself is the biggest lie ever told because our system in America is a setup. Scarface once expressed capitalism is getting FUCKED!  He was right and the elite endorses the idea that only RICH people have the right to everything in this life and should protect what they own in a will or living trust, that is not true. BY THE WAY, YOU DON'T NEED AN ATTORNEY, you can do this yourself, just take it to a Notary. As I've done some research every single day people in this country are losing their homes and personal land. It's hard work to own something and call it your own, but that is the point no one ever owns anything. If you're a working-class citizen and you buy a home, the land is NEVER yours. If you're rich it's the same thing, rich people can lose what they have it does happen, just not as often. However, if you buy land and then build a home, you are a land owner and have to pay a tax but have "free rent", which is a better deal while you are living. Be smart and protect what you have once you do buy it.

The value of what you're told your home is worth is FRAUD it's made up because it's a part of the fraud structure since it needs to be measured against the system that was designed. So now you buy a home and live in it but now death occurs and you never listed a "next of kin" or placed your belongings or home in a living trust to pass down to a beneficiary. Anyone can do this, you don't have to be rich, just smart. The county seizes the property when you can't pay back taxes if you lose a job. Immediately it is sold for the price of those back taxes which is a few grand because the county treasurer wants the money (not the property), now your fucked. However, after all this heartache you as the OWNER have one year to claim the "excess proceeds" which can be a lot of money sometimes over 100,000 why not claim it, this GOV already took your home? Be smart and claim the leftover cash, or if you die have a next kin. Most people NEVER DO, so the GOV keeps it. Do you see what just happened?  You never protected what you worked for or passed it down to next of kin just in case something happened and it's gone, just like that. This happens every day of every year and for many reasons. Let's not be STUPID, it's one reason people are without housing!! While there are no jobs in America. So while the owner never claims the proceeds, some ass wad just purchased your home on AUCTION for a few grand, he or she had to pay just the back taxes. What that owner invested in mortgages and taxes while living in a home, someone just bought for a few grand. Now they turn around fix it up, sell it, and make a chunk of change off of your hard work.  The American dream is a lie, in reality, no one owns anything. Frankly, I see it as a Lease option to buy while living.

FORECLOSURES AND AUCTIONS: It's sad the auctions that are held two to three times a year with millions of dollars in real estate, many homes are never purchased because most people who buy foreclosures want well-maintained homes, not shit run-down crap which is everywhere.  As for large mansions, it's stupid how developers keep spending money building this crap because they can't sell it fast and most of the time those homes are never purchased at auctions because most people don't want the high taxes or can't flip it fast enough. Most people will never buy a mansion as they simply can't afford it. What I speculate why too many sober livings exist is because a group of asswads has a FRAUD nonprofit organization buying cheap auctioned homes and renting out beds to profit off those who are scrapping by or out of drug rehab or incarceration. If you have a few grand in your pocket, you can buy a home cheap at these auctions, just look on the county website where you live. You will find the public information about auctions. No jobs exist in America, many companies have gone under and the slave labor (minimum wage jobs) can't pay the bills. This Fraud Gov is CRIMINALS, (killing and stealing) we the people are here to support their way of life. The AMERICAN DREAM is a LIE and as ELITES continues to crush us one by one people will lose what they have worked for including their homes. The reason for the lie is that the TAXPAYER buying homes is responsible for paying everything from those taxes, so the rich don't have to. They NEVER PAY TAXES and neither do CORPORATIONS!!! This is why poverty exists and why the number of unhoused humans is high. So the next time you mock someone on the street or talk shit while thinking it can never happen to you, think again. No one gives a FUCK about you including the WHITE MAN IN POLITICS and the PREACHER in the CHURCH, it's all lies!

Let me provide an example of an OVERTURE, as I mentioned the "excess proceeds" can be claimed right now, all the time but each list has a YEAR to claim these monies from each previous homeowner. As you see on the list there is a parcel that has already been auctioned, Antonio Delgado had parcel 2802-019-024 I called, and his cousin answered but hung up on me after mentioning he died. His home was lost and this money of 370,000 plus needs to be claimed if it's not claimed before December 2024 the GOV keeps the money. This man was 50 years old and lived in a moderate home but had no one listed as next of kin, no trust no will no nothing, and his cousin hung up on me. I called back and left a message as it's my job to help people file those claims, but most people never do. Instead, they foolishly allow the GOV to take what they worked for instead of fighting for it.  His next of kin could also file the claim, but his cousin didn't want to listen.  So knowing all those millions of dollars all over the country in every single county have billions of dollars worth of properties being auctioned, don't you think this GOV should have their shit together and no money problems? AMERICA HAS PLENTY OF ABUNDANCE AND WEALTH FOR EVERYONE TO HAVE WHAT THEY NEED AND SOME ADDITIONAL NEEDS. ELITES ARE CORRUPT AND THE WHITE MAN IS A SLAVE OWNER, WAR CRIMINAL, AND A MURDERER HE DOESN'T CARE BUT HE IS A DESTROYER. As for the overtures anyone can be an agent or person of interest and help people file with the county for a fee, it's a lucrative way to make a living.

UNFORTUNATES NO LONGER HOUSED: Mainstream media is the biggest Liar! Channel Fox News and anything similar to it and people are STUPID, to believe the MAJOR who is so full of shit when being questioned about people on the street. The GOV, doesn't fucken care they don't want to house anyone. Why is that HARD TO UNDERSTAND!!!  People are losing homes every day because there are no jobs in this country, and the jobs that exist now, young people occupy those jobs. 50 and 60-year-old people are being pushed out needing to find ways to support themself and losing what they have. The stigma of mental health is all bullshit because the county doesn't care and people are GROSS NEGLIGENT working at these facilities. Too many young girls work at mental health getting pregnant and to STUPID TO HELP ANYONE. Officials are busted for theft, fraud, and embezzlement?  Many officials are getting caught or stealing money which is supposed to help unfortunates on the street. Understand the county and all those involved created this mess because of the GREED. I just gave one example of how the GOV takes unclaimed monies in the millions three times a year or more from auctions and keeps proceeds that are NEVER claimed. Then we are taxed with jobs (which is illegal) if we own a business. Car registration overpays all kinds of taxes we are forced to pay. This GOV doesn't spend correctly or pay the bills correctly, they are stealing and fucking shit up all the time, and as taxpayers, we are forced to pay for the mistakes they impose on us. Inflation is another way taxpayers get fucked over paying the white rich man's bills. With all this financial abuse why would this fucked up GOV care about housing people? As for Medi-Cal, a person can go through that loop but most people don't know this or know how to ask. The process is pathetic and 3rd party shit companies are supposed to do the work for the Health Agency which in the end only fucks over the person applying for housing to begin with. I experienced this with Blue Shield as they were supposed to pay all of my move-in costs, they wouldn't and fucked me over, so I paid it but it took all I had which was cheap, and left me with nothing. This is how I discovered ORANGE COUNTY FUCKING PEOPLE OVER STEALING BIRTH CERTIFICATES TO INCARCERATE AND WHO KNOWS WHAT ELSE, BUT ALL THE COUNTY SUPER VISORS ARE INVOLVED. THERE IS SERIOUS CORRUPTION GOING ON MORE THAN THE HUMAN BRAIN WANTS TO UNDERSTAND.

STATE OF CALIFORNIA LIES TO PEOPLE ABOUT HOUSING: As I've said before the root of all evil is not money, it's "separation" and exists everywhere in all areas of life. When neighborhoods are built by developers that are marked it's a setup to build shit homes and to have run-down neighborhoods. Then people of color are pushed into the areas so the stigma is labeled as ghetto or poor, you get the picture. It's created by design to mentally fuck with you into thinking you belong in these conditions and should have no reason to leave. This is why city limits are TOXIC, it's meant to be. Distribute the drugs and liquor stores on every block now you have people depressed and unfortunates growing by the numbers. Human abuse is what it is and politics know people will fall. These corrupt white men are criminals, they're not special, they are a gang of human abusers, but while they subject the human race to abuse the mainstream media is a paid whore who spits out stories filled with lies. The major is a liar, law enforcement, and everyone involved in how the GOV spends billions of dollars helping the unfortunate on the street. NO, ONE IS SPENDING BILLIONS OF DOLLARS ON ANYONE!! POLITICIANS STEAL FROM SOCIAL SECURITY THEY ARE LIARS AND THIEVES!!! We the people are enslaved to keep them rich understand? America is here to serve the WHITE MAN but he uses people of color. The GOV doesn't give a fuck about anyone, all these agencies are fraud and ABUSE, and they want us dead! These losers in politics make money on us from the stock exchange because all humans with a social security number are on the stock exchange. The State of California has LIED to everyone about Housing, let me break it down in simple terms of what they are doing.

First, the prisons and OC Health Agency all (GOV and COUNTY AGENCIES) will fuck you over do NOT trust them, they want birth certificates to incarcerate or deport and kill you. 2nd if you go to county mental health they won't help you but will shove you in a shelter, it's a fight to get a voucher from them and I mean a FIGHT with the county workers. 3rd You can go through your medical insurance but it too is a pain in the ass because the insurance won't help they use 3rd party shit companies to do all the work and pay the costs of assisting you and sometimes they fuck you over. Developers fight to buy land from those who want land TO BUILD ON so everyone can be housed. Those GREEDY developers don't give a fuck about most people ONLY PEOPLE WHO HAVE WEALTH OR CAN AFFORD $3000 RENT. There is another scrupulous agenda here. GOV officials are LIARS and THIEVES they don't care, the money is going into their POCKETS and the GREED IS OFFENSIVE!!! The US GOV are Mafia CRIMINALS, there is NOTHING HONEST ABOUT ANY OF THEM! IT'S ABOUT THEIR INTERESTS NOT YOURS UNDERSTAND?

MAINSTREAM MEDIA STIR THE POT WITH LIES AND HATE: When you see some ass wad news reporter talking shit asking another STUPID ass-wad, oh, are you scared of the homeless?  He responded yes," It's a setup, the shit news reporter's intent is to stir the pot and hate against a powerless group of people who have nothing only the shirt on their back.  Think about it. Its separation!!



Every dog has his day and this dog I'M EXPLOITING WILL BE SHITTED ON WITH BLACK SHIT. RENATO ROSCOE is not a citizen of the USA, he only has a GREENCARD, UNLESS HE HAS MARRIED SOME IDIOT TO PROVIDE CITIZENSHIP TO HIM. What pisses me off is how this fucked up Government treats people, the Mexicans - Hispanic - Latinos whatever the fucken label you choose to use, because it's all made up by the "white man". Using labels and treating people of color like shit and bitching and complaining about how the Mexican people are the problem? How these IMMIGRANTS COMING TO AMERICA, WE NEED TO BUILD THAT FUCKEN WALL BECAUSE OF IMMIGRATION PROBLEMS, WHEN THIS FUCKED UP FALSE GOVERNMENT MAKES MILLIONS OF OFF IMMIGRATION!! OH YES THEY DO, RUSSIANS - POLISH - ARMENIANS - PHILIPINOS - EURO TRASH ALL THOSE MOTHER FUCKERS FROM OTHER COUNTRIES, KOREANS AND CHINESE OPEN THE DOOR AND LET THEM IN, BUT ITS MEXICANS THAT ARE THE FUCKEN PROBLEM! LET ME PROVIDE SOME INFORMATION MOST OF YOU STUPID IDIOT PEOPLE DON'T REALIZE. EB VISA this is how most IMMIGRANTS get into the country, NOT ALL as I just mentioned. Many Armenians pay their way into the country so do the Pakistanis. It's the price they pay to come to AMERICA usually around a million dollars maybe more, then pop out a couple of kids, freeload off the Government whatever they can get, and never leave. Of course, there's always a plan of business some bullshit reason to show they are needed here which gives opportunity to stay and pay into the broken ECONOMY. THE MEXICAN PEOPLE DON'T HAVE THAT KIND OF MONEY, THEY MAY HAVE A FEW GRAND OR SO BUT NOT ENOUGH FOR AN EB VISA.

The WHITE MAN THINKS HE HAS THE RIGHT to tell people what they should be labeled as and its that same white man who is a child molester in the church, a war criminal, the scum that killed Epstein because he wasn't the only one prostituting minors!! The white man is white trash ruining AMERICA and running the prisons all in the name of MONEY! The WHITE MAN allows murderers killing their babies to walk free but will lock up Mexicans for life IN SOLITARY ON DRUG CHARGES OR HAND OUT 2ND STRIKES. Not to white people they do little to no time for worst crimes. Yet it's the same white man who hands out SENATE AWARDS to fucken scum bag IMMIGRANTS from Roma Italy, like Renato Roscoe. He is the biggest piece of shit I've known and I've known many, but I've GROWN UP SINCE THEN!! This piece of shit always works in Restaurants, but it doesn't mean he owns the restaurant. No, I'm confident it's a friend, maybe Salvatore that loser another scumbag who is an IMMIGRANT. He usually puts up the money and then Renato hires Mexican guys to cook the food, but why is YORBALINDA HONORING THIS PIECE OF SHIT? YOU DO KNOW HE IS A SERIOUS COKEHEAD, DON'T YOU? Let's dive into YOURBALINDA'S HISTORY for a moment because all those suburban white trash who think that city is owned by the white race, it is NOT! The people were colonized and killed and the white man fucked the Mexican daughters to get into the marriage bed to steal land and they did. NOW THESE WHITE FOLKS THINK THEY HAVE THE RIGHT TO FUCK PEOPLE OF COLOR OUT OF OUR OWN PRIVILEGE and then turn around and honor a piece of shit like RENATO?

YORBALINDA was owned by the Mexican people who were once wealthy land owners, but all the white trash who crashed in on AMERICA leaving their sins and past behind from the rotten corrupt crimes they committed in Rome centuries ago, only to continue a new chapter of SLAVERY, ABUSE ON CHILDREN, WAR CRIMES AND MURDER! YORBA LINDA LAND WAS STOLEN FROM THE MEXICAN PEOPLE. THE WHITE MAN GETS OFF KILLING PEOPLE FOR PROFIT, FOR MONEY, FOR LAND but here we go and give some FUCKEN COKEHEAD LIKE RENATO AN AWARD AS IF HE DESERVES IT. HE DOESN'T!!! Renato is as dishonest as the WHITE MAN HIMSELF PARADING AROUND LIKE A SAINT and all along your IMMIGRANT SCUM with a dirty past and I'm telling the world because its PAY BACK TIME BITCH! YOU DESERVE EVERY ROTTEN THING I WILL THROW IN YOUR DIRECTION. YOU WORTHLESS ASS WAD!!!

I will be the one to let the cat out of the bag and it's a juicy story. Ready? Would you like a nice bedtime story to be told because that motherfucker deserves it, in spades!  I met RENATO that loser over 25 years ago. I was very young and working as a dancer (stripper), he was a cokehead then and I'm confident nothing has changed, his bad manners and poor behavior broke his way of speaking (at least from what the reviews say) but it's accurate I can confirm. He was desperate to get married to somebody then because his IMMIGRANT FRIENDS FOUND STUPID WOMEN TO marry and bear children to stay in the country. Renato has a brother who came to AMERICA opened up restaurants in Los Angeles and told Renato to come down and work for him, and he did. It didn't last long because they argued all the time. So Renato took his bump bag and left for Costa Mesa he had no problem finding a job because his shit friends were here illegally also on a GREENCARD. He came with cash and a GREENCARD INTO THE USA. It's why he could get a job managing another restaurant, he already had the connection but he complained to me that he couldn't make a partner and he needed those owners to ask him so he could sign a contract and establish himself permanently in the US. They never did, so Renato just kept working in different businesses. The last place I saw him was in Santa Ana distributing food and supplies to different restaurants and Salvatore had put up the money. He was Mr. Pimp, Mr. COCAINE himself having a party all the fucken time. I never understood where this asshole SALVATORE got his money from maybe HE WAS THE DRUG LORD? Eventually, he found a STUPID WOMAN TO MARRY HIS UGLY ASS, SO HE TOO COULD STAY IN AMERICA.

Now Renato owes me a lot of money, I worked for him many times and he cheated many times as I said I was young, but not anymore I've grown up since then and I have a very good memory. He was always coked out of his mind, partying with whores, and acting like his shit didn't stink. He was abusive, verbally, mentally, and physically. I remember he was dating this little girl around 20 years old a blonde skank who was just a cock tease and Renato was so STUPID he really thought she was special because she was blonde and white, but it all blew up in his face because he was a horn dog and couldn't keep his dick in his pants, eventually, she left. This dump bitch wouldn't kiss him or touch him because he was always fucking other women or paying for sex. Renato would take her on vacation and she would do nothing for him, she was a cock tease. Now don't get me wrong I could care less, it's money I don't like being cheated out of. Then came along a few other women I just laughed it was hilarious how he would kiss their ass to marry him and no one wanted to, eventually one by one they walked away and he was mad because all his friends were being sucked into by some skank who just wanted a guy to support them. So they would get pregnant with intent and marry his friends, but Renato felt left out he didn't understand why no one would marry him?  First, all the white trash whores in Orange County most of these bitches want money up front, a guy with a lot of cash,  and has established himself with money and a strong position. Renato didn't have money like that, he was working class. Maybe he should have been a priest in Orange County all those scumbags freeload and never pays anything, of course, but he would have fucked that up to.

Renato worked hard to make money of course he had to support himself, but he went after women who had serious money or were established they didn't want a coke head and I believe they found out about him and his recreational habits. He was bad news his face went paralyzed from the drugs as I remember, but he didn't go to a doctor because he knew what would happen. He could have been deported. His friends all had the same drug problems, one of them left for Colorado in hopes of cleaning up but he didn't he worked as a cook and still had a drug problem. How STUPID WHY MOVE? DRUGS ARE DISTRIBUTED ALL OVER THE WORLD, THERE EVERYWHERE. If you want to QUIT you will obviously he didn't want to quit. Renato has always lived in Orange County renting from place to place with friends, he never lived on his own. A few times he begged women to marry him so he would have permanent residency. I would be shocked if some DUMB BITCH MARRIED HIM TODAY AND PUT UP WITH HIS SHIT! She would have to be just as fucked up as he is, but relationships don't last at all not these days and women want money especially if they have kids and children are financial leverage. Frankly, I'm surprised this loser hasn't had a heart attack from the drugs I wouldn't care if he did I won't send BLACK ROSES but I MIGHT PISS ON HIS GRAVE ROT IN HELL YOU PIECE OF SHIT YOU DESERVE IT. WHAT YOU DON'T DESERVE IS A FUCKEN AWARD FROM THE WHITE MAN FROM YORBALINDA as that city belongs and will always belong to the MEXICAN PEOPLE!!! NOT TO FUCKEN Italian IMMIGRANTS OR EURO TRASH claiming to be AMERICANS!




I'm Half White, NO your fucken STUPID and IGNORANT. A few people I've crossed in my life have tried to convince me of this about them but I know for a fact they are NOT WHITE, not even half. They're more than HALF STUPID. A woman I didn't know personally made this statement to someone else and we shared this conversation, it was told to me her race was Pakistan, and most of these people have dark skin, from the regions of their origins.

You will rarely see a white-skinned Pakistan, but she continued to deny her own race, stating she was white this was a problem. I once expressed that I was searching for words to convey the poisonous essence of the white race and how it infects the world. I'm still working on it but this denial is a perfect example of brainwashing and fear mixed together. Some people spend their lives being scared denying who they are and denying where they come from because of trauma and experiences they're unwilling to speak on. In the State of Idaho, too many white people have violently expressed their RACISM and a lot of this started when TRUMP began to stir the pot with his racist actions and his big mouth. Racism and abuse have always existed not just with people of color, although people of color have suffered the most.

There is "white racism" it's just never spoken of, the "holocaust" is an example, and what Putin has done in Ukraine is another example.  Look back on history and you can find every war that has occurred around the world, of course, men of all races in Government are guilty of MURDERING PEOPLE AND CHILDREN FOR MONETARY GAIN. FACEBOOK IS EXTREMELY GUILTY OF CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY but that doesn't bother Terry Fierro Mayer, who lives in Idaho works on a farm, and struggles to sell car insurance for Farmers. I've known Terry all my life unfortunately she's a relative and a disrespectful cunt. At this point, I have nothing good to say about her other than the lies she tells and the shit that comes out of her mouth. The last time I spoke with her after Todd died was the icing on the cake. I didn't want anything from her I just needed a friend to talk to at the time, but I won't forget what she said and her disrespectful shit attitude ending our conversation of how she believes in her sick mind she is "HALF WHITE". Terry goes above and beyond defending the white race, it doesn't matter she's been subjected to racism and abuse from white people while living most of her life in Idaho, she still defends them believing she is "half white".

I'm here to take a stand on the mercy of the court to provide a true statement. Terry Fierro Mayer is not "half white", she is Mexican and Hawaiian. I should know her dad was my second cousin and she is my third, but not anymore, I'm done and this is my final statement. A few years back I read articles about the racism that was plaguing the state of Idaho and the local areas. Officials at some point stepped in to STOP IT, because it was getting out of hand with violent threats against many people. There was a particular family who owned about 20 acres of land and it had become a "cult" a racist cult against anyone who wasn't white and their mindset was spreading like wildfire throughout the areas. Eventually, the family sold the land and I believe broke apart which is for the best.

Unfortunately, most people can't be stopped when things occur and cops are a pathetic joke who never do their job right. Cops are just as racists especially those men and women of color against their own kind and it's because of the "poisonous essences" intoxicating people, places, and things. Cops have fucked up attitudes and big egos that blind their vision. I've always had a theory about cops and why they go into law enforcement 1) coming from dysfunctional families so they can appear as the sane rational counter and 2) the personal abuse they may have been subjected to as a child. Either way, they damaged goods like everyone else lying to themselves and living in a violent society. However, Terry endorses child molesters because she spends so much time on FACEBOOK spying on family members and people she has personal problems with.

It really doesn't surprise me FACEBOOK turned out to be a CRIMINAL AND SEX OFFENDER, it's rather fucked up and disgusting Zuckerberg is allowed to perpetuate these sex offenses against children. I guess those who gave this SCUMBAG the GREENLIGHT must be participating in these sex offenses as well. I don't care if they are 18 years old, they're still children. Anyone who continues to support FACEBOOK supports sex offenders. As I mentioned Terry spends much of her time on this platform. What I find bothersome about her behavior is her being a fucken hypocrite, whatever problems she's had with certain people she once expressed to me she doesn't talk to anymore, that's fine but oddly she makes it her business to know everything they're doing at every given moment, where they live and where the work.

She will ask you for your birthday if you ever meet her and lie why she wants it? Yet her reasons are to rumble through your personal shit.  Her loser boyfriend who lives with her helps to support her so she doesn't lose her house, he's cheated on her many times and so has her ex-husband, but she holds on to the boyfriend because she needs that second income. Terry is dedicated to being an Amazon employee when she needs extra money to deliver packages. While we're on the subject of Amazon and Facebook they're out to destroy the state of Idaho. Jeff Bezos doing business with child molesters, I guess he hasn't been caught yet.

When I spoke with Terry last she assumed I needed someplace to stay, no actually I didn't but if I did, it wouldn't be Idaho, now don't get me wrong it a beautiful there and the land is really nice, but the toxic environment of white people infecting the land and air, I can get that right here in Los Angeles. See it's the white race that is the problem. Eric is a loser, he is the brother-in-law to Terry, and he married her sister a long time ago. When I first met him I knew he was a piece of shit, all of us were just kids at the time and Larry (Terry's dad) sold his house in Santa Monica and decided to leave to have a better life in Idaho and Eric attached himself to the family and never let go. 

If that isn't a burden I don't know what is? He's never worked just sponged off of everyone else and now supposedly he claims to have had a "brain tumor" for the last 15 years, right. Eric should call "Ripley's Believe it or Not", he could get a job as a side freak in the show. This guy is the biggest white trash loser that his wife has to support but he didn't have a problem conceiving children, I guess the brain tumor has its moments. The entire conversation between us started out with Terry and her smart mouth about how Mexican kids never leave home (neither do Armenians unless they marry). How do Mexicans have too many kids (so does everyone else) I saw a white woman with ten kids on YOU TUBE. Her shit attitude just kept pouring out derogatory remarks at me. I guess her college education didn't teach her much about society and its problems. Terry should win a prize in excellence for IGNORANCE, but she wouldn't be the only human stuck in the dark as many people fall into this category.

Unfortunately, Larry his brother Daniel, and their wives have all passed they didn't live long as cancer took them, and their only son Daniel Jr finally left after much heartache. He left behind memories to go somewhere new where nobody knows him and I wish him all the best. Sometimes a positive change is to leave behind everything and everyone to start a new chapter with better memories. Some of the kids who are now adults have been left behind with negative memories and a broken family. Although I realized as our conversation continued Terry would now and then have something pleasant to comment about, but over it was not a conversation based on kindness. I've come to realize IDENTITY is important and most people I know or know of never know who they are and Terry is one of them, she actually believes her menopause was during her 35 years of age. No YOUR DEAD WRONG!!!  During that time is the MID-LIFE CHANGE WHICH CAN LAST UP UNTIL YOU ARE 40 years old. When a woman hits 50, she loses her energy and her body changes drastically that is the MENAPUSE STAGE! There are only four stages to life and it all goes by fast, people search for someone to spend their life with because of fear of being alone. 

I'm not bothered by it, I just seek and ask the universe to bring me the financial security I desire to live out my life with joy. It's only our memories we take with us, the rest is dust for another human species to later evolve in our place.  Terry has many fears as I recognize we all do but to ground ourselves and face those fears takes courage. I'm sure her heart can at times be in the right place, but her bitterness and ignorance encourage that fear to stay at the surface. She is not mature enough or smart enough to have an understanding of herself or admit to her own mistakes, she's too busy judging everyone else as if she's any better. Terry left the responsibility to her sister to care for Ann when she was ill and died. Terry lives a few hours away from everyone else but always knows what's going on. There was something I realized after Ann lost her home that Larry paid for in cash as they had a beautiful home on ten acres of land. Brokering the tress since its lumber could have saved her from losing her home in back taxes. She could have made so much money with all that timber and placed the property into a "living trust". Her daughter Chrissie and Eric (the bump) could have lived in the home helping out. I just believe it's important to hold onto property your parents worked so hard to have, instead of allowing the bank to take it.

See what happens is the property goes into foreclosure but before that people who have cash on hand can step up and pay the back tax, (which is a tax lien), the owner has so much time to pay it back, but if they can't then the house goes up for auction. So for those people who say have 100,000 or 200,000 cash they buy the house very cheaply and pay the person back who paid the tax lien. What is left over the Government holds onto and that money is supposed to go back to the owner of the property. Most people never understand this. 

Those are called OVERTURES, in other states they may have a different label, but Ann Fierro could have had that 100,00o - 150,000 in her pocket after losing that property but not one person in the family knew anything about it, so the money just sits in the account and the Government never returns it. Millions of people all over the world lose their homes and it all goes back to a fucken bank the Government owns.  Daniel Jr did the same thing he didn't care after his parents died, he let the bank take their home and ten acres of land they worked for. In the end, this family has lost so much that NO ONE DARED TO FIGHT FOR IT.