The article was interesting but what annoys me is how this white guy still gets away with his crimes. His prison time was nothing and most of all he chooses to tell those ass-wads how he pulled it off? He gave away his secrets. The only reason they want to know is so the FEDERAL RESERVE can change how the currency is printed which becomes harder for anyone else to create fake bills. Those employed to print currency for a FRAUD GOV will know the secrets to the paper and ink. This young man was smart enough to figure a few things out, but being white got him less time because if he wasn't he would have had a harder time with the court. Men and women of color are treated more abusively with circumstances than white people when committing crimes. That is my first peeve. My other peeve is how white people commit more crimes, heinous crimes at best than people of color but spend less time incarcerated and are treated differently, sometimes they get a slap on the hand.
This is not so much a peeve but I'm glad to hear he wasn't killing or hurting anyone. He was honest that he wanted to do something to make money to support the family, nothing wrong with that. All the criminals in the white house and the Vatican are sex trafficking children and sexually abusing and killing babies and all those fucked up white people are usually white men and they think it's okay to kill a child, just as judges support some stupid white trash whore to murder her child and let her walk free. While I am on the subject although it's irrelevant I sometimes have premonitions in dreams as I did of a white man who killed and sacrificed a baby. Eventually, more information will come to light and I will identify this piece of shit, it wasn't just a dream the dream was telling me it was happening. It was a warning of some kind. All these FREEMASON FAGGOTS are nothing but murders and child killers, at least this white guy only printed money which is a fraud, but then so is the currency we use daily from the FEDERAL RESERVE. See they print the money, the losers in the White House don't have control over the cash in this country, only the laws, yet all those pieces of shit must think of ways how to make money from us and put up dummy corporations to generate money so they live well. A major factor of why this country is a fucked up financial situation is because those white men created the mess. A reason the 99-cent store closed quickly was because the false Gov didn't want it anymore, they owned it.
Now I can't understand how people can be so conditioned mentally and not see the problems that have manifested. Understand the money is not real, it's only "paper and ink", it has NO VALUE, it really doesn't. People can learn to live on the land without it, but of course, as humans, we would need to fish for food to eat and build with the dirt to live. No one wants to do that, do they? Everyone wants an easy life never work and have lots of cash. It's time to change, if US humans don't start BUYING LAND and learning to live on the land and work with their own hands you might find yourself in a serious predicament. These elites have us conditioned and brainwashed, co-dependent and it gives them leverage to control every aspect of our life including our money. Paper Currency won't be available to anyone, BlackRock will make sure of it, it's coming sooner we think.
People have been conditioned so well to the comfort of life and co-dependent having everything given to us with a price. I'm sure everyone knows this is the trip up being convinced to work (ancient custom of pledging) but the work is not supposed to be taxed only if you have a business, so the taxes are FRAUD TOO. Another scam lets invent employment and threaten employers to pay a tax, so the people pay a tax and the oligarchy gets rich off all the FRAUD TAX being paid, what a brilliant plan. Since so many people over the years knew of this FRAUD AT THE TOP. Certain people such as Alcapone chose not to be a part of that because he fell into a different category. He wasn't doing anything different than the criminals in the white house. The politicians are a different club and have numerous allies, such as the FBI, CIA, LAW ENFORCEMENT, MILITARY, and the news media which they own today. It's how they misdirect the public to convince the rest of us, that people like AlCapone and other mobsters are Public Enemy 1. They're not, it's those same WHITE MEN who are the problem of this entire system, they are just a larger GANG, that's all.
Although he knew he didn't belong to CLUB A, he did it his way, like this white guy who printed his own currency. Alcapone is very much misunderstood, like Scarface. Do you know what Capitalism is? Getting FUCKED!! Yes, it is but only white people who are politicians and rich pieces of shit are allowed to be "white collar criminals", but when they fuck up, it's okay lets just send them to bed with no dinner. As we need to keep the whites appearing to be punished but we don't want to fuck them too hard only people of color should be abused and sent to prison for life to die.
When have you ever heard white people talk shit about politicians being murderers and stealing money or filing tax fraud? Never those white people only talk shit if some drunk tries to buy a beer with his EBT Card or goes on Welfare. Why don't you get a job and work? A white person never says that to another white person at least not that I've ever heard. White people commit more crimes on every level than people of color, but people of color are subject to more abuse and prison time. Society is convoluted that between cops and criminals, people just never stop hating on each other and never stop to look at where the real problems started and why?
The CRIMINALS WHO STARTED ALL OF THIS SHIT, are those in the White House. The WHITE man is BLACK!!! See the fake royal family is not royal, it's all bullshit and the money that flows in their direction was a setup from a banking industry they control, this is what blows my mind how FRAUD IT ALL IS. Yet our mind is conditioned to see it as real as they earned it. Also if a person doesn't make a lot of money at a job that will be taxed only to screw you over in the end, your a loser, your poor. It's a stigma and a label it too was invented to mind fuck with people so they feel bad about themself. All the while struggling to survive in a temporary world is why people go mad.
When have you ever heard white people talk shit about politicians being murderers and stealing money or filing tax fraud? Never those white people only talk shit if some drunk tries to buy a beer with his EBT Card or goes on Welfare. Why don't you get a job and work? A white person never says that to another white person at least not that I've ever heard. White people commit more crimes on every level than people of color, but people of color are subject to more abuse and prison time. Society is convoluted that between cops and criminals, people just never stop hating on each other and never stop to look at where the real problems started and why?
The CRIMINALS WHO STARTED ALL OF THIS SHIT, are those in the White House. The WHITE man is BLACK!!! See the fake royal family is not royal, it's all bullshit and the money that flows in their direction was a setup from a banking industry they control, this is what blows my mind how FRAUD IT ALL IS. Yet our mind is conditioned to see it as real as they earned it. Also if a person doesn't make a lot of money at a job that will be taxed only to screw you over in the end, your a loser, your poor. It's a stigma and a label it too was invented to mind fuck with people so they feel bad about themself. All the while struggling to survive in a temporary world is why people go mad.
This idea of NEW WORLD ORDER that the fucked up white race has in mind, will not last, and I theorize it can only go two ways. Either people will fold and the numbers of the human race will rapidly decline (which is needed to balance the world's soul) or people will retaliate against the establishment and kill each other until we no longer exist. I don't see the plan of a new world order to control the masses happening at least not in the way the politicians hope it will happen. If it does it still won't last because, in the end, everyone DIES!!!
Although many people are stuck and stupid the human race will die out and those in the white house are done. They won't live much longer and their children are grossly incompetent to take over where Dad left off. Now if the paper currency doesn't continue and is replaced with only DIGITAL FRAUD CURRENCY I see bad things happening in society. It will be a massacre FOR EVERYONE. Right now it's important to change how you live and your eating habits. If you find yourself with nothing and wandering as a caveman, you better adapt like one to survive until death. It's all any of us have to look forward to it's all temporary only death is real.