During a time of struggle, I went to this organization and came to realize how those white people who get paid to volunteer at these church locations and other places have corrupt behavior. This corrupt organization is NOT A CHURCH itself but gives the appearance that doing the "LORDS WORK" is a fraud! They have locations throughout the United States collecting millions of dollars from various companies and this Fraud Gov uses taxpayers money to support them. St. Vincent DePaul is made up of white people who run the corruption on the financial end all through the counties and states appearing as sheep but they sit in wolf's clothing. Numerous locations are set up as a "goodwill" type of business, while others re-distribute food helping out their fellow man while taking your DRIVERS LICENSE AND QUESTIONING WHY YOU ARE THERE! THEY DON'T NEED A FUCKEN DRIVERS LICENSE TO GIVE FOOD TO PEOPLE!
Huntington Beach is a location where white people are working and here is where I had a white bitch (not American) tell me I should be independent. I have news for you white bitches. I am independent unlike you WHITE TRASH WHORES OF ORANGE COUNTY who marry for a man to support your sorry ass, spreading your legs and having kids you're too incompetent to raise. I don't have to explain myself to you. Isn't it typical of white trash talking shit? I forget white whores are better than women of color at least they think they are. More delusion in their weak mind! White women are lazy and depend on men like a common prostitute sitting on their fucken asses at a church to fill up their empty lives. Or sitting at a soft skilled job behind a desk. God forbid white bitches are laborers as many women of color are yet white women get paid more money than women of color performing the same skills. Unfortunately, this fucked up country never turned over the "gender wage gap".
While I'm on the subject I might as well spitball the words of how fucked up the white race is with lies told in the media - in families - when crimes are committed. You white people are the poisonous essences. White people talk shit all the time, they start shit and cause more problems in public space than anyone else.
When it comes to working white people won't work labor jobs they expect people of color to do those jobs. White people sit on their asses in management positions demanding high salaries expecting to be on top to push people around and keep the slavery mentality active. Slavery has not ended it is very much alive and white people expect people of color to be their rat - do their dirty work for them while they take all the credit. Yet all those fucked up white people support rapists and child molesters on FaceBook and in the White House and claim they're doing the Lord's work! FUCK YOU HYPOCRITES!
People are stupid - stupid because this abuse affects future generations - it causes disparities. America is a cesspool of FaceBook child molesters and murderers and people keep endorsing these platforms and supporting white people who are CHILD MURDERERS! As for jobs, what jobs exist today in America? Target - Walmart - Amazon with minimum wage slave labor that won't pay the rent. Working a shit job until you die at the age of 70. Yeah, those jobs might pay your bills if you're at home with your parents or living in your car.
Let's remember jobs were invented so the larger corporations could endorse slavery as they grew in size they needed more slaves to work so the country could benefit the rich with taxation. As long as the criminals at the top live well it's all good who gives a fuck about anyone else. As long the corporate criminals in politics running these crap companies can live well and rape the social security system the white race will continue to believe America is benefiting them. Politicians can steal as much as they want and still keep their phat salaries and with the taxpayer's money is how St. Vincent DePaul collects funding because this shit Government provides to them and many other corrupt organizations. This entire system is rigged all of it is a scam especially this system called a Government which is nothing more than white-collar criminals! St Vincent DePaul is a WOLF in SHEEP's CLOTHING. Hypocrites, racist liars who get paid to work at the church doing the Lord's WORK! Keeping people of color down!!
Cities are toxic and filled with shit - people too many Asians and Pakistan. AS THEY HAVE BECOME THE NEW FINANCIAL ECONOMY. Far too many toxic ass wads but white people are the biggest problem of all. Don't feel sorry for Tiger Woods's ex-wife that whore is no different than other whores this man paid to suck his cock. White people who work at St Vincent DePaul don't give a fuck about people's problems is why this country is shit thanks to the white man in the white house. As long as those problems don't affect those white ass wads at the church or in this corrupt organization personally they're going to keep people begging. This organization is not a church it is here to make money off of people it's why they will take your DRIVER'S LICENSES and steal pedigree information. Lisa Roberts does at the Huntington Beach police department lying about how she is a social worker. It's a corrupt way of collecting birth certificates and CDL for this shit Government to fuck people up with NEW WORLD ORDER!
This organization is not a church, it's here to make money off of people but it provides the idea of Catholicism and God and all the goodness to work in the churches, to appear holy and kind and giving, bullshit!!! If you go to this corrupt catholic church you will find "Egyptian" symbolism inside the church itself and two white people who are Irish, old, and racist as can be. If you ask for any help such as gas or food card both of these ass-wads treat people like shit and question everything about you taking your driver's license everything short of a blood sample. White people get paid for this shit job and only white people can work for St. Vincent Depaul it helps them out since their social security check isn't enough to support them. In addition to keeping the white race dominant while continuing to oppress people of color.
In Fullerton Bob and Barbra another white couple running St. Vincent Depaul are just as GUILTY, but what Bob is doing is selling people out. See California refuses to build housing for people to live instead the State prefers to funnel money to corrupt organizations such as ILLUMINATION FOUNDATION (ANOTHER CORRUPT ORGANIZATION)and give them over 5 million to build a shelter (the ad is a lie on the net). They also steal birth certificates. So what Bob does is he will give someone a spot at this institution and claim he is paying your spot to stay there. There is something wrong with this picture! It's a fucken shelter that the STATE GAVE ALL THAT MONEY TO but SUPPOSEDLY THIS ORGANIZATION IS PAYING THE RENT! ONE HAND WASHES THE OTHER DOESN'T IT?
I haven't quite got the illegal term for this but something is really wrong here and these people are making money off everyone they help. Bob once said to me how he works harder now at St Vincent De Paul than he did when he was younger. WOW, exactly what did you do for work when you were young? White people are lazy as fuck and they know it. Bob is a sell-out. He thinks in his mind he is doing a great job but he supports this scum bag named Paul a skinny white guy who looks like Mr. Burns from the Simpsons. This guy is the biggest piece of shit. He is the kind of person who is a rat, liar, and backstabber. He once said how all the people on the street are burning houses down. Someone needs to beat his ass and get rid of him. To verbally express such an accusation at a powerless group of people is seriously fucked up. NO!! I am confident it's the mercenaries burning people's houses down, ask Oprah I'm sure that black bitch knows?
My point about St. Vincent DePaul is the mistreatment by numerous white people, and white people getting paid to volunteer while people of color have to volunteer for free and not expect to be paid. I know the white people are getting paid and yet Bob thinks as Bridgett does another white racists bitch they are so important with their president position working for St. Vincent DePaul and doing the LORDS work at these locations. Bridget who works at this Orange location had her friend attack me just to be a nasty bitch. It's pathetic this corrupt organization keeps people begging and at the same time the white race who gets paid to assist those in need get off with abuse and verbal mistreatment. Stealing CDL and Car Registration Information If you don't give it to them they won't help. White people enjoy the abuse and racism especially when they are the biggest CRIMINALS OF THEFT, LIES CORRUPTION, MURDER, AND WAR CRIMES.
IT'S JUST EVERYONE ELSE WHO IS THE PROBLEM!!! Now for those of you who disagree with this last statement, I don't care, yes I do realize many people of color have become a problem including Obama (set up). However, the white race has dominated this country with Abuse for centuries and created most of the country's problems, especially through politics and these corrupt organizations. As for St. Vincent DePaul, I'll be praying for the DEVIL TO TAKE YOU OUT!