If you want to be a star or work in the music business you will be forced to follow Satan. You will be forced to represent evil in your music or with symbols and language. It's all done in plain sight. Once you become famous you are expected to be a Satanist or at least represent Satan and show your gratitude, but frankly, it's not Satan that is asking for your devotion or to cause abuse on others, the WHITE MAN IS!! In this video the young man expresses Hollywood started with the Zionists. I wouldn't know but it's been obvious to me that if you want to be famous and rich you are expected to follow the WHITE MAN WHO HAS A BLACK SOUL AND ALL THAT IS EVIL WHICH DWELLS DEEP IN HIS HEART! Otherwise, you could end up being MURDERED such as Whitney Houston or Michael Jackson. Man has a CHOICE to do right, so you can't blame the DEVIL. It's humans who have either a demon soul or black soul or both and choose to MURDER FOR MONEY AND TO STAY IN POWER (however the power is an illusion) expose these criminals and murderers and strip them naked so they have nothing, they are nothing and they will feel shame. Of course, not everyone can be pushed that hard. Some people have fear and will cave in others will oblige in a commercial or hand signs during a concert every now and then, it s a subtle form but shows they will obey. Then you have the sick fucks such as ROMAN POLANSKI WHO HAD SHARON MURDERED. Let's look at some of the people who kept their promise to sell their ass and soul for money and fame but have no real talent! As for some who believe they are pathetic royalty, it is a concept, not a reality because families are liars - thieves and murderers!!! All that wealth is theft through the bank system and people are STUPID ENOUGH TO BELIEVE THE LIES THAT ARE TOLD!!

Let's crack on to the meat of the article she is not my favorite singer frankly I never liked this arrogant whore who was groomed from a child by a grown man that was infatuated with an 11-year-old girl. That is a perversion and a child molester mentality Rene Angelil. How he found her I have no idea but he groomed her to make her a big star and today this bitch still hasn't grown up. Once she turned 18 he was fucking her and married her how convenient. I guess being smart enough to wait until she was 18 so he wouldn't be labeled a child molester but that is exactly what RENE ANGELIL was. Who knows he might have been fucking her as she was growing up, no one will know but now that her career is over she promoted child abuse and what the media wants to call a line of clothing, "NEW WORLD ORDER" which was never a line of clothing, the media just said it was. It was CHILD MURDER being promoted and using SATANISM AS THE SMOKE SCREEN to fulfilled her obligation she needed to promote and please the SCUM at the top to show her gratitude.


None of these people have real talent, very few do but I do wonder for those who NEVER ALLOW themselves to show the obvious what exactly are they doing to stay clear of it? For example, Barbra Streisand has never been subjected to Satanism not that anyone has seen but that doesn't mean she isn't GUILTY! Just about all of these people have done dirty shit no one knows of. None of these people walk a clean line. They are expected to lie - steal - promote and kill for the order. Some are just worse than others. Many will never be honest about what they have done and their crimes. I once listened to Ann Wilson from Heart as the interviewer deliberately brought up CHARLES MASON's CASE, of how they were linked together and she denied it. I believe her because she was annoyed with the question, but it was the guy who bragged about it. That was the problem, it was with intent. It's an ignorant and subtle way to promote a human sacrifice killing and getting away with murder. Why do you think the media made a star of Mason all those years? Law Enforcement is the bigger problem because they are paid off all the time and never arrest people who have money when killing their child just like in the RAMSEY CASE, the FBI was lazy and sloppy and didn't care, because that little girl was murdered with intent by her parents the mother!! It was disgusting abuse and the police did not protect this child and refused to make an arrest. These white people are the problem in society. They are the ones poisoning the system and society. All of their dirty shit has come out, it's time to turn your back on this garbage. Satan doesn't exist in the way people think, it's within man, in the human mind and soul. Like I said before you have a choice, man says that choice is JESUS OR THE DEVIL.


THEY ARE POISONING FAMILIES!!!  Law enforcement doesn't care and refuses to do their job. We live in a disgusting vile society and I will be glad when it all ends because this human race deserves to burn in fire and it will happen. I pray to the DEVIL THE SCUM AT THE TOP GETS IT FIRST!!! ALL THE RICH - FAMOUS - POLITICIANS - ELITES BURN IN HELL!!! CELINE DION IS ENDORSING CHILD MURDERERS USING A CLOTHING LINE AS THE SMOKE SCREEN TO PROMOTE SATANISM FOR THE SCUM AT THE TOP WHO ARE CHILD MOLESTERS AND CHILD MURDERERS!! WHY DON'T YOU SACRIFICE YOUR OWN KIDS BITCH! None of these SCUM understand "spiritual enlightenment", they use Satanism and the Devil as the excuse to murder - promote - and make money. The DEVIL and EVIL lives in man's heart and mind. FUCK CHRISTIANS!! AND FUCK CELINE DION WHO CHILD MOLESTER OF A HUSBAND IS FINALLY DEAD!!!



Medical malpractice refers to professional negligence or misconduct by healthcare providers, such as doctors, nurses, or other medical professionals, resulting in patient harm or injury. It occurs when a healthcare provider fails to meet the accepted standard of care, which is the level of care that a reasonably competent healthcare professional with similar training and experience would provide in similar circumstances. Medical malpractice can take various forms, including misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis, surgical errors, medication errors, birth injuries, anesthesia mistakes, failure to obtain informed consent, improper treatment, or neglect to monitor a patient's condition. These actions or omissions can lead to serious consequences, such as worsening of medical condition, unnecessary pain and suffering, disability, or even death which is why most doctors today don't care about patients, they only care about money!!! 

To establish a medical malpractice claim, certain elements must be proven. These typically include demonstrating the existence of a doctor-patient relationship, establishing that the healthcare provider breached the standard of care, showing that the breach caused the patient's injury, and demonstrating the extent of damages suffered by the patient. It is important to note that medical malpractice cases can be complex and require expert testimony and legal expertise to navigate. If you believe you have been a medical malpractice law victim, assess your case's merits and guide you through the legal process. In the last five years my perception and trust among corporations especially in the medical field have changed to have a cynical view with a lack of trust and betrayal by numerous people from doctors, to state agencies, such as social security, cardiologists, mental health county facilities, property managers and various other people I am going to exploit. This list consists of people and businesses within state and county agencies. 

This exploitation is according to my personal experience with each person. I will be exploiting these people due to negligence and gross incompetence and since exploitation is the most effective method that still stands strong it's what is going to be used throughout this entire blog. There are numerous pieces of information but I will be giving the short version. My intention here is that the public take into consideration the problems I have faced and look out for similar pitfalls in case anyone faces those same problems. If a civil court hearing will need to take place I will support you if you must challenge these same people in court. I will corroborate your story if needed and add my story to assist you in any legal battle, nothing would make me happier than to see the following ass-wads lose their jobs!! Cardiologist Chris Christodoulou is a cardiologist in Pasadena he appears to have a good rating, but frankly he doesn't do much for his patients. This piece of shit is judgmental and disrespectful to his patients. If you tell him of any personal recreational use from the past he will hold it against you and later throw it in your face (in a nice way claiming it is the problem why your heart is in this condition?), not necessarily. Living in society is stressful, add personal problems not all people can cope well. You don't know us asshole! You are a homosexual faggot you don't think I can't see that? I'm not judging you for being someone's bitch, so who are you to judge anyone else?

I've known many people who have done recreational drugs and still lived a long life. There are many contributing factors to why the heart can begin to fail. However, it's not for anyone to judge. Chris is grossly negligent in doing his job and helping patients. After he had performed a stress test which didn't have much weight, he ignored during an entire year Todd's heart was fell from 65% to 35%. As for the tests, the outcome was never discussed what the results indicated, to Mr. Taylor, or myself nor did this doctor give any kind of suggestion of how he could help to keep Todd alive, it was all ignored. He wanted Todd to die. Christodoulou is an abusive negligent cardiologist!!! In addition, his staff of young girls was grossly incompetent and negligent with appointments. His staff would change the appointments on me without notice or informing me. When it came time I would confirm Todd's appointments before we showed up since the office never called. And wouldn't you know it, the girl gave me a different date and time claiming it was the same appt. all along. The mind fucking didn't fly with me, when I informed Christodoulou about this he blew me off like I was stupid instead of taking responsibility for his negligent staff. Another time one of his young staffers was a dumbbell and left Todd's medical card in the copy machine, then she did her best to blame me that I must have misplaced it. Really? When you had it all this time I misplaced it? 

As I instructed her to go back and look for it she insisted on giving me a black and white copy of it. How are you going to do this you ignorant bitch! If you can't find the original? I yelled at her stupid ass one last time to go back to the machine and see if it was left behind. WOW! What do you know her dumb ass finally realized, it was her fault, but there was no apology. Now, I realize people make mistakes, but this cunt again was mind fucking me and refuse to take responsibility. The entire time I am having this argument with this stupid bitch another partner of this shit medical office was sitting there listening to the conversation, and not once did he bother to tell this bitch a fucken thing!!! Chris Christodoulou is a gross incompetent doctor he doesn't give a fuck about Medicare or Medi-Cal patients and the overbooking is a problem since these doctors have 85% of patients using this type of insurance the doctor only makes about $12 to 15 dollars per patient. Therefore the overcrowding with appointments goes hand in hand with lack of medical care mixed in with biases and discrimination you have so many shitty fucken doctors believing they're so above everyone giving the medical profession a bad name. After reporting this to the medical board they don't give a fuck either. This is how rotten the system is that we live in America. All this happened long before this covid crap. Chris did all he could to block me and ignore me and told his office manager to blow me off because she refused to acknowledge my calls. Gross negligent Christopher Christodoulou is no doctor this guy is a piece of shit. Nimish Patel Cardiologist who is in Whittier, Ca this so-called shit Cardiologist works out of Whittier Hospital, now understand all doctors jump around from hospital to hospital, to make a fat paycheck, and very few keep an office. Unless it's for tax purposes and because most of the state and country have Medicare or Medi-Cal (as the services are only for the rich) or unless you have money to pay for your own health services, the healthcare you get is shit. Doctors don't fucken care about patients at all. My cousin in Idaho experienced the same fucken problems of poor services similar to mine with her dad and the cardiologist over there. It was exactly the same problems with doctors and their shit attitudes, lack of care, gross negligence, and gross incompetent staff. I will get to the point I only met this sand- negro one time and he was in Todd's room at the Whittier hospital being verbally abusive and expressing mental cruelty, with verbal abuse calling Todd names and expressing derogatory remarks, is what I caught him doing. Todd was very ill and this piece of shit was abusing Todd when he was in the hospital. Mental cruelty and verbal abuse from this doctor!!

Another problem with this field is there are too many young ass-wads working in these places because the nurse who was supposed to be helping Todd at the time wasn't. She sat on her fat ass and did nothing, I walked in and Todd peed on the floor and she did nothing to help him shower or clean him up. The entire time Todd was in the hospital he was being abused by staff. The social worker Pat Eddings was doping Todd up on drugs behind my back and at 9pm this shrink came in with test questions Todd couldn't answer. The intent here was to build a case against Todd to stick him in a State facility when he had Dementia the entire time and his heart was failing him. No one listened to anything I said. This was a serious case of medical abuse at Whittier Hospital in Whittier CA. All are responsible for the lack of care and medical abuse of patients. I removed Todd and Pat called the police. This is when the bullshit started. Her intention was to lock Todd up and kill him, the State likes it when they get kickbacks, and doctors too. LA Care is the worst medical service to have, they are a big company worth millions of dollars but if you have the time, energy, and evidence to prove medical and patient negligence then you can sue their fucken ass in court. DMHC doesn't have a problem succeeding with lawsuits. Those mother fuckers have sued LA Care and so many others and collecting all that cash. Do you think they shared it with the patients? Of course not, it went STRAIGHT into their personal bank accounts. Just look how DMHC is collecting all this money suing these agencies but the patients are still dealing with medical negligence and gross incompetence, and those at DMHC are raking in the cash. 

Of course, they have the time and attorneys to help with their lawsuits, they're not the ones, like the patients dealing with the extra stress, abuse, and aggravation coming from these shit medical doctors and hospitals. As the patients are taking all the abuse DMHC is raking in the profits and is never being held accountable for white-collar crimes!!! Only in America is theft and murder a rich commodity for corporations! As for LA Care every time I had a complaint it was a joke. It went nowhere, only a waste of stamps and paperwork, never a resolution. Customer Service would never allow me to speak to management. The excuse was "we will call you back and never did. I couldn't find a decent doctor for Todd after Dr. Gonzales MIA on us. Later his wife lied and claimed Todd was not a patient which was STUPID to say this as I have so much proof he was after three years. LA Care refused to help me find an internist Doctor for Todd, so I ended up having to go to Teresa Tincopa. This entire situation was an abusive situation of poor medical care against patients. LA Care has the worst group of third-party ass-wads I had to go through for authorizations (everyone wants to make a buck) and one of those mother fuckers was IP preferred. These third-party ass-wads shouldn't be allowed to make authorizations, they are not doctors, they are mickey mouse medical setup raking in fucken cash on patients, this is how fucked the system of medical care is in California!! It's so convoluted it needs to be lit with a match and burned to the ground! I've changed my coverage, and it has slightly improved, but my health is entirely on me to take care of myself as much as possible. As I look to the universe to remove obstacles and assist me with my health and other problems to live a more carefree lifestyle, so far it's worked. You can't trust this toxic system. Now there are too many thieves stealing from the system. Regardless you can NOT count on these agencies THEY WILL BETRAY YOU because the state of California wants to kill people and shove people in shelters and mental facilities. It's no joke, it's serious and very ugly. Centuries ago people who were prisoners and patients were being thrown in the same mental facilities. It was only until certain women began to separate that the issues created greater change. However, today everything is reverting backward against the human race. Frankly, this hate and murder primarily is being subjected by the white race (ELITES AND POLITICIANS) and against people of color, but those who now see the truth of their own kind are infected just the same. 

It no longer matters what race you are, the Elites are killing everyone and destroying the world, destroying the human race. Daniel Choo another gross negligent doctor in Hacienda Hts. I took Todd to see him he was not helpful at all and could be careless. He said to me he could insert a pacemaker but what's the point if he has Dementia? Then he turns around and tells Teresa Tincopa for us to never come to his office again. That is what a piece of shit he really is. Choo is no fucken doctor, just another piece of shit only concerned with a paycheck and serving the fucken Immigrant Koreans!! He only takes pride in favoring his own kind. The medical profession doesn't give a shit about people, these doctors are extremely negligent to the health and welfare of patients.

They chose this profession so they don't get a pass I don't give a fuck how they're day is going or what problems they have, take a day off, but there is no excuse for mental cruelty and verbal abuse coming from these pieces of shit. During my time with Todd it was a battle at every turn from doctors, social workers state agencies, and the hospitals all of them will turn on you to put someone in a facility so the State of California can make money off the sick and dying. I've noticed many doctors will prescribe drugs just to get patients hooked on drugs. Anthony Imperdo is no better a physician at St.Jude Hospital one of the worst in the city of Fullerton, but it's better than Whittier. Let me fill you in on this piece of shit. Anthony Imperado works at Fullerton in the hospital because this is where doctors make their money, not necessarily at the office since health care is only for the rich these days. 

Dr. Anthony Imperado (A144500) thought it was okay to stab me in the back by sending a referral to this shit place in Santa Ana a convalescent hospital (which is privately owned and usually have pending lawsuits against them). I confronted that piece of shit and told him to release Todd now I was taking him home. He has suffered enough abuse in these hospitals and a lack of care. Mental cruelty and shoving people in facilities because it's all kickbacks for the doctors and hospitals. I get a call from this cunt at Regal Medical Group Karin Edinbyrd, saying, I've been calling you and calling you (lies) and that she is sending an ambulance to pick Todd up and take him away to a facility. This bitch and Regal were trying so hard to murder Todd. Karin threatened Todd's life and was fighting me to place him in a facility, but I had "power of attorney" over his health and well-being. And the scumbag in charge who allows employees to behave this way is Daniel Frank. I told Karin "DO IT, AND I WILL BE WAITING FOR YOU WITH A SHOT GUN"!!

Supposedly Daniel Frank is in charge of this shit Medical Group, but Regal has many lawsuits against them for gross negligence and abuse of patients. As for Anthony Imperado, he is just as disrespectful and lied to me several times, once I had him face to face I confronted him and he couldn't care less. Anthony Imperado is a fucken loser!!! He is no doctor and will betray you, never trust this son of bitch! I am holding all these mother fuckers responsible for Todd's death and mental cruelty! As for Karen, I posted articles on the net as I found other reviews about this cunt, patients were angry with her as well, but she had them removed. Not here Bitch! It's payback time and since you think it's okay to be an abusive person, it's a matter of time before you lose your job, however, you are getting old aren't you? Karma. This BITCH has now changed her name since I exploited her.




I found an interesting article about Ghislaine Maxwell who was never sent to prison. The media speaks of her as if she is a victim and was abused, calling her a social light. It's ridiculous to glamorize child molesters and the US Gov involved with a prostitution ring. How this crook system gets away with all this abuse and the public refuses to do anything about it. The rest of the criminal allies are all tied together including Facebook. This country of people is refusing to rise against the corruption and pimping and pandering and murdering of children going on. This country has been in the toilet from the moment the white man stamped his foot on this soil and pissed all over it. The corruption and financial abuse run deep. So many people including law enforcement are involved in all this shit of pimping and pandering - child trafficking - murdering kids and homosexual perversions in the movie and music business. All those years those girls were allowing themselves to be prostituted by all those men from BILL GATES to ANDREW from the fake royal family. These people are running their own prostitution ring for the rich. Claiming Epstein was a financially wealthy man off of what? Tax Payers money. This article discusses how Bill Gates and Epstein go way back decades. Then they were friends all this time, that SCUM IS GUILTY! And how Melinda Gates supposedly wanted a divorce a long time ago but who knows if she really filed. If she did it's because she wanted to wash her hands clean of her husband and his dirty secrets of fucking underage girls. Knowing he was GUILTY ALL THIS TIME!

Now that all their dirty laundry is out and the world knows the truth about these dirty white people Melinda had to cut ties. That BITCH knew all along her husband's dirty dealings and what he was doing. Every wife knows what her husband does. Yet the media holds these white people by the hand and says how Bill Gates was having an affair, BULLSHIT!!!  Grown-ass men don't have affairs with underage girls!! This little girl looks like his daughter, they could be sisters! THIS COLLECTION OF PEOPLE IN THIS COUNTRY NEEDS TO FIGHT BACK AND STOP THESE CRIMINALS FROM THE ONGOING TRAFFICKING AND PROSTITUTION IN THIS COUNTRY IT IS OUT OF CONTROL!!! ALL OF THIS CRAP IS LINKED TO FACEBOOK AND FALSE GOVERNMENT! EPSTEIN DIDN'T KILL HIMSELF



Antonia Velarde Contreras Christian Hypocrite that is exactly what she is. I know the bitch. Sometimes when you grow up with your siblings being close to them you later realize the greed and lies that person is characterized by, not her Christian beliefs which is a contradiction. Most of us know the church is filled with liars and hypocrites. Any church is in business for itself. It dares to ask the people for donations so the preacher and his fat wife (Patti) can be supported and pay all their bills and have a profit. Yet if a human in the community goes to the church and needs help no way, are you a member? It's about taking not giving Christian motto.

Antonia Contreras should have asked Patti and her husband every time she needed money, instead, she always harassed my parents, especially my father, because her shit husband Tony Contreras is a loser who couldn't support his own family. And not once did this piece of shit show any respect or "a thank you" to my father for all his financial help. Let's look back on this and I will show you over the last 30-plus years how this cunt who is my mother's daughter took advantage of my father and his money. Tonia and Tony met at a dance when she was 13 and he was 18, then she dated him and got pregnant by 15. SURPRISE! How typical that this guy should have gone to prison for "statutory rape". Instead, these two idiots believed to be in love (delusions) married, and flew away to Germany since Tony had no plans for his future, joining the military was the quick solution to solve the problem of needing support. During the two years living in Germany, Tonia never saved money or could balance a checkbook nor did she work!

The military provides free housing and a salary enough to live on, so her gross negligence of money was her focus on being irresponsible. Asking my father for money was a regular thing Tonia did, her husband wasn't man enough to support his family and wife. When these two idiots came back they had no plans for the future, home or work. Tonia should have gone to work and had enough sense to protect herself from pregnancy, but again being STUPID she did neither, just had two more mouths to feed which neither one of these ass-wads could support because of laziness and a husband who lacks ambition! Both of them returned to the States and after several years of going back and forth from my father's house to her in-laws, Tonia began to show her true colors which lacked respect for our parents, her laziness in refusing to work a job and make a living. Yet she had plenty of respect for her shit-in-laws and that ignorant sister-in-law Irene Contreras who found her husband in the gutter (PRISON) who was the biggest piece of shit I had ever seen, Al never supported his two kids and later bailed on the family. 

Yet Tonia believed Irene to be such an upstanding person and when Tonia needed help with medical care it was Debra her sister who supplied the help and cost since Tonia and Tony didn't have a pot to piss in, but this whore would NEVER help Debra now if she needed it, hell NO! Tonia used everyone in the family for money, with her disrespect for the very same people she would beg from including myself this rant is well deserved in her name. As I used my credit cards to buy her kid's school clothes, and pay her fucken rent because her useless husband was a piece of shit. I'm just getting started bitch! After Tony Contreras decided to save his soul because he believed himself to be living in SIN, it didn't STOP this loser from taking money from my father, regularly, like the time my father paid $1000 for his warrant so the Army wouldn't kick his ass out. My mother went out of her way to buy this whore a car because again her scum-bag husband couldn't afford it but what happened, it all turned to salt. 

A hit and run and the car was ruined and not once did this cunt allow our mother to drive the car that is what a selfish whore she was and still is. Her behavior is the reason the car accident happened and she later lost the car. Tonia did a good job of ruining our mothers' credit. See Tonia Contreras has never worked she is a lazy whore who expects her worthless husband to support her while she sits on her fat ass running to her church but never helping anyone. When her grandfather Frank died Tonia didn't fucken care she was too busy with her church rival it was more important. Like her aunt Frances she is a self bitch! There was a time before our relationship separated when she begged me to watch my kids because she needed money, while I worked and went to school, she was paid over $1000 a month, and one day screams at me because this cunt was too dumb to know she had to pay taxes on the money. Tonia and Tony had four kids they couldn't support financially because neither one of these morons made an effort to work or have a career. Both of our parents worked hard and took turns caring for us kids as we grew up. Not Tonia and Tony lazy pieces of shit both of them. She stole my father's house and ripped off our mother because she couldn't afford to buy a house in California!


Not these losers, they were too lazy and stupid to work together as husband and wife should, especially Tonia. Yet let's give what little money we have to the church so God will bless us! Yeah well maybe BITCH you should have asked God to pay your fucken rent! At one point Tony left the Army I guess he thought he could find something better but he didn't make much effort and he was never educated. They lived in a dump still begging for money. After years of freeloading off our parents, they moved from one shit apt to another, and when he couldn't make the rent Tony begged the Army to take him back. This scumbag lacked ambition and brains and yet when he and I finally had a fist-to-fist argument, this mother fucker thought he could tell me off. I reminded this piece of shit who is NO MAN how much money he owed my father, not his father, my father. Tony never dared to ask his parents for money or the fucken church because they were just as fucked up and couldn't manage their bank book. Over the years, they lost their house in La Puente. Tony thought he was smart, well I'm smarter scumbag! Tonia is a fucken COWARD hiding in the house like a bitch!

Tonia and Tony couldn't manage shit in their lives but Tonia always had so much more respect for her fucken in-laws than she did for our mother and my father. Since Tonia never worked a job she would babysit her friend's child but I later told Rachel of how Tonia was abusing Jerry, he was a good kid and Tonia would force-feed him Valerie's leftovers and shove food in his mouth, and force him to take naps all the time. While we're on the subject of Valerie Contreras let me mention the "apple doesn't fall far from the tree", her daughter is another whore, gets pregnant, and throws her baby in the garbage like he's trash, so her parents had to raise him as she didn't want him. I guess Tonia should have thought twice about spoiling the wrong kid. It could have been worse though, Valerie could have murdered the kid as some of the white cunts like Casey Lee Anthony. I REGRET NOT informing the police of the child abuse Tonia inflicted on my children and little Jerry, but it was the beginning of severing the family relationship. It doesn't matter how old all of us are now, nothing has changed Tonia and Tony think they're shit don't stink because now they cheated our mother out of $265,000 of the price of my father's house. The truth is these losers who claim to be for GOD can't afford to buy a house in California, this is why he went to the VA to finance and cheated Gloria Palomares out of the sale of the property. Tony had the nerve to brag to a relative who told me he was waiting for my mother to die so he could sell the house and buy something bigger and better. IF I HAVE TO SELL MY SOUL TO SATAN TO SEE YOU BURN MOTHER FUCKER I WILL!!!

Will see about that, this piece of shit owed my father thousand and thousand of dollars, he disrespected my father and when he died he NEVER showed fucken gratitude or once ever told my father "thank you" and this low-life rapist actually thinks his credentials now mean something? FUCK THE BOTH OF YOU AND YOUR FUCKEN CHURCH. I SO HOPE YOU ALL BURN IN HELL FOR ETERNITY WHEN THIS HUMAN RACE ENDS INCLUDING PATTI DORIS!! THE CHURCH AND EVERYONE IN IT ARE PATHETIC FUCKEN HYPOCRITES!! THE CHURCH IS A CRUCH OF RUNNING FROM YOUR SINS AND HIDING FROM WHAT YOU REALLY ARE, THINKING GOD IS GOING TO SAVE YOUR SOUL AND FORGIVE YOU FOR ALL THE LIES YOU TELL AND THE BETRAYAL YOU ARE GUILTY OF. GOD WON'T BECAUSE THERE IS NO GOD. WHY DIDN'T YOU ASK PATTI DORIS FOR MONEY BITCH? This is how ungrateful Tonia and Tony Contreras really are. Once someone from the church gave Melissa the youngest kid a dress when she was a baby and Tony made a big deal about it, let's give them a "thank you card". Yeah, when did he ever give my father anything? NEVER NEVER RETURNED HIS MONEY OR THANKED HIM FOR ALL THE YEARS OF SUPPORTING HIS ASS AND HIS KIDS!! YOUR FUCKEN PIECE OF SHIT!

I just looked at him in disgust since when have you ever thanked my father you fucken pig? Never, once my father told Tonia to return the money and she was so disrespectful Tonia started yelling at my father over the phone because she didn't want to pay the money she owed. Tonia Velarde Contreras is a GREEDY WHORE who disrespected my father. Her father was drunk and a loser who committed suicide when she was 2 years old. Richard never helped our mother when she had Debra and Tonia raising them alone. Frank their grandfather was always there but Tonia wasn't when Frank died. She didn't give a fuck Tonia was busy at church, just like when Anthony Jr. had an important engagement but church was more important THAN YOUR SON. THE CHURCH SHOULD SUPPORT YOUR BILLS BITCH AND RAISE YOUR KIDS AND PURCHASE YOU A HOME BITCH!! YOU SELFISH GREEDY CUNT!! GO ASK PATTI DORIS FOR MONEY BITCH!!

I'm going to do you the favor of letting the world know what a fucken greedy whore you are and that your husband is a piece of shit. Do you think Tony is innocent if he was then why did he stick his tongue down Debra's throat when you first met him? He was always looking at her and her friends. Or how about the time she was swimming and he got an erection in his pants because she was in her swimsuit? Tony ran out of the house he couldn't control his erection. Debra had no idea what was going on, but your husband has marital affairs with women at the church too and you Tonia, with your hand on another man's chest when taking a photograph smiling. Denying your feelings? Desiring to have a sexual affair with another man are you? Is it running through your mind you Christian Cunt! I have so much dirt on you bitch the world is going to know what a greedy selfish whore you are and your kids need to know the truth too, so they don't think that mom was a saint in school, that's right your a high school drop out who was barefoot and pregnant at 15. 

Yet here you are talking shit and disrespecting Mom about Jack, remember the time you had a nasty attitude "Oh he got good grades". I REMEMBER EVERYTHING BITCH!! Your fucken kids are shit. Anthony Jr was the only one who amounted to anything. Hell, Anthony has three houses and you can't even afford one. YOU HAD TO FUCKEN STEAL IT AND RIP OFF OUR MOTHER!!! You know being married to the same loser for over 40 years I would think you should have been so far ahead in life but you are NOT!! Neither one of you, it's much easier to steal from our mother isn't it, you ungrateful cunt? STOP GIVING MONEY TO THE CHURCH!!!



Tirza Veliz from Riverside is a Black Widow by nature, she is young, and very attractive, but highly vengeful, and an adroit liar. A few years back early one morning I heard the yelling of a young female walking down the inside of a hallway on the property where I lived and her "gangster boyfriend" was trying to break the lock on my front door. As both of these losers attempted to break into my home, they were caught on film. The young girl who was yelling was Tirza's sister with her long dark hair and the other person was some young Mexican kid wearing a black hoodie. I guess Tirza must think she is intelligent in telling her sleazy family members to break into my home as she works hard at being a threat to people she hardly knows. Unfortunately, I'm not as stupid as her parents who fall for her bullshit. Let me describe a situation that involved the police making a false arrest with abusive behavior, all because this whore wants to cry wolf about domestic violence which NEVER HAPPENED! Tirza has had numerous relationships over the years most of which haven't worked out. 

She is the mother to a young child and yet Tirza wasn't raising this little girl herself, Tirza's parents were raising the kid. One day she meets a young man who has his own place and Tirza doesn't like the idea of having to live with her family anymore, but not being able to afford a place of her own, she somehow uses her manipulation tactics and false charm to move into the unit because her intention was to kick the person out who was the original tenant so she could have the place to herself. I guess she thought she was the smarter of the two having this young man arrested on false charges lying about how he was hitting her and abusing the daughter. Did I tell you Tirza Veliz has done this before? Yes, she has a long history of crying "domestic violence". That's right she has done this to another young man because the court docs are still on the internet. Remember any time you take another person to court it shows up as public record. A man named Rudy Avila was also the victim of Tirza's evil plan. Tirza has numerous sexual relationships with various people including her female cop friends she is FUCKING!

Her ex-husband makes a very good living bringing people to the US from other countries, so he gives her what money he can for his daughter and gets a "fuck bonus" on top of it. Then there is her friend the "cop" Her dyke lesbian friend Tirza also has a fuck relationship with this cop as long as her friend can run pedigree information on people which cops are not legally allowed to do. At least not randomly, it makes Tirza happy to steal Identity. This is a form of "IDENTITY THEFT" the cop and Tirza are committing. If I had that lesbian cunts name I would be calling Internal Affairs!!! So to finish the story a court hearing took place and this young man had an attorney, of course, that fat fuck the time (since then he lost 100 pds) was useless, and never did his job. As a matter of fact, he betrayed the client and decided to hand his card to Tirza so she would call him. I guess that attorney wants a piece of ass too. As for the court hearing the judge already knew she was lying, she provided no evidence at all, but this is the corrupt part of the court system. The opposing party has to prove they are NOT GUILTY, and the court automatically believes a whore like Tirza Veliz. Now this is really bad as young women can easily lie and get away with calling the police about how they were raped or beaten up making false charges. The cops and courts assume their right, it's the man who gets screwed over and has to prove his innocence. This is why I am exposing this WHORE TIRZA VELIZ and the lawyer (Nathan Gjesdal) from Seyb Law Firm who too is big a whore (with a license) as the bitch who lies about domestic violence. Let me educate everyone on domestic violence. Women who are in severe relationships of violence are not seeking help, why? 

Their mentally and emotionally damaged that they are too afraid. Most people can never understand that it's a psychologically manipulative tactic of the person who is causing the fear and abuse. I've known many women in severe situations of abuse and they never got the help they needed. Those women will never ask for help, they hide and make excuses for the person who is battering them. Social Workers refuse to do their job correctly and have a handicap for helping the kids who were infected by all of it. When a woman and her children are being severely abused, you're not going to see or hear from the family. I had a friend in high school whose father was very violent and tore the family apart, my friend was only 16 years old and was on the street because the mother was too scared to do anything about it. Another trap of domestic violence is when a man keeps the woman barefoot and pregnant so he can keep her away from family and friends. If she is young he can use manipulation. I've known young and older women who have been abused by a husband and boyfriend. It's nothing to lie or joke about. One young woman I worked with told me how her brother raped her several times. He was sent to prison but later released. 

Michelle ended up marrying her boyfriend who was violent because he learned it from his father. Domestic violence is a vicious cycle and nothing to laugh about or lie about but this bitch has her problems she has not resolved and until she does, nothing will change for her. Tirza is a liar and whore, and her rotten behavior didn't get her far, but she tried hard to ruin an innocent man's life, all because she wanted him to pay her bills. She also tried to get pregnant so she could trap the man, and he paid a heavy price for his freedom, but he eventually escaped. Yes, I know it's all hard for so many ignorant people to believe, but women can be just as abusive as a man. Men might lie a lot, but women are better liars. Women can be very convincing to an audience and stage an entire show because women are extremely vengeful when they choose to be. Her plan didn't work, but what she did do was find another fool to fuck, get pregnant and now he is paying all the bills. If you ever see Tirza Veliz stay far and away, she will steal your pedigree information and use it to benefit herself. Tirza now has three kids, is fat, and has another Jon (she is trapped) to support her so she doesn't have to work. I feel sorry for that guy he really has no idea the mistake he just made. If you think TIRZA this is DEFAMATION THEN LET'S GO TO COURT BITCH, I WILL RIP YOU TO SHREDS, AND THAT COP LESBIAN CUNT YOU FUCK. I AM NOT EASILY INTIMIDATED BITCH!


JonBenet Ramsey was Murdered by her Mother and I stand by my theory, those fucked up white people are so GUILTY for killing that child. The father is a child molester and the mother killed her, jealousy, rage, who knows what happened? Well, actually the brother knows but he will never speak about it. He's going to his grave with that secret. Maybe the father threatened him it wouldn't surprise me. For a long time, the parents were trying to convince the public that her brother killed her. I don't think so, but either way, all are GUILTY. Patsy Ramsey, that bitch is so guilty of murdering that baby. Yet this rich asshole John Ramsey hides like a coward behind his church. I have no doubt the church he hides behind is being given large amounts of cash to support this child predator. Yet the media continues to lie showing other images of criminals they easily target and who's going to argue it? Now let's go over what I recall watching on the news media. Let me begin from here, cops are called to the Ramsey home about a ransom and a crime that took place in the home. The first thing the cops do is fuck up the crime scene by stepping all over the area with their big feet. 

They're good at that. Next rich people like this are more likely to commit crimes in their homes and redirect the blame. It's so rare that an "average Joe" is going to trample in a rich neighborhood and just happen to know what house to target. It's not likely and someone always sees a stranger in a rich area, someone is always looking out a window. The mother Patsy Ramsey killed that child and for that, she was punished with cancer to her demise was death one year later, remember? However, it's not just her death that convinced me that both parents are responsible, it was the video I saw of Patsy and Jon Ramsey. 

When Patsy remarked these words I was convinced she was referring to herself and her husband. Another fucked up white trash family getting away with MURDER! Jon and Patsy Ramsey are GUILTY of the Murder of JonBenet Ramsey. The father is a child predator and the mother is a murderer. "The only person who knows who killed JonBenet is the person who killed her and the person the killer told". That is when I knew she was speaking about herself! This bitch had a cold look and attitude with malice and no empathy that her child was dead. I would have been filled with rage and hysterical, not this white bitch, she wants to appear innocent, but she was GUILTY!!  THE WHITE RACE IS THE POISONOUS ESSENCE IS THE WORLD WITH HATE AND MURDER. EVERYTHING THEY TOUCH IS BLACK WITH MALICE!

Any mother who truly loves her child will protect that child with her own life. Patsy Ramsey was no mother with love or empathy for her children, she was controlling, abusive, and cold-hearted cunt, very similar to Casey Lee Anthony she too is a cold-blooded murderer. White people are the poison in society, they are the poison that shits on everyone else, infecting people. I'm sick of listening to the media and all the lies, this has been going on for as long as John Ramsey is alive, so no one ever suspects John Ramsey is a child molester, but let's wait and see when this piece of shit dies, only then will Burke come out and admit to his parent's sadistic behaviors of murdering his sister. As a parent you are the sick excuse for a human being to exploit your child with makeup on her face and have her dance around for public display, that is "child exploitation" and "child abuse". Children should not be made up like dolls for predators to enjoy watching in pageants. This mother Patsy Ramsey exploited her child for all child molesters to watch. Jon Ramsey is a Child Predator and Child Molester, fuck this white man, white people commit the most heinous crimes against humanity, just look at history. White people are slave owners, child molesters, raping their kids, incest, thieves and liars, and murder their kids for insurance money, but it's people of color who are targeted the most. It's white people who commit the most heinous crimes and never do the prison time or are executed especially if they have money. It's so easy to get away with crimes against humanity, the killings of your own family members. BURN IN HELL YOU MURDERING BITCH!

The media needs to STOP lying about this case I am so sick of hearing the bullshit and the lies of this case. Now the news media claims some crazy white guy is to blame, how easy to pin it on a nameless face who can't defend himself. These parents are to BLAME FOR MURDERING THAT CHILD AND RAPING HER BEFORE HER DEATH! JonBenet Ramsey was murdered at the hands of her mother because of jealousy after Jon Ramsey sexually abused his child. Fuck these white people and cops did a SHIT JOB REFUSING TO PERSECUTE THEM! LAW ENFORCEMENT IS DISGUSTING AND REFUSE TO PERSECUTE BOTH OF THESE PIECES OF SHIT FOR MURDERING THAT CHILD AND NOT PROTECTING HER. COPS AND THE FBI FAILED! IT MUST BE THE CASH BRIBES AS THE INCENTIVE FOR LACK OF COOPERATION!



YMCA has been around for several years they are known for swimming pools and workouts, it's basically a safe haven and an inexpensive gym membership, but extremely racist. Let me not forget kids have a fun time at the location 15740 Starbucks in Whittier, regardless members have complained and this was during a time when Lori and Scott Tiffany were managing this location. A lazy white couple who was abusive, racist, and didn't care what was going on, but they just happened to bail and the time COVID hit, how convenient. It won't stop me from exploiting them in hopes where they are working now, the employer seems to know both of these ass-wads are pieces of shit and treated Todd and myself very badly when we were members there.

Now let me describe my experiences with this corrupt corporation that chooses to separate itself from other locations and the reason for this is not to have any responsibility for the mishandling of management being racist and abusive. SO any complaints you want to make will go unheard, but I did just find out that the Hadley location in Whittier is considered corporate for both Whittier locations. Around five years ago I went to a Fullerton location and it was horrible, young kids were working here, and they were non-welcoming and extremely rude not wanting to describe member services, I never went there again, the real problems were at the Whittier locations which are two. As you might notice YMCA does not allow reviews any longer, but Google doesn't delete reviews on their end, and if the person who placed the review doesn't delete it, the review continues on the internet. 

First I realize time has passed but at the time 5 years ago some white woman in the back with blonde hair (Lori Tiffany) was working as a manager at the Starbucks location. I expressed to her that the employee at the front desk was speaking at me every time I showed up as if I was stupid and I was fed up with it. So instead of this bitch just having a talk with her and apologizing, she decided to be a cunt and start making up lies picking on Todd (my man) for no reason, then another time she deliberately called the police on Todd when he was standing outside waiting for me. The Whittier police harassed him for no reason. This white bitch also would call the police all the time to come to the YMCA and walk around to intimidate customers. She was a cunt on wheels all because I spoke out against the employee who was badgering me verbally, Lori retaliated. I paid for services.

However, it didn't stop there, I once showed up at 6am walked up to the front door, when this piece of shit with "short man syndrome" starts screaming at me and then turns around and speaks nicely to some other man. I guess this loser's mommy mistreated him as a child, and now he's intimidated by women. Another time some old white guy was standing outside, I'm in my car minding my own business he comes over and starts talking shit, just starting trouble like white people do. I told him to "fuck off". This is my favorite, some old bitch once told me I belong in the zoo, and as I was coming out of the women's lock room, I replied, "Oh yeah" and you bitch should be dead 6 feet down. The entire place was toxic and filled with hate and racist white people!!

The entire facility was extremely toxic with toxic predominately white shit-talking people who just couldn't get enough needing to start shit. It was a really horrible, horrible place. As Scott and Lori were the reason behind it all, the poison that spread worse than COVID. As for the other location in Whittier, at 12510 Hadley in Whittier, it was no different. Many people have left since COVID started so hopefully it's better, but I don't bother with toxic places anymore. So if by chance you run into this shit white couple, just watch out, report Scott to the police, and keep him away from your children, I personally would not trust him around small children. Scott and Lori Tiffany are both a racist white couple everywhere they work in pairs, Lori is a total cunt she is not helpful and will betray you in a heartbeat, don't be fooled by her fake attitude with a smile its all in the act. THESE TWO WORK AS A TAG TEAM ALWAYS TOGETHER WITH THE SAME COMPANY AS A MANAGER. WATCH OUT FOR THESE TWO. 



Freedom House has a philosophy stating "CHANGING THE WORLD ONE LIFE AT A TIME", considering they do NOTHING FOR NO ONE!! It's hilarious as they pretend to do the Lord's work when in fact "GOD" is being used for financial gain and yet this fraud organization does nothing for anyone ever. JOSIAH SILVA believes he is so important as he NEVER speaks to anyone, just when he's on stage needing that extra attention his mommy never gave him. Josiah is just up there with the movie stars and the president. He has a bigger ego than his dick. You will never hear or see them help anyone on the street or house anyone. You will never hear of FREEDOM HOUSE giving food cards or gas, helping with a bill, or paying rent for someone, but they are an expert with collecting cash just as they did to have an 18 million dollar facility to add to their new entourage in Anaheim

After Zuckerberg who was NEVER SENT TO PRISON FOR KILLING KIDS AND HUMAN TRAFFICKING, I would have thought millions of people would kill off their accounts and delete them - stay off the FACEBOOK platform. What is wrong with these people and how fucked up is this society who continues to support "FACEBOOK", and remain on the platform? It tells me they don't care about children dying at the hands of the white man or anyone else for that matter. As long as it doesn't infect their business with corruption who cares. People don't care they only care about money at least JOSIAH SILVA DOES so he doesn't have to work a real job. He uses Jesus to provide his way of life and pretends to do the Lord's work. Right, it's amazing how this corrupt organization just disregards all the horrors in society and does nothing to help anyone or create change, but once a year when "THANKSGIVING" rolls around they give a free turkey to help out their tax right off's. Of course, I now understand the hypocrisy of their philosophy, and it's just that "HYPOCRISY" because you're NOT changing one life at a time, your ethics and moral integrity HAS TOLERATED child abuse and participated on a platform that is human trafficking children. FREEDOM HOUSE YOU DON'T DO SHIT FOR ANYONE AND YOU ARE NOT CHANGING LIVES BUT PARTICIPATING IN CHILD ABUSE WITH YOUR ONLINE MEDIA CRAP!!!





Tina Calce Zimmerman Smith whatever your name is a racist white trash hillbilly working at American General and living in Redneck city Bakersfield. The first time I met Tina, she was as IGNORANT as white trash can be, just like her sister Lisa. they are two of a kind. She has no education or manners and worked sitting on her ass selling airtime. Maybe I’ll contact some of those customers. I wonder how interested they would be knowing Tina is a racist and it's what she teaches her adult kids to know in how to behave I'm sure they would change their mind about doing business with American General. It was okay to give her welfare witch of a daughter my cell number calling me with her bullshit thinking she was funny. Sammy is a lowlife whore who can’t keep her legs closed and pops out kid after kid because she needs to compete with Nikki who has adopted three children.


Nikki is Lisa's daughter she has a great husband and a super nice life two of the kindest people I ever met, at least something good came out of that rotten family. Then there is Tina's other kid Steve Zimmerman heroin junkie white trash with no education in and out of prison, breaking into the neighbors’ homes. Tina had Steve calling me up yelling I was NEGRO, am I? Why don’t you say it to my face you piece of shit? Actually, I'm Native and Mexican American my ancestors are indigenous here, but you jackass, are not. No white person is (white trash in America evolved through incest). Although none of you would know that since none of you graduated high school. When I think back on it Tina never acknowledged Todd she didn’t even when we came to see his mother for the first time, she didn’t ask how he was or anything about him. When he was very ill and I reached out for help she ignored me because that’s the way this ignorant whore is yet she enables her loser son to hold him by the hand. He’s over 30 and she still breasts feed that piece of shit. Who is nothing more than a loser and a coward? You know I remember Tina and Lisa fighting as they were both drunk when we were visiting during the holiday. 


Lisa used the N-word and Tina didn’t like it one bit and yelled at Lisa that she sounded like white trash. Yeah, well Tina, you are NO different. Tina the problem with you is you can't see your own faults. Either way, you are no better and just as RACIST especially after the way you treated me when I was at your home on Waterwheel, remember in the bathroom where you cornered me what was it that you called me again? Aren’t you a hypocrite Tina, and straight out the mouth of a lying cunt. She has no problem pointing out anyone else’s flaws but can’t see her own. Her daughter Sammy is a loser just like her mother as Sammy mimics everything her mother does, she has no one else to look up to, NO IDENTITY OF HER OWN. I recall Sammy attacked me when I was in the bathroom before Tina did to be a bitch and say how she needed to use it. There was a bathroom in the hall and then Tina walked over to me and called me CHA CHA  see deep down in her soul she is a two-face cunt who is a RACIST BITCH and she knows it!! Fucked up, white people. I should have figured they would behave this way considering they grew up in the gutter. I also witnessed Tina yelling at Nikki’s adopted children when playing on the chair, yet she allowed her dogs to lay all over the furniture. 

A message to Nikki I would be overprotective of your daughter she is a child of color and will grow to be a woman of color, so if Tina is a racist, I would be careful. And keep her away from Steven Zimmerman since anyone with Olive skin is Negro. You wouldn’t want any of them to hurt your child considering the abusive racist mental thinking background they come from. Todd’s mom was pleasant, she actually expressed to me how she had respect for me it sounded sincere and I don’t doubt she never told her daughters that. Otherwise, Barbra had a reputation but she was old at the time. I met her and realized she was still hurt very deeply by her own mother being extremely abusive emotionally and physically, is what I observed. Is the reason she refused to speak about her mother. What I find disturbing is how Tina lies with no conscious I mean for all those people who know her and have read her Facebook Page. Tina has not been married to Mr. Smith for 21 years. That is a lie and look what it reads on her Facebook page, Tina implies her daughter Sammy is from a man of 21 years and her son is from someone else. As if people aren’t going to notice the lies, she tells. Kenneth Zimmerman and Tina were married for 21 years both of her loser kids are from Kenneth. The other guy she leached on to and met at Lisa’s wedding to that idiot Mark or was it Mike?  Anyway, she hooked up with him fast because Uncle Sam is going to fuck her with taxes. One day Tina catches father and son doing their drugs together, she kicks Kenny out, files for divorce and after meeting Mr. Wonderful she sells the house on Waterwheel and purchases a new house in a newly developed set of track homes that were built. This was not a custom-built home the way Lisa described.


However, Lisa highly exaggerated how she custom-built this house which is a fucken lie. Those are track homes that were built you STUPID BITCH! A custom home is when you have an architect draw up blueprints, buy the land, and pay someone to make the house for you or do it yourself. White people can never be honest. Land developers build track neighborhoods all the time. Who gives a Fuck, Tina is a husband hunter like so many other women (white women especially) as they choose not to struggle on their own. Tina looks out for herself she always has this is why she doesn't bother with her sister anymore, now she is busy with Mr. Smith. Lisa doesn't have the common sense to follow the same method. She's too busy feeling sorry for herself to use her brains. Frankly, I don’t know what Mr. Smith sees in Tina, she's not that good-looking. Yet Tina looks up at Mr. Smith like he’s Prince Charming who saved her from her Demise, which in a sense he did, she was desperate. I have no doubt Lisa's jealous but Tina looks out for herself she walks around pretending life is perfect with her fake smiles but deep down she is strung out to the point that she can’t drive her car on the freeway anymore. Now that she has a new hubby, a new home and Barbra is dead life is grand. And that’s what is important to Tina how society views her. It's important to Tina that she appears stable, she isn’t. Having a home and bargaining your life for security from a man she barely knew that’s desperation. 

Many women are guilty of that and so much more. Gee… I hope he doesn’t have a heart attack and die on her. Then she’ll be right back where she started, but I won’t feel sorry for her, if it happens frankly, I hope it does. I pray to the DEVIL her daughter Sammy gets a kick in the head and ends up with no husband and let’s see how far that whore will go on her shit job cutting hair. I am curious if she took in her loser son with no job and a long rap sheet as he went on crying to his mommy with no place to go. I wouldn’t be surprised if she did and that would be more than what Mr. Smith bargained for, if I were him, I wouldn’t put up with it. Steve tries to convince everyone he found GOD, he is full of shit, he doesn’t know what GOD is if GOD smacked him in the face Yet, if he did find GOD then why is he calling me a NEGRO? Is that the behavior of a good Christian? Of course not. No more than all those white trash evangelists you see on TV getting caught in homosexual affairs and snorting drugs. The Calce family is just a bucket of shit and I’m referring to Tina and Lisa, and that gossiping whore Cynthia Taylor (Todd's whore cousin) just white trash meth junkie. Remember Tina your job is at stake here because customers now know what you are!