It’s no secret that the Trump administration has fostered a culture of corruption in which special interests and big donors advance their interests at the expense of everyday people. Perhaps no policy area exemplifies this corruption more than the issue of drug pricing. Trump has long promised to stand up to the pharmaceutical industry and lower prescription drug prices, but he has avoided taking serious action to drive down prices while at the same time filling top spots in his administration with industry insiders. This administration’s culture of corruption, which continues a decades-long practice of political pandering to the pharmaceutical industry, carries a real cost; Americans spent $535 billion on prescription drugs in 2018, an increase of 50 percent since 2010. These price increases far surpass inflation, with Big Pharma increasing prices on its most-prescribed medications by anywhere from 40 percent to 71 percent from 2011 to 2015. Is this disgusting or what, the world of people is strung on drugs and giving the corporations a shit load of money in their pockets. You can read the rest of the article here. 

While we're on the subject of drugs let me clarify there is a mother to everything in life who gives life and takes life at the cost of money. She is an example of the corruption and abuse subjecting humans to believing they have these mental disorders and need heavy drugs to balance out their lives. Big Pharma is Big Mama pushing drugs and making false claims of bipolar disorder - schizophrenia - and depression, and it's important to find the right candidates to test these heavy drugs with many side effects so Big Mama I mean Big Pharma can sell and make millions. Who isn't depressed when society is made of shit I can provide many examples of corruption in society just look around, it's everywhere, and people's lives are infected all the time. Synexus is a clinic research company that has contacted me many times but I guess since I am not already strung out on drugs I'm not a worthy candidate for the big money. Big Pharma is the biggest dope dealer on the planet.

Now SYNEXUS is pushing COVID CRAP! That's right they want to kill people off with their Covid testing. How many people were STUPID enough to inject themselves with the vaccination? I did NOT do this I already it a DEATH SENTENCE the intention is to kill us off and so are corporations in any way they can in our food - water we drink - air we breathe all areas of life. Drugs are the prime target of bringing in the "pill mills" killing the people in the inner cities and arresting those who get hooked and sell drugs. It's a grand scheme of how to get rid of people and make money all at the same time.


Cancer has always been a conspiracy. A lot of things exist in this corrupt life we are subjected to. ADHD - CANCER - AIDES life is a short trip and death is permanent, so why what's the hurry? Why drive fast and cut people off if you know the chances of crashing your car and killing yourself and someone else?
Millions of people have tried and continue to use recreational drugs to escape life and it's the toxins that kill you every time with disease or some chronic illness. Big Pharma doesn't care nor does this false Gov. they care about money and the here and now. Being famous or thinking you are important is a lie, an illusion no one cares who you are except you. SYNEXUS is a dangerous company risking people's lives all for monetary gain. Haven't you noticed doctors and dentists are pushing heavy drugs on patients all the time?  They get kickbacks - it's big money to get people addicted before you know it they're strung out and selling dope to make a living and arrested many times and now their lives are ruined.

All because that person fell into the trap of drug addiction from their doctor or drug testing from clinical research like SYNEXUS. Is your life worth it? Watch out for the traps and pitfalls our society is filled with toxic crap within our food - water - air we breathe the crap online. It's all human abuse and sacrifice for the SCUM MANIFESTO AT THE TOP! Just so they can make millions for a temporary life that is now at its end of existence.