

Orange County liars and thieves are pouring out as if it's NORMAL to STEAL MONEY!! First, its BIRTH CERTIFICATES with FRANK KIM, now another GOUK was given 13 million dollars to help areas that needed it, which could house and feed hundreds of people. Still, these mother fuckers in Orange County Ca are just fucken THIEVES stealing money to buy a new million-dollar home! Don't you just love it when these scum bags steal money to do whatever they want? This OC County Supervisor gave his daughter a MILLION DOLLARS so she could buy a NEW MILLION DOLLAR HOME. Are they going to JAIL?

Both FATHER and DAUGHTER NEED TO GO TO PRISON, but these IMMIGRANTS HIRED FROM WHITE PEOPLE are just as GUILTY OF CRIMES OF MONEY LAUNDERING AS THE WHITE PEOPLE WHO HIRE THEM. THESE GOUKS WERE DUMB ENOUGH TO GET CAUGHT. Go to PRISON YOU DESERVE IT!! Another scumbag stealing money, how stupid these ass-wads are as if no one will find out. These losers have no shame for all the people who need help, people struggling to work hard and survive and these mother fuckers just steal money like it's no big deal. Slap on the wrist no jail time.  I am so sick of hearing shit like this, all the time these political pieces of shit are always stealing money is it any wonder why this fucked up county never gets the streets fixed, the freeways fixed, the street lights being broken, and parks are a mess because these fucken scumbags are stealing money to buy a fucken house. Refusing to build proper homes so everyone has a place to live. 13 million goes a long way when it's not being STOLEN. Hey, Frank Kim why don't you steal his birth certificate and see if he is a CITIZEN OF THE USA and DEPORT HIS ASS BACK ON THE BOAT AND YOU CAN JOIN THIS PIECE OF SHIT ASSHOLE, BOTH OF YOU CAN GO BACK AND TAKE THAT WHITE TRASH WITH YOU!! Orange County is filled with Criminals, white-collar criminals at best. And you white people (not Americans) are the poison that pisses on Humanity!  Don't you just love it caught red-handed!