
Lawyers are Criminals and Thieves

Most of us never understand the complex system we all live under for many reasons 1) the laws are always changing 2) Its very complex to know how to play the system as its a numbers game 3) knowing and understanding what can be brought to court that any (crook) judge might be willing to listen to especially when you have to struggle just to get a police report because cops are never helpful to providing a report when you need it the most, especially in civil cases. In my personal opinion "attorneys" are just as big of criminals with a license as law enforcement and both are not worth a fuck, but once in a while, you might be lucky to get someone who actually does their job. Recently I came across a complaint on a "rip-off report" of a woman who is a lawyer in Arizona. She goes by the name Lindsay E. Guthrie but lies to a man about her name he says she called herself, Lindsay Julian Hayes, and she sold this married couple false social security numbers. Obviously, she knows what she is doing as he explained his wife had no problem using a CPN number with a line of credit but his number was not good and he was arrested.

A man in Smithfield Virginia was arrested using a fraud Social Security number after purchasing two CPN numbers in cash from this attorney who sold them to the married couple. Wow, a 1000 dollars and I bet no receipt was provided? Just so I am clear anyone can obtain a CPN basically a CPN is just another social security number, entertainers and rich people use them all the time, but it is linked to your actual social security number that was given to you by the Social Security Administration, so they're going to know or find out eventually. Frankly, it's not a good idea, technically they're not illegal but you have to do this lawfully. You can't just take any number and use it because it can be a criminal offense. If you read the article the man said it was found out she is doing this activity in multiple states, if so why? This woman is breaking the law herself and should be arrested especially after what happened to this man why is she giving false names, is there something to hide? Possibly but this whore is going to lie her way out of it so she takes no responsibility and it's going to drain this couple of energy to see this bitch gets punished if a court punishes her. People are getting away with so much crime today which has to do with money. Theft is on the high rise and murder is another problem most of which is stemming from white people.