Catholics and Christians, all religions claiming to serve a higher purpose and Philanthropy to help their fellow man are liars and self-serving thieves!!. All these religions have nothing to do with God or Christ (as for Jesus he is not blonde and blue eyes) that is the white man's version because white people believe their own lies trying to claim white is pure (not when it has a black soul and all white people do especially those in congress). These organizations built on false beliefs using Jesus as the scapegoat to financially secure their personal lives for one purpose to collect as much cash as possible. 

Yet the masses of people from all over the world support these criminals. These people are too STUPID, to believe otherwise and think if they're good, they'll go to Heaven. Heaven doesn't exist for anyone and no human living on earth is good, all humans have created great SIN 1) so the white man can profit and support himself richly and give very little back to the communities. 2) It's to control the people and induce mindfucking bullshit to manipulate all those who are willing to follow the lies. The church doesn't believe in universal intelligence and why? Man can't control "an intelligence far smarter than the man himself". So the criminals in the Vatican and the False Government work together to manipulate the world into believing a false God exists, it doesn't and the smaller non-profits such as the Gary Center gain support with this false belief, and keep the racism and slavery mentality in check. White people are the ones to be hired with jobs and get paid, not people of color ever. If America was Christian then why does this "FALSE GOVERNMENT" YOU stupid PEOPLE continue to support corrupt elites and politicians murdering humans and children for money? When exactly did it all start? Many eons ago when Rome took over and began killing and then its corruption eliminated millions and other disasters took place and the white man looking for a new piece of land to start over and run from his sins and their past of murder and corruption calling themselves "CHRISTIANS" for the white man it sounds kinder and practical than calling themself Pagans. 


Have you ever heard a clergyman say "It's God's Will"? This phrase is an excuse for the mercilessness and God because if God was benign and in control then why are people killing, setting off wars, filled with financial greed, and institutions locking people up when they speak out against the establishment causing abuse and this fraud system of human trafficking children and prostitution? Look around prostitution stems most from this fraud government Trump himself married a whore but pays for prostitution and people call that slut the "The First Lady", another false label but people look the other way and now that piece of shit is president again? It's disgusting and proves once again the corruption and abuse in this country nothing has changed because the white man came to America to kill again, and abuse children to fulfill their perversions so therefore Christians are Satanic. 

People confess their sins to clear their conscious and be free to go out and sin again, so what is the point of confessing? Satanism is the false religion known to man as he is and promotes the rationale of turning a bad thing into a good thing. Social Media has so many organizations FaceBook (guilty of killing children) prostituting children (Trump too is GUILTY of these CRIMES) and yet people call themselves Christian. All churches and Organizations support FaceBook being a child murderer. No one is Christian most people are guilty of murdering children and prostitution, CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, I would say YOUR SATANIC not CHRISTIAN! How long has Catholic Charities been around? Since 1910 and it's been Incorporated since 1986? How much money do they collect? Federal Gov gives 2 million annually in grants including another 600,000 from Dept. Justice and $595,000 from the US Dept of Housing which I'm confident it's all taxpayer monies. WOW, and people still have no place to live, where is all the money going because it's HOUSING NO ONE? The Department of Homeland Security donates $244,000 because one hand washes the other, it's not to benefit anyone just those at the top. Philanthropy is a word thrown around to convince people of the good many rich white men claim they're doing, but they're not, they're murderers. There is no GOOD IN THE WHITE MANS SOUL when he spreads virus and disease instead of feeding the world. Bill Gates is NOT into Philanthropy he is a LUNATIC GONE MAD with GREED AND HELPING TO SHAPE AND DESTROY HUMANITY ALL IN THE NAME OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER. Church organizations collect millions of dollars every year and so do all the organizations of non-profits claiming it's to support lives and help the people, it's not. The goal is MONEY, that's it and no one intends on sharing money. 

Just as no one intends on housing anyone because of the lies of spending billions of dollars is a FUCKEN LIE!! All this money is to support their personal interests and personal lives. The lies that are told are to support health and wellness, house the people, free food (food banks) all of it are just lies it's to keep people begging while these greedy non-profits continue to collect millions in cash to show they have a cause! The Gary Center is an organization and example of corruption that collects millions in cash and Scott Miller is the piece of shit who runs it paying white women to work and telling people of color to volunteer for free. He believes in paying white people not women or men of color. Keep racism alive collecting cash and keep people begging. Scott Miller is a lying sack of shit I can confirm, nothing he says is honest or true. 

Another sleazy white man who has SLAVERY MENTALITY! No church or organization with white people running it to collect cash to support their way of life is honest or for the people while WHITE PEOPLE CONTINUE TO PROSPER!!. It's a rotten corrupt organization to keep white people working and people of color enslaved!! JUST SO YOU KNOW THE CITY OF LAHABRA POLICE DEPT ABUSES CHILDREN PLACING THEM IN FRONT OF LIQUOR STORES ON IDAHO ST. THE CHILD IS COACHED TO ASK ADULTS WALKING IN TO BUY HIM BOOZE AND CIGARETTES SO THE POLICE CAN MAKE ARRESTS. THEY TOO SUPPORT FACEBOOK INSTEAD OF ARRESTING CHILD MOLESTERS LIKE MARK ZUCKERBERG!!