Years ago when
Charlie Sheen
was running a muck, out of control on drugs, and with prostitutes getting into
trouble with the police
was no excuse for his behavior but there was a reason behind it. It's obvious
to me now he is a sex offender and possibly abused himself as a child by
someone close to the family or the movie industry. I realize this is a
sensitive conversation but it can't be ignored anymore. This society is
infested with
sex offenders
and they primarily are in the church and in government, at the top of every
It's a disease that never stops and only recycles but it doesn't matter if you
are an actor or a plumber, as a human being you must bring it to court and
prosecute against those who have mistreated you. I realize that prison won't
be a solution to fixing a sex offender's behavior, but it will stop that
person from hurting other children. During this time I ranted verbally one day
about my thoughts on the actor
Charlie Sheen and how IGNORANT the world is and thinks so much of this loser. Who gives a
fuck he can act, anyone can act, if you can lie and convince an audience you
can act that doesn't give you a pass to behave so out of control that you
rather pimp yourself out for money to a business that has sold you as a common
whore. Given this statement I just made, most people in society are GUILTY of
pimping themself out. Regardless, I have another step-sister who is also a
cunt and she too works in the movie industry with the rest of the child
molesters, but that day I expressed my negative thoughts about this piece of
shit Debra came to Charlie Sheen's defense. I wondered why the fuck is
Deborah Lee Velarde protecting this prick?
Little did I know this guy was a child molester all along. I don't need to
repeat all the bullshit lies the media funnels out defending this scumbag.
There was one story that convinced me, how disgusting and vile both
Charlie Sheen and Heather Locklear are because both of them are GUILTY of molesting Eva Sambora numerous times
when she was just a child. The article on
Lipstick Lies is ridiculous because the writer chooses not to use names, but it's
obvious both of them were on
Spin City together and during this time both were married and had families. However, if
you look at the URL you will clearly see their names.
Heather Locklear hasn't worked in decades, how she supports herself I'm curious and why
her life is out of control is because her guilt is eating at her. She can't
live with herself.
Fuck all the stupid media bullshit about her daughter standing by her
mother providing support with her drug problems. It's all lies I don't
believe any of that.
Eva told someone close to her including her father of what happened she
has to be distraught and damaged, how fucked up to hurt your own child by
molesting her several times with a man? Eventually, everything comes to the surface, but the media lies so
much wanting the public to believe these scumbags are better than regular
common folk compared to everyone else with their bullshit lives. In reality,
the drugs the sexual abuse, domestic violence, you white people are
definitely the poison that pisses on the rest of us. This heinous act of
violence against Eva Sambora and so many other children at the time is
Denise Richards divorced Charlie Sheen and
Richie Sambora divorced Heather Locklear.
Yet the media lies and turns it around to protect Charlie and Heather as
if they were the ones to have filed for divorce against their
spouses. When you're a child you don't understand why people are doing this but
you know it's wrong. When you are silenced as a child as I was many times
growing up the resentment and anger build over time and will force you to
voice yourself. It's good Eva spoke out but it's unfortunate, it took
years because when you're a child you have no power. Eva should have come
forth and prosecuted against her mother and Charlie for the abuse they
inflicted on her. This trauma will ruin her with having healthy
relationships and could lead her to addictions. Since then Charlie Sheen's
career is over and ruined after coming forth with admitting to all the
women he was fucking and how they were blackmailing him about his disease
but he has money to have the best doctors while he lives with AIDS. Is
this the cream on the cake or what fucking a man who has AIDS and is a sex
offender against children all for money? White people, they do it
best, don't they. They are the disease within a disease. I was so sick of
hearing about Charlie Sheen and Heather Locklear with her behavior because
she wanted it to be known what happened and she should, I told her that,
in a letter I wrote and mailed to her home. Why not? You are no mother you
violated your daughter and now you want to feel sorry for yourself for
being a drug addict and loser drinking yourself to death.
You will
nothing to lose bitch! It was said in various articles that Charlie would
ruin her and drag her down with him, but you know Heather is not the
only GUILTY party, how many women have done this to their children with
Charlie? Those kids who might be legal adults now need to come forward and prosecute
their parents for the crimes against them. What pisses me off about this
corrupt justice system if I am not mistaken there is a seven-year window
period. If an adult prosecutes the perpetrator by the time they do this it
might be too late. Hope is not lost people come together and rally why a
seven-year window period? There should
NEVER BE A LEGAL LIMIT TO SEX OFFENDERS! The same criminals who set these bullshit regulations are child molesters
themselves or protect those who are in a status they claim is higher than
the rest of us. It's time to take a stand and Richie Sambora should have
never stayed silent. As for Debroah Velarde, I have plans for that bitch
because she too is a sex offender as I was 8 years old, and she still works
in the movie industry. Now you understand why she came to his defense, they
both have so much in common. I could defend Deborah knowing she might be a
victim as much as a predator, but I'm not going to do that, too many
betrayals and conversations over the years that she has more than pissed me
off with her fucken lies. I don't forgive people, and I have no reason to. Far
too many sex offenders in society and in families, it's time to fight back!
Parents pay attention IF YOU GIVE A FUCK. If the child is being
promiscuous something has happened to them or if suicide or drugs are a
problem something has happened to them. If you give a fuck about your
children. Keep kids off the internet!!
You can't always trust family and friends either.
Pay close attention to the situation and who your kids are around,
someone close by is usually a predator!!