This complaint is long overdue but I still want to provide what happened as I am sure other people have experienced the same corrupt problems. Let me be clear Social Security contracts with the Dept of Social Services to be the analyst for the disability cases. Still, many people never get an analyst assigned to their case. Their job is to set up appts. and do all the paperwork and submit it to Social Security. This is not an accommodation or favor it is THEIR JOB! Officer Api from Baldwin Park Police is an idiot because he told me they are doing me a favor, no you jerk, they are not. I wouldn't care about having to deal with both of these bitches. I never asked them to and this was my first time with a disability process which I found to be extremely corrupt. I was lied to, my case was sabotaged and too many female workers at Social Security were calling me and lying about the information provided. These CUNTS are trained to be verbally abusive- intimidating and threatening. 


I like how they send fake emails about how they care:-(( I am not STUPID nor will I be threatened by them! Moriel (analyst) called me and lied about how she is "WITH SOCIAL SECURITY" she is not employed by DPSS. It's a manipulating tactic to trip up the person filing the case. Now this is my tax money I put into this corrupt system all the years I worked so I don't care what these idiot cops think. I expect these STUPID BITCHES to do their job correctly, but it's not their intention. The intention is to sabotage the case so it prevents me from getting my money! That was the goal of Moriel and her supervisor Flores. EDD has the same attitude! After submitting much paperwork Moriel set up two appts and refused to send my paperwork to these quacks who call themselves doctors which she had me go to. The doctors were verbally abusive to me and I found out Adrienne who owns Medpro in Fullerton had the shrink sign off my paperwork which is Fraud because I never met Margaret Donahue that is not who I saw. Moriel later sent the paperwork hours after my appt ended and to the wrong office location on purpose. Then when I called and questioned her she lied about it. 

I had the evidence and it was time-stamped!!! Moriels supervisor Flores was in on the scam, so when I got her on the phone I screamed at her I don't care it's not illegal. Yet this CUNT calls the Baldwin Police and makes up a story to benefit her. Flores is now the victim and had the police come looking for me as she cried to her boyfriend Officer Api. They never found me but I saw them the entire time as I watched from a distance. Flores had her boyfriend Officer Api call me and give me a hard time about how she was helping me and doing me a favor. Really? Well, I didn't know that I thought it was your JOB BITCH! I thought you BITCHES got paid to do this? Social Security contracts with DPSS so it's your FUCKEN JOB!! I will not tolerate or bend to their will of corruption and lies. I ignored Officer Api because he was too STUPID but I spoke to the watch commander and let him know of the corruption and sabotage of my case and what the intention of these two CUNTS did. Now I want to go public. Moriel's numbers are 626-732-8170 #626-483-7603 Sometimes this heifer is at the office other times at her house. She is FAT AND LAZY AND A LIAR, and so is Flores. 


Social Security doesn't want people filing for disability especially if you haven't reached retirement age. This system is so blackballing and filled with corrupt workers who lie and sabotage cases. All these women have nasty attitudes and threaten people all the time JUST READ GOOGLE REVIEWS across the country. I have dealt with numerous BITCHES at Social Security. Ms. Chavez in West Covina doesn't care as I have mentioned how these bitches are trained to be abusive of course she denies it. As to admitting this abuse would be biting the hand that feeds her. Ms. Chavez is a liar and told me she practices witchcraft and refuses to tell me the formula of how they come up with the dollar amount of money I get? I guess that was her subtle way of threatening me. I have the evidence of what everyone is guilty of the doctors - the workers - the analysts the cops and Social Security. So far this has happened - THE US TREASURY stole over 800 dollars from my money from the Direct Express Card and I am forced to pay 175 taken from my check for MEDICARE another scam I don't use and already paid into. This is DOUBLE DIPPING which the State turns around and says to me, "We will pay it for you"! I'VE ALREADY PAID IT ASSHOLE WHEN I WAS TAXED FOR THE LAST 40 YEARS!!! THIS SYSTEM IS SO CORRUPT AND FILLED WITH FUCKEN FRAUD AND THE WORKERS ARE THE BIGGEST CUNTS WITH THE SAME SHIT MINDSET. Most people of color get fucked over and white people get $2500 hundred a month. 

A FRAUD SYSTEM THAT IS RACIST! I don't want to forget the lies and corruption of Medpro Owner Adrienne and her fraud friend Margaret Donahue who thinks she is a professional psychiatrist these cunts should be eliminated from the planet. This is how corrupt the system is. Everyone needs to fight back against this abuse of Social Security and the Abuse of the Analysts who lie to people. I have found many people get $2500 a month and brag about it as husband and wife together so they get 5000 grand a month. Politicians are stealing whatever they want and the media lies about it. Most people get screwed over and the system collects millions. All those people who pay into the system and never get anything back that is theft because many illegals work in the US and never collect anything. The entire system is FRAUD. My unemployment was held back I was NEVER able to get it after Todd died but I will rant on that another time. I have every right to collect what I worked for. I never sat on my ASS behind a desk the way these fat heifers do. I broke my back with labor jobs and then as a care provider for Todd until he died which nearly killed me. So you whores can burn in hell!!