Law Enforcement should never be trusted as they are allies for politicians and elites protecting their personal interests which is the reason you will never see Law Enforcement arrest politicians or war criminals. Let me give an example of their ignorance to assume before the facts. If I called and said this man is raping me the cops would quickly show up and make an arrest especially if he is a man of color, but if he is a white man, he will be favored and possibly let go. Most of the time arrests are based on accusations, of race when people have called 911 to lie and generate accusations. This includes judges and corrupt cops. Understanding the world we live in is a prison, it's not "FREEDOM" which is another reason too many foreigners are here in America, they believe America is freedom. People will leave their own country to come to America ignorantly assuming they will have a better life and less oppression of communism, that is not true, racism and mistreatment are everywhere. The white race (who is not American) is GUILTY of this behavior. In the courtrooms, cops, attorneys, and doctors working in hospitals, display ignorance and lies to accommodate an agenda. The many problems in America with racism and ignorance, create chaos for so many people but the Mexican people are treated the worst. There is no difference between Mexicans and Hispanics, it's just another bullshit label the white man designed to keep people separated and hating on each other.
You will never hear me saying anything positive about cops, because they are racist white trash pieces of shit. I have been harassed so many times by white cops with racist attitudes, derogatory remarks and just straight out fucked up behavior. They are pigs who think it's okay to sexually harass women which I have also experienced when a cop stuck his tongue out at me to show me how he eats pussy. I have been targeted because I drive a black car. I've been targeted because of my race. I have been accused of things that were not my fault because of my race and the color of my skin. White women have called the cops on me just because they are fucked whores I had words with and wanted to be vindictive. This last time dealing with Traffic court was because Anderson (racist cop from Anaheim) lied in court as his good friend Patrick Flannery was the judge and told this piece of shit I ran a red light. It was all lies because he wanted to FUCK ME OUT OF MONEY! 850 dollars to be exact.
The game in court is rigged, it's the reason the judge will say "The cop has the burden of proof".
Tip of the day, the picture with Anderson. NEVER NEVER allow any pig to force upon you the breath machine and walk the line if you are pulled over for a DUI. You will be arrested but you won't be convicted. YOU ARE NOT MANDATORY TO TAKE IT, UNDERSTAND. You will be released because they have no proof of your blood levels.
Patrick Flannery and Anderson are GUILTY OF FINANCIAL ABUSE, RACISM, and LYING IN FULLERTON COURT TO FUCK PEOPLE OUT OF MONEY. I've seen white cops on a public street pull a gun on a black man for not wearing shoes. White cops get off beating and killing people of color or sometimes beating anyone 6 against one to take out their "anger issues" on people. Cops beat their wives and some murder them. I've witnessed white cops commit so many racist crimes against people of color. Cops will conspire with hospitals to incarcerate a person in a facility. They will interfere with aligning themselves with protective services again to incarcerate a person in a facility. Who does it benefit? The State of California so the State can make money off of people. America is a prison.
Cops get off to murder, beat, and kill innocent people at train stations, they have been guilty of leaving a young girl in a rural area to have her killed. Cops place the cop car on a railroad crossing DELIBERATELY to murder an innocent girl. One of my favorites abusing a 7-year-old child with the exploitation of having him stand outside of a liquor store on Idaho Street in the city of La Habra asking people to buy him booze and cigarettes. Orange County is exceptionally racist against people of color, primarily blacks and Mexican but generally anyone who is not white. The irony is the white race (not American) is BLACK and the most fucked race on the planet. Their lazy when it comes to working, abusive, racist, white women are whores, especially in law enforcement. They have a high divorce rate, and their children are thrown out of the house before 18. White girls from white families murder their babies, white women are shitty mothers and can NOT maintain marriage relationships, instead in and out of relationships and the men cheat, cheat, cheat on wives and girlfriends. Female cops are WHORES with long blonde hair draping down wearing pounds of makeup and a tight uniform wanting the attention of their male counterparts. These cunts work in the jails or their DYKE. Cops Handing out 50-dollar tickets because of the street sweeper and the street still looks like shit.
Anderson, I'll ask the DEVIL for a favor to let you catch a fucken disease so your DICK falls off and Flannery I'll ask the DEVIL for a favor you have a heart attack and drop dead. If my blessings come true I will serve the DEVIL for all eternity. Only then will I know there is a GOD!