I've known the Acosta Family in Hacienda Heights all my life, but in the last few years, I discovered their intentional cruelty and malicious behavior which I now see in a different light. Neither Tom nor Sylvia Acosta was a real friend to my parents as both of them betrayed and lied on more accounts than I could keep track of but don't allow Sylvia to fool you, that low-life bitch is NOT A VICTIM, she is to blame for the death of those boys just as much as Tom is to blame. Recently I came across some interesting information that Gloria (Tom's sister) just sold their mother's house, after holding onto it for over a decade, so Sylvia has inherited lots of money from the proceeds. Sylvia doesn't deserve any money, but then neither does Ruben or the rest of the clan. Since Gloria is getting old I assume she must have realized to cash in before she dies. No one else seems to be dropping dead other than Tom Sr. and his sons. Let me take you back into the past which might explain why the Acosta boys are all dead, which many people found to be bizarre circumstances. It's not really as you know drugs and booze will eventually kill you, addiction never leads to a healthy lifestyle only destruction. It's in more families than anyone speaks about.
Let me begin here Sylvia came from Arizona which I know of and somehow came to California when she was a kid, her mother had died young, so it was just her sisters with her dad. I'm not sure if her father was here in Cali but she attended the same school as my father. Sylvia would lie and tell everyone she met my father through Tom Acosta, I guess she's hiding something. Sylvia was no saint and not as intelligent as she thinks, if she was, she would have never married a loser like Tom Acosta with 6 pregnancies, four live births, and two abortions during her 40 plus fucken years of being married to a rapist piece of shit like Tom Acosta. He had a crappy job walking distance from a small house in Hacienda Hts he purchased years ago and raised his kids there. Sylvia never worked other than the time she drove the kids on the school bus but was soon fired because she was drunk!! I loved her like a second mom and trusted her regardless of Tom trying to rape my mother and betray my father's friendship. I still cared until she and Michael showed me how rotten they really were. The last time I saw and spoke to that rotten bitch Sylvia she spoke of the past because it's all she chooses to dwell in. This is the reason Sylvia lives with "rot and regrets" knowing she killed her own family. Sylvia and Tom destroyed those boys and their lives. Michael was still alive at the time when I showed up at the Acosta house but it's been over a year. I don't understand why Gloria is giving any money to Sylvia? Since Sylvia refused to help pay the annual taxes on the property. When I saw Sylvia and Michael in 2022 they knew my husband just died but they didn't care, they were abusive, disrespectful, and not worth trusting. Michael like his father was stupid, weak-minded, and a rapist, but I soon had the last word. He thought he was funny talking shit behind my back to his FAT PIG FRIEND OLGA. Sylvia doesn't realize her intentions.
Her only intention was to get Michael to marry her fat ass so she would have a man to support her, I guess it didn't work out, NOW THAT MIKE IS DEAD! As for Sylvia, she set me up to beat up her friend while putting a knife in my back but I saw through her fucked up behavior and when I threw it in her face she had nothing to say. As for FAT PIG OLGA that ugly whore needs to mind her own fucken business your not the only one who practices "witchcraft" you stupid bitch. Many people do. Olga is hoping Sylvia will leave her money since she doesn't work this 60-year-old whore lives at her parent's house having no place to go, sponging off her son's SSI checks as she is too lazy to get a job and do something with her life.
As for my parents, my mother worked hard her whole life Sylvia didn't, and yet this cunt thought it was okay to talk shit about my parents to my face and be disrespectful, well let me just shed light on you about Sylvia, she put Tom first never the boys and was a drunk and addict herself. At least my parents didn't sit around with us kids getting drunk on booze and doing recreational drugs, because it was the Afrodesac of the Acosta household.
Rueben Tom's brother was kind enough to introduce "cocaine" to Chris which he was later addicted but that loser scumbag Rueben is
still alive. Chris was a good person with a good heart but Tom would
sit with Chris and get drunk daily. As he once said, Chris was his
drinking buddy.
Parents destroy their children instead of helping them to reach their full
potential, these two shit parents did.
ADDICTS. This began when he was just a kid, not a man. Tom did nothing for those
boys other than subject them to drugs and booze that would later dictate
their lives. Chris met Aileen and dragged her down into the addiction and
then she had Anthony Jr. who was subjected to the addictions. As Chris and
Aileen's life started spinning out of control Anthony Jr was left with no
parents, only to be raised in the same shit with Tom and Sylvia. The last
time I saw Chris was years before he died in downtown
I used to work there, he smiled and said hello and I never saw him again until I visited his grave. Chris's life ended short and he did not deserve this, his parents are to blame for how he grew up and all his addictions, it's because of them that Chris's life ended so young. As for Louie he was gay and contracted Aids when the virus was going around. That virus is man-made by the Gov. to kill people, everything these Elites and politicians do is to KILL US. Louie died, and then Tommy Jr. died years later. I don't know if he ever worked but he lived with depression for years and Sylvia pulled the same crap sitting around drinking every day with little Tom and she expressed the same thing. Tommy is my drinking buddy is that pathetic and sad or what? Once my father was driving and saw Tommy Jr. He was just standing on the corner with his bike, mentally lost. My father gave him a ride home. After Tommy Jr. died his father big Tom told me he had a lot of money that was his. I was like huh? What money? I didn't know he worked. Tom was such a piece of shit he wouldn't give it to Tommy's kids, as he said he wanted to ask them to come over but he knew they only come over if they knew he had money for them. Okay, asshole that is human nature what makes you think you wouldn't do the same? They didn't know their father or their grandparents because Catherine their bitch of a mother kept them away from the Acosta Clan not that she came from a great family I knew Michelle Porras and her family all of them were a barrel of snakes! Catherine's (Michelle Anut) her brother and her sister were drug addict losers as Manuel was in and out of prison all the time. I don't know if Tom ever gave the money to the kids, but I doubt he did.
After Michael died of the same complications, poor diet, diabetes, and bad eating habits it didn't stop him from drinking booze every day until his body finally caved in. Michael was over 300 pounds at one time, then lost some weight but still had poor health. He never took care of himself and the few relationships he did have in his life never lasted because Michael was unstable. He was never there when Louie died although his version was different in his mind. I noticed how emotionally damaged he was years after Louie was gone. Michael was just like Tom, abusive he would argue with Sylvia as if they were married (this was how psychologically damaging this family was. How seriously fucked up the Acosta family was) they couldn't see their own self-destruction. I began to quickly see it was not worth being around them at all, the house was Toxic, so much so that I was extremely ill from visiting Sylvia for the first time in 25 years. I had to stay in bed for a few days as I had a high fever and was weak. I had the worst dream with Tom and Michael assaulting me (which later came true with Michael). It was that house and the evil that stained the walls. As time passed Michael showed his true colors and I wanted nothing more to do with him. He is better off dead, he was no man Michael wouldn't have lived long anyway. I was in the house those few times, Sylvia would say, this is "ALL GOING TO BE MICHAEL'S". He would have never continued to live in that house regardless. Michael mentioned he wanted to leave for Montana. Plus Sylvia never added Michael's name to the "Living Trust" the house is listed on. Now it needs to be broken (contested in court). Anthony Jr, this is where you come in. Get off your ass and claim your inheritance. It's worth over a million, so why not? Nothing belongs to Michael anymore and if I can help Anthony Jr obtain a good lawyer, he can contest that Family Trust. Anthony Jr deserves it all and I'm going to find him and a good lawyer to make sure to collect his inheritance. It's over a million dollars why not?