Musk believes that expanding consciousness and having more people and digital consciousness will help us understand the universe. He says that we should "expand the scope and scale of consciousness" to better understand the nature of the universe. Okay, I'll agree with most of these statements I found, as for the universe I'm just as curious as the next guy but man will NEVER HAVE THE PRIVILEGE TO KNOW THE VAST DARK SEA OF THE UNKNOWN THE GODS WILL NEVER ALLOW IT. I theorize there is a line that can't be crossed, especially by a man. Man has destroyed the world through politics and false religion, he has destroyed the sea and the land. Therefore man doesn't deserve to know anymore than he has already been given. Let's change the subject to ELON MUSK and his insane drive to conceive too many kids because he can't contain his erection in his pants.

WHEN WOMEN HAVE TOO MANY KIDS THE PUBLIC ATTACKS WOMEN IN A NEGATIVE WAY, BUT IF A MAN HAS TOO MANY KIDS ENABLE HIM AND PAD HIM ON THE BACK FOR DOING A GREAT JOB!! IT DOES NOT MATTER IF YOU ARE A WOMAN OR MAN AND IT'S NOT ABOUT MONEY, IT'S IRRESPONSIBLE!!! Consciousness is something very few humans choose to expand on because they live with IGNORANCE refuse to educate themself to any degree and ignore their surroundings. However, consciousness depends on your age and many other factors. For example, when I was a child I wasn't aware of my consciousness nor did I know what it was until I began to get older. Then I realized my consciousness was a big part of who I am being a Capricorn. I am the closest to the top of the Tree of Life and Death because Binah is one of the third realms at the top of that tree linked to Saturn. I don't agree with Elon's thought of Digital Consciousness, what exactly does that mean? How and what digital technology does he think links to the universe? Since we are on the subject of consciousness as he claims to be his philosophy.

Let me ask this question why? Are you Mr. Musk using "Consciousness" of the number of kids you have with various women? Or has your PHAT EGO gotten in the way? Maybe your consciousness is not working? Could that be possible? I have no understanding for any man to think it's okay to spread his seed as if it's his job to make sure the human population doesn't die out. Frankly, your EGO is in the way of logic and consciousness!! I realize this man is over 50 so considering he is getting old men have the tendency to worry if their cock is still working, yeah it seems to be working, over time actually. It's obvious to me Elon Musk needs attention anywhere he can get it but this is ridiculous and it's about his EGO because his consciousness of having children as if he's buying a new car doesn't work the same. Obviously, all those white whores he's fucking don't seem to mind since there's plenty of cash to go around. 

I think Elon has created a new meaning for "POLYGAMY." I am now going to point out how all of you STUPID PEOPLE FUCKING EACH OTHER AND HAVING ALL THESE KIDS WILL FAIL!! And so will the mothers. Self Absorbed Parenting comes in many forms and you will never place the child first because of your work and ego-driven mentality.
  • Elon Musk isn't around enough to spend time with his children to know them or understand their personalities as they grow older. Which your son/daughter has already expressed.
  • Parents automatically expect kids to understand life before the age of 20 without explaining anything or having deep conversations. The truth is parents don't understand life themselves as they too are still growing and learning, so how do you expect a child to understand?
  • Children will fall into unprotected sex, drugs, booze, and vices the more kids you have the more problems you will have. Elon you are not raising these children the mothers are (I think?) 
  • Outside influences are a serious problem as children grow and those failures come in wicked disguises that cause insecurity and suicide drinking and drug abuse will become a part of the problems.
  • It's my strong belief that 3 out of 5 children will be subjected to sexual abuse within the families and outside of the family.
  • Parents can't be everywhere at once. And when you are not present the worst of events can occur in a child's life.
  • Parents don't listen to their kids and can't understand their complex feelings.
  • All children suffer from depression and anxiety more than ever today and broken parenting adds to the stress of an unbalanced family.
  • Using children for FINANCIAL LEVERAGE IS FUCKED UP!!!!
  • Using children to gratify your LARGE EGO IS FUCKED UP!!!
  • Using a child to hold a broken marriage together never works it adds to problems and the child suffers because of it.
  • As for mothers, you will feel different and out of control when 50 hits because you women will go through menopause, and during this time the kids are going through mid-life change. The energy of the family becomes unstable and problems manifest, family members feel out of control.
  • In regards to the change you women go through you won't be able to physically or emotionally keep up with those kids (who are now young adults) as they go through their mid-life change you will feel the rapture.
  • Elon could die tomorrow, next week, next year and all you STUPID BITCHES will be stuck raising kids which you fail at.
  • Parenting is automatic FAILURE, it doesn't matter who you are and how much money you have all you knew were your own parents, and that crap you hated about your parents, will be subjected to your own children.
  • Elon Musk is a man who is insecure and unstable emotionally, you allow your EGO TO GUIDE YOU, not your emotions and logic, if it did you would have one wife and work in that relationship and keep the kids at a minimum.
  • It's a short life and people have to work and it takes a large amount of time and energy to raise happy, healthy children and to solve family problems, and both parents need to have a strong relationship to accomplish these goals. Not broken apart by numerous mothers.
  • Having a relationship with a woman is so much time and energy adding kids to the mix triples the time and energy and you Elon Musk don't have that time nor do you provide to any of those kids your energy. It's restricted.
  • Children are not trophies or toys their complex human beings.

  • I have made no attempt to listen to that slut Amber Heard who is nothing but white trash and horrible in her so-called acting career, it's obvious Elon didn't have a problem fucking her and having a child.  STOP WHINING LIKE A BITCH, YOU CHOOSE THAT SLUT!! Elon Musk is not private if he was he would stop talking and keep his dick in his pants, but Amber must be happy to be paid by Elon to have a child for financial leverage. As for Grimes she was young and STUPID thinking this guy would be faithful to her instead he kept her barefoot and pregnant. I have to guess I bet Elon thought he could control her, but Elon is of the crab zodiac sign and these people are the worst of liars, you can easily smell their bullshit. I have no doubt this man has his good side and can be generous but that too is a problem when money is the source of buying too much pussy and keeping these women pregnant so you can sustain the human population. ELON MUSK YOU WILL NEVER LIVE ON MARS OR ANY OTHER PLANET BUT EARTH. I don't have to know anything about space stuff any more than you do. If man could live on other planets we would already be living on other planets.  It will NEVER HAPPEN!!! STOP having kids because many of them will grow up resenting you. So stop worrying about DIGITAL CONSCIOUSNESS AND PAY CLOSER ATTENTION TO THE KIDS YOU HAVE FATHERED YOU LOSER! YOUR EGO AND ATTENTION SPAN IS THE PROBLEM.

    As for your son who is now believing he should be a girl. WOW, I don't think I can be delicate about this situation but these days it's turned into some kind of fad or sick perversion of humanity. When I was a kid in middle school I was baffled when I noticed my friends were behaving gay in the 8th grade and the first time I saw a boy in high school dressing like a girl every day it freaked me out. I was like "What the fuck is that"? I am female, a woman and I like being a woman no doubt in my mind that being a woman is a bigger advantage than being a man. However this "transgender crap" is out of control and there are deep-rooted problems here. VIVIAN may think she is great but she is a kid 18 or 19 nobody knows who they are at that age and certainly knows nothing about life. Transgender is child sex abuse, how can a child realize that I should have been the opposite of what I was born to be? I need someone to explain this? YOU HAVE NO IDENTITY!!!! Identity is a huge part of every human being which begins to shape itself between the ages of 25 until you are 40 years old. It's the reason why people go through mental and emotional strain for so long. MID-LIFE CHANGE IS ABOUT Identity, about knowing who you are at least half of you. Since most people never learn of their shadow self. But it doesn't stop at 40 because if a person can grasp the change and ground themself it will shift at 40 and then again during old age. Most people walk through life never knowing or understanding who they are. Of course, they won't admit to this because they are living day to day or moment to moment. However, identity is a power struggle so this kid can't possibly know who he or she is. It's a lifetime of discovery until a person dies. If a person wants to live in a lie no one can stop you, so my argument is these kids are being sexually abused and hiding in the "transgender" facade to hide from what truly pains them. With that being said this transgender kid will have more problems living that lie than if you were to confront your internal demons and problems. YOUR LEGAL AGE. LIVE YOUR LIFE AS YOU CHOOSE BUT DON'T ASK DAD FOR MONEY!!