Any man who pays for pussy is a loser, YOU ARE NOT A MAN. YOU ARE SCUM WITH LOW SELF ESTEEM. You can lie all you want but there is no excuse or reason of sanity to justify paying for a woman to fuck you. Prostitution is the relationships men are having and paying for because to have any female these days especially a beautiful one most men will never have her, especially since women are just common whores. Many women and some men are selling their asses which in turn tells me the economy is worst than ever and prostitution is in the millions worldwide. Slave jobs won't pay the bills, so to have a few "jons" a month will make up for it all if she can succeed, but how long can it last? How long can any woman sell her pussy as she grows old? The competition is another question? I've seen some incredible females on the net who have spent some money on their appearance and some who are naturally beautiful and this is why they can sell their asses until their life changes or they just get sick of dealing with men. Considering the millions of people in California and Los Angeles, a few hundred thousand hookers there is plenty of variety to choose from.
When I think of how shallow people can be, extremely judgmental and yet they go through many failed relationships, and it's because none of them are based in reality. Men are STUPID with any success they have they want a SUPERMODEL to have the qualities of June Cleaver and the Barbie Twins which couldn't be any more ridiculous. Men are not seeking women they want girls, because the oversized male has a FAT EGO with a high voltage of insecurity. The desire is she must be better looking than her good-looking male counterpart who is a rich ass wad that can afford her ass. If she is not, anything less is not worth paying for. And when that fails he is on to the next one because these men are FUCKEN LOSERS who are so superficial and the women they pick are more superficial with a financial agenda. Real Love doesn't come in a "dixie cup".
When I look around and observe the many males and females who will never have a boyfriend or get married it's because of their physical appearance and the lack of money and it's sad because they too will never have "real love relationships" since the population is overflowing with superficial ass-wads. Millions of people are in Los Angeles and there are a few hundred thousand women who are prostituting themselves. It's the new means of employment, and it does require an application for some. As for others who take their chances on the "BACK PAGE" where the online hookers hang out, its a gamble of being arrested, and if you are a man who is arrested "GIRLS" be sure YOUR CLIENT will sell you out and roll over on all his female friends to save his ass. As for Law Enforcement, they are happy to oblige him.
With all the Bitcoin crap that has flooded the money system, I guess you women better hope paper currency stays around for the next 100 years because if it shuts down anytime soon you and millions of others will be fucked. I do wonder though how the Internal Revenue Service keeps up with all of this or if they don't bother until someone drops the dime as that DUMP BITCH HEIDI FLEISS, did. She was so ugly and Stupid, that you would think at this point people would learn to invest their money and set up legitimate businesses or buy property. (Michael Hurey former client of Fleiss). This loser is now married. He was once busted by law enforcement, and his license for years was suspended from practicing law but now he works for this firm, he is SCUM!! There is so much prostitution in the world and in America, I don't understand how people can tell it apart from "Human Trafficking" to beautiful women selling their asses online? Men are pathetic and sad because no male will ever have real love with women because of the greed in women and men continue to pay for prostitution. Prostitution comes in many forms but two of those forms, are marriage and paying for it a few nights a week. Either way, you men are fucking losers paying for sex you are NOT A MAN!!! your SHALLOW MIND, IGNORANT, AND JUST PLAIN DUMB WHEN IT COMES TO WOMEN, AND HAVE NO CLUE HOW VICIOUS THESE BITCHES REALLY ARE INCLUDING THE WHORE YOU MARRIED!