The white man is a dangerous animal as I have come to experience and observe in life. He uses everyone to make money off of and murder for profit. He starts shit in other countries and talks shit against people of color in other countries. It's not hard to see if you look with both eyes WHAT A TROUBLE MAKER HE IS. I am grateful for the many blessings I've had along the way with the many hard lessons in life because as you know life is not supposed to be easy, however, that doesn't mean one should make it harder than it needs to be, but sometimes we do. Everyone grows up at a different pace and has a different journey. Some people never grow up which is unfortunate because that means you don't know who you are. I never understood the desire why so many people from other countries want to be here in America? As I have mentioned my ancestors are indigenous so this is my home, but the WHITE MAN has ruined it! So while I am on the subject of useless white women in that FLEA INFESTED BUSINESS let me entertain you with the story of Taylor Wane who thinks she is bigger than life but isn't.

Now if you have an education and there is demand in a certain field you can fulfill a need then I can understand, that people from other countries would need to be here, such as banking or economics, or the medical field but those careers are global, so there is no demand. If you're going to be an online whore and sell pussy you don't need to come to America for that. I've met a handful of people in my life who had a FRAUD MARRIAGE, so this is no surprise to me, but when the media talks shit about people of color and how this fucked up banking system disguised as a country called AMERICA, has an immigration problem then why not start with all the EUROPEAN TRASH WHO ARE HERE ON A GREEN CARD OR FRAUD MARRIAGE! Joanne Dutremble is a whore in the adult film industry who is an immigrant in this country. She married Lauren and lives in the San Fernando Valley. Her bullshit name is Taylor Wane, she is Euro Trash and a prostitute. Now wouldn't you think she could have done all that bullshit and stayed in her own backyard? Whores don't need to come to AMERICA to be a prostitute and porn actress.  Eventually, Lauren and Taylor were divorced as the time she needed was up. When I met Joanne she was full of shit, so arrogant, that bitch wouldn't stop talking about herself. This is what happens when the EGO needs to compensate itself and STRUGGLES WITH LOW SELF-WORTH!

Taylor and Lauren lived in a very nice home together and might still live there. That's because years ago the money was good but not anymore, plus men will get bored fast with the same hookers when there is a huge variety to choose from. Last I heard she moved her boyfriend into the house and Lauren was doing his thing whatever that was. Lauren was supposed to be a professional photographer but Taylor would have a hard time getting him to get off his ass and work. As you know when you have a membership website you must shoot new content almost every day to keep people entertained or the brain span loses interest fast. I wasn't impressed with Lauren he was immature and an asswad having a fit kicking and screaming every time things went wrong. One thing that bothered me was her dogs in the studio area during work time. I recall once she bitched at me walking up to the front door because I didn't use the back entrance. I told her then next time show me where the back entrance was because you never did. STUPID BLONDE BITCH!  Frankly, I don't see what difference it will make the neighbors can see with their eyes regardless of what door I walk into. After listening to her drowning my ears with her bullshit of how she and Lauren fell in love it was obvious to me this was a FRAUD MARRIAGE so she could stay in the country being married to a citizen.  There are agencies you don't want to piss off like the INS being one of them because they will deport you as they need to where Joanne is concerned. The INS watches people and will come to your home in the middle of the night banging on your door and harassing you just to catch you lying to them.  Joanne needs to be DEPORTED BACK HOME, SHE CAME HERE UNINVITED WORKS AS A PROSTITUTE AND HAS NO REASON TO BE HERE. THERE IS NOT A NEED FOR ANOTHER WHORE IN AMERICA. THERE ARE TOO MANY PROSTITUTES AS IT IS.

Maybe she can go work for TRUMP he's into pimping and pandering and child trafficking. Now that Trump has cleared up his legal problems with that other hooker Stormy Daniels.  What exactly are these bitches thinking of everyone gets old and no one wants an ugly old raggedy whore shooting pornography. These white trash bitches think they have security in that flea-infested business, but they don't. There is no 401k, no paying into social security, no retirement, no nothing. How do you plan to make a living when you're 70 years old?

TAYLOR WANE IS A WHORE IMMIGRANT PROSTITUTE I doubt she has millions saved because that house she and Lauren live in costs money for food - utilities - insurance - taxes and all those emergencies that can come up. I recall her once telling me how the homeowner's insurance paid for some damages and then turned around and jacked her rates to squeeze the money back out of them. YUP, that sounds about right because in AMERICA INSURANCE COMPANIES ARE THE WEALTHIEST FOR A REASON, LIKE ATTORNEY'S THEY FUCK PEOPLE OUT OF MONEY!!!  There is no DEMAND for any bitch in that business it's only when she is young that she can make money maybe 10 years if she is lucky but bitches aren't smart, they don't know anything about investing or buying into real estate or anything else to change their lives after a decade. It doesn't last and neither do the JONS! SEE CERTAIN PEOPLE OF COLOR BELONG HERE. IT'S ALL THE EURO TRASH THAT DOESN'T BELONG HERE AND THE ARMENIANS - RUSSIANS - KOREANS - POLISH FUCK THE LIST GOES ON. JOANNE GET BACK ON THE BOAT AND GO BACK HOME THE BOYS AT INS JUST MIGHT GET A SECRET TELEGRAM THAT YOU'RE AN IMMIGRANT WHO HAS NO BUSINESS IN THIS COUNTRY. WHILE YOU'RE PACKING YOUR BAGS BITCH TAKE THIS PIECE OF SHIT FROM OFF THE BOAT WITH YOU! RENATO ROSCOE!