

What is it about white people, why they are below SHIT? This whore marries this CHILD RAPIST and MURDERER and all these fucked up people behave like nothing happened. It's all so NORMAL to be a child rapist and sex offender. Let me pay off the COPS so I don't go to PRISON and keep working in the film Industry as a CHILD RAPIST!  This fucken loser had Sharon Tate MURDERED, he did and people chose not to believe it (or maybe they know) and pretend it's not the truth. Polanski personally knew Charles Mason and his group of fucken goonies. He promised to pay him $50,000 for a human sacrifice, which I don't think he got the money and took the rap for the crime. It would have been simple not to pay once Charlie Mason was arrested and who else knew they did it? How quickly these scumbags were arrested because the same person who hired that piece of shit, is the same person who called the police about the murder. This murder was a "HUMAN SACRIFICE" I know it's hard to believe but it was and this is why Polanski gets away with sex crimes because the fucken losers (GateKeepers) are the ones running the movie Industry protect him. Ice Cube once said the shit who owns the prison systems in America are the ones running the Movie Industry. All these losers are SATANISTS and for the wrong reason, they like hurting kids, human trafficking, and murdering people the more you do it, the more famous and money you will make.

You are a sick white bitch marrying a fucken piece of shit like Polanksi he deserves to be beaten and have his dick cut off. He deserves execution! You fucked up white people are a poison that pisses on HUMANITY! You commit the most heinous crimes in society and you walk around with money thinking your shit doesn't stink and you are a fucken child rapist. Sharon Tate was a human sacrifice, nobody just happens to walk through the Hollywood Hills by chance and happens to know by chance the house is empty other than a pregnant woman alone waiting for her scumbag husband who lies claiming he is going out of town. Just in case this image goes down, Vanity Fair took it because they have NO TASTE. VANITY FAIR IS FUCKED UP MAGAZINE THAT SHOOTS FAGS, CHILD RAPISTS, AND UGLY OLD BITCHES WHO ARE A 100 YEARS OLD, AS LONG AS THEIR WHITE, IT'S ALL GOOD! The white race needs to be exterminated as their crimes never Stop!!! America is a CESSPOOL OF CHILD MOLESTERS, and all of them are at the top of the food chain.

And NO THIS IS NOT FUCKEN HATE, but it is HATE AGAINST CHILD RAPIST GETTING AWAY WITH MURDER AND SEXUALLY ABUSING CHILDREN. It's only if YOUR BLACK OR MEXICAN you go to prison for raping babies. Of course these pieces shit should get the ELECTRIC CHAIR and so SHOULD ROMAN POLANSKI!! Nothing makes me sicker than these fucken animals believing it's okay to hurt and kill children. They're not the only ones Polanksi hangs out with so many child molesters and baby killers, don't you Roman? Paid off law enforcement so you can escape, but Europe should have deported your sorry ass back to the States. You must have paid a lot of cash to bribe officials.

Roman Polanski I'm going to curse your ass you deserve to be tortured to death you worthless piece of shit. This system in America is corrupt and infested with child murderers and a cesspool of sex offenders starting in government, the Movie Industry, the Music business, and all throughout society. Hurting kids I am fed up with every time I go on the net some fucked up white person is murdering, molesting, and killing a child. Law enforcement is a pathetic excuse of ass wads who REFUSE to ARREST PIECES OF SHIT LIKE MARK ZUCKERBERG, and anyone else participating in sex offenses and trafficking of human beings and children. Another scumbag who needs to be in prison instead of living large as this white trash does. You fucked up white people are the poison in society, the poison that pisses on humanity. Law Enforcement is also GUILTY OF CHILD ABUSE CHILD EXPLOITATION AND CHILD RAPE!!! WHEN IS IT GOING TO FUCKEN STOP?

I remember when I was a kid only 15 and I was walking home in the middle of the day and a piece of shit old white guy with long white hair was waiting in his truck trying to hurt me. I noticed he was a predator like these two fucken scum bags. He kept following me and I just ran all the way home. America and all over the world is filled with predators and this country of STUPID LAZY FUCKEN ASS WADS REFUSE TO STAND UP AND FIGHT AGAINST THIS SHIT! As parents today don't give a fuck about their kids, pimping them out for money, whores getting pregnant, and using children for financial leverage. Pimping out kids to hold on to a man, abusing children, stringing them out on drugs. Burn in hell both of you, burn in hell. The media is just fucked up parading around writing articles on these fucked up white people as if something to brag about. When Polanski appeared on television after Sharon Tate was brutally murdered did he look sorry? Did he look devasted? No, he went on the show to BRAG about having her killed and allowed CHARLIE MASON TO DO ROMAN POLANSKI DIRTY WORK FOR HIM. It would be too obvious if Roman did it himself.