JonBenet Ramsey was Murdered by her Mother and I stand by my theory, those fucked up white people are so GUILTY for killing that child. The father is a child molester and the mother killed her, jealousy, rage, who knows what happened? Well, actually the brother knows but he will never speak about it. He's going to his grave with that secret. Maybe the father threatened him it wouldn't surprise me. For a long time, the parents were trying to convince the public that her brother killed her. I don't think so, but either way, all are GUILTY. Patsy Ramsey, that bitch is so guilty of murdering that baby. Yet this rich asshole John Ramsey hides like a coward behind his church. I have no doubt the church he hides behind is being given large amounts of cash to support this child predator. Yet the media continues to lie showing other images of criminals they easily target and who's going to argue it? Now let's go over what I recall watching on the news media. Let me begin from here, cops are called to the Ramsey home about a ransom and a crime that took place in the home. The first thing the cops do is fuck up the crime scene by stepping all over the area with their big feet. 

They're good at that. Next rich people like this are more likely to commit crimes in their homes and redirect the blame. It's so rare that an "average Joe" is going to trample in a rich neighborhood and just happen to know what house to target. It's not likely and someone always sees a stranger in a rich area, someone is always looking out a window. The mother Patsy Ramsey killed that child and for that, she was punished with cancer to her demise was death one year later, remember? However, it's not just her death that convinced me that both parents are responsible, it was the video I saw of Patsy and Jon Ramsey. 

When Patsy remarked these words I was convinced she was referring to herself and her husband. Another fucked up white trash family getting away with MURDER! Jon and Patsy Ramsey are GUILTY of the Murder of JonBenet Ramsey. The father is a child predator and the mother is a murderer. "The only person who knows who killed JonBenet is the person who killed her and the person the killer told". That is when I knew she was speaking about herself! This bitch had a cold look and attitude with malice and no empathy that her child was dead. I would have been filled with rage and hysterical, not this white bitch, she wants to appear innocent, but she was GUILTY!!  THE WHITE RACE IS THE POISONOUS ESSENCE IS THE WORLD WITH HATE AND MURDER. EVERYTHING THEY TOUCH IS BLACK WITH MALICE!

Any mother who truly loves her child will protect that child with her own life. Patsy Ramsey was no mother with love or empathy for her children, she was controlling, abusive, and cold-hearted cunt, very similar to Casey Lee Anthony she too is a cold-blooded murderer. White people are the poison in society, they are the poison that shits on everyone else, infecting people. I'm sick of listening to the media and all the lies, this has been going on for as long as John Ramsey is alive, so no one ever suspects John Ramsey is a child molester, but let's wait and see when this piece of shit dies, only then will Burke come out and admit to his parent's sadistic behaviors of murdering his sister. As a parent you are the sick excuse for a human being to exploit your child with makeup on her face and have her dance around for public display, that is "child exploitation" and "child abuse". Children should not be made up like dolls for predators to enjoy watching in pageants. This mother Patsy Ramsey exploited her child for all child molesters to watch. Jon Ramsey is a Child Predator and Child Molester, fuck this white man, white people commit the most heinous crimes against humanity, just look at history. White people are slave owners, child molesters, raping their kids, incest, thieves and liars, and murder their kids for insurance money, but it's people of color who are targeted the most. It's white people who commit the most heinous crimes and never do the prison time or are executed especially if they have money. It's so easy to get away with crimes against humanity, the killings of your own family members. BURN IN HELL YOU MURDERING BITCH!

The media needs to STOP lying about this case I am so sick of hearing the bullshit and the lies of this case. Now the news media claims some crazy white guy is to blame, how easy to pin it on a nameless face who can't defend himself. These parents are to BLAME FOR MURDERING THAT CHILD AND RAPING HER BEFORE HER DEATH! JonBenet Ramsey was murdered at the hands of her mother because of jealousy after Jon Ramsey sexually abused his child. Fuck these white people and cops did a SHIT JOB REFUSING TO PERSECUTE THEM! LAW ENFORCEMENT IS DISGUSTING AND REFUSE TO PERSECUTE BOTH OF THESE PIECES OF SHIT FOR MURDERING THAT CHILD AND NOT PROTECTING HER. COPS AND THE FBI FAILED! IT MUST BE THE CASH BRIBES AS THE INCENTIVE FOR LACK OF COOPERATION!