

It doesn't matter if a company or person deletes reviews on their end, Google still keeps the information floating on the internet. Google never deletes reviews from anyone I tried updating my review about Lassen Market I noticed it wasn't showing, so I decided to express my experience working at Lassen Market in Echo Park. Let me begin with this, the owner HATES GAY people, which is ironic because Joe his manager is a total fag! Mr. Lassen contributed 100,000 to STOP GAY MARRIAGE but refused to give employees a raise like he promised. This market is a sweat shop and you will work like a slave I promise with no lateral way to move up.

The owner has a written policy 3 days NO SHOW, NO CALL, YOU ARE FIRED! And being in JAIL is NO EXCUSE, like traffic court. How interesting, I wonder does his WHITE KIDS follow the same policy? In the market area it's all about sales and cutting hours, and treating employees like shit! Especially people of color but give the white employees and their own kin high salaries, raises and opportunities, and admin positions. I used to work in the Deli it is the hardest and most stressful in any market. Let me be clear about this market there is nothing ORGANIC about this store or its products I promise you. Let's take the hot bar for instance working in the Deli I had tons of prep which is cutting and stocking food items for the salad bar and meats if needed. There is always something to do which is okay I don't mind staying busy and I busted my ass working hard, but I was lied to about my raise after 6 months and the owner refused to give me what I deserved, so I stole as much food as I could from that asshole.

However, to make all dishes organic you must have organic ingredients, and not all products purchased were organic. Nor were the products delivered (from vendors organic) or on time. In addition, the lack of staff to work in areas of the store efficiently makes it hard to cover the departments they assign to. Poor work conditions are part of the reason over 80% of employees walked out. At times the load wouldn't come in on time or if it did there wasn't staff to unload it, so the food would sit outside until someone could unload it, this is unsanitary conditions for the food. Now understand when you are one person who has to unload 3 to 4 fucken pallets of food, you have to remove expired items, rearrange the self as you are making room for the other items, and make sure the expiration dates and names are properly labeled. This is a lot of fucken work which can take up your entire shift, but the manager expects people to do this in a couple of hours. Joe only sits on his ass in the office with the rest of the lazy-ass wads who do no labor!

As a worker in this kind of business, you can't just throw the food in the freezer or on the shelves understand? A lot goes into this and you're having to work in a confined area that is extremely small because that is how Mr. Lassen purchases stores crammed properties with small work areas, BROKEN DOWN ONE HORSE LOCATIONS. Yet 100 employees or more work to accommodate each other in poor work conditions. Let's explore the meat dept, it was clean and had the most room to move around in until the stupid owner Mr. Lassen decided to have a Sushi Bar in the meat department which ruined the department. He is a scumbag and slave owner; people were walking out because of the poor conditions and no raises. Lassen only cares about how to have the Sushi bar, cramming it in a small area that is only supposed to be a meat department. Who they fuck is going to work it? This asshole owner of 12 stores that I know of, he is a slave owner and most of his markets are in rural areas where the majority of employees are people of color. He steals money cheating employees out of pay and trains management to be abusive mentally and verbally.

Let's explore more of the kitchen and its contents, the stove was the first thing I noticed as I looked around at the setup. The business before Lassen Market must have been a restaurant or something because the stoves were old and beat up, no dishwasher existed, and utensils and refrigeration were old and worn out. Instead of buying new kitchen appliances and kitchenware, the workers were being forced to use the old shit that was left behind by the previous owners. As for no dishwasher is really fucked up, everything had to be cleaned by hand. Do you realize how long that will take and if there is no one to maintain that area the dishes will pile up. If there is someone to work in this area, you need to work fast and have organizational skills because the kitchen is hard and just as crammed as the other areas of the store. 

So, to get back to what I was saying about Organic, if the right ingredients are not available to make certain dishes or if we run out, workers have to make do with what they have. People think this is easy fuck no and you will realize how hard it is if you are working the area and you have to fast-flip that hot bar. Also, for the prep, you must be quick, slow workers don't cut it. Organic is a Marketing Strategy. If you want ORGANIC, cook at home and buy the best ingredients and do it yourself, or grow it yourself. At Lassen Market, you are not getting what you think you are buying. There is not enough consistent flow from the time products are ordered, delivered and the daily problems within the store not enough staff to stock and cook all of it at a consistent flow. (Be mindful that many lazy fucken people, work here so not everyone will work at the same pace). Many lazy employees and ass kissers who never work hiding in the freezer and then there are employees like me busting my ass and picking the slack from the losers.

However, society depends too much on corporations to process everything for us. STOP BEING CO-DEPENDENT!!! You don't know how other vendors manufacture food products before Lassen buys them. The concept of Organic is growing it yourself. Take oranges for instance you must grow oranges and then squeeze the fruit to make juice yourself, which is Organic. Of course, most of us can't or don't have room for an orange grove, so buying oranges is the next best thing, then squeeze the juice yourself. The more you DIY the better. You understand right?

The hot food bar is the hardest and should be flipped 3 to 4 times within a day. All the prep that goes into the food daily takes hours. Mr. Lassen is a white man who treats people of color like slaves with all the labor but the white kids are given jobs as leads, front end, and managers and given raises compared to the rest of us who are not white!  Joe the manager might still be working there, he was not only a backstabbing fag. He cheated employees on their paychecks at least I know I was and so was Jerry as he shared this with me. Before I left, Joe started blackballing people with dirty looks and derogatory remarks.

Joe and his cronies had once cornered me in the freezer threatening me which pissed me off, he just didn't like it I spoke my mind, 6 men against 1 woman. Another time the floor manager who only walked around doing nothing started talking to me knowing how busy I was unloading the pallets of food, I responded to his comments and when I looked up Joe was throwing me "dirty looks", it was a setup. If anyone was caught speaking while working they were being threatened. It was interesting when I asked for a transfer to another location, the manager asked me, "Why do you want to work here"? I wasn't sure how to answer him and didn't want to speak about the problems at Echo Park, so I said nothing, a week later he walked out and Amy took over.

Now I understand he was frustrated and hated the job is why he was questioning me? The guys in the meat department had come from the "Wholesfood Market" who once made $35 an hour, they all left as they were being blackballed. Lassen would only pay them 20 dollars an hour to be a butcher. YOU DO NOT WANT TO WORK FOR LASSENS, as you will  NEVER get a raise or be treated well, this is why over 20 people walked out. I left soon after and of course, was given a 2000 dollar check for loss of wages, but Lassen owed me much more than that, it's because of that cunt Ms Hyne is why I was cheated from the LABOR DEPT. they too enjoy cheating people out of money instead of being honest. Mr. Lassen, you can kiss my ass you white trash piece of shit! Never again but I do have one more story of me walking out of Sprouts.



John Jack Palomarez was murdered by a female from a gang from Wilmington, this was an all-girl gang from what I know. I can’t identify all of the females that were involved. I have speculated for years that Rebecca Zulacia is the person who initiated the killing at the very least knew about the intentions of murdering my relative. Rebecca and Jack were married very young, on January 12, not exactly sure how they met or where, but she still lives in Los Angeles, in Whittier with her brother, she is not married, but I believe she has a son.

The rumor was that Jack was going to work that night he was shot around 12:35 am and he had a life insurance policy which may have been the reason why he was murdered because Rebecca was still legally married to Jack at the time although they were separated six months after they were married. She was given 10,000 in cash from the policy. Which leaves me to question, why? 10,000 may not be much money to sum but it's a lot to a bitch who is only 20 years old with nothing, not even a job.

When people are young they don't break up so quickly which, at the time Jack was 20 and Rebecca was 18 from the records I found, kids are usually in love or infatuated with each other, so for these two, to be separated only six months after being married raises questions, about Rebecca? I was only five years old during this time, but my uncle was a piece that was the sign of his zodiac. Pieces are romantics, people who want to be in love, they don’t go out of their way to create problems or cause grief with intentions. Rebecca is a Virgo they're usually insecure, selfish, lazy (because they lack confidence), and greedy people, which is why I believe Rebecca split apart from Jack only six months later.

I asked about Rebecca from other relatives but haven’t received anything substantial, other than Nuni expressing he didn’t like her and warned Jack about her, so he said. I do theorize she knew and maybe initiated the set-up to have Jack killed. I also speculate she may have called him on the phone to meet her somewhere as he was walking from my grandma’s house through a residential neighborhood that had numerous killings over the years.

Now it's possible he could have been coming from a bar around the corner but not likely because there was no alcohol in his blood from the autopsy report. Jack wasn’t known to be a drinker or drug user, from any of his friends or people that knew him. My uncle wanted out of that neighborhood, one month after his murder a letter came from the college that he was accepted to the “psychology department”. This clearly indicates he wanted more, he wanted out of the stigma and shit that his life surrounded. The autopsy reported he had barbiturates in his blood, I believe this was a lie to go against his race. The report is written sloppy with gross negligence stating Jack was white, but he was not. The lies on the report, also state an address of 522 West Riggin St in Monterey Park I have nothing indicating Jack ever lived there alone or with Rebecca. Rebecca was living at her stepfather's house 329 Gleason Ave in Monterey Park which was about 10 to 15 mins in a car from what I measured, maybe 30 minutes on foot depending on how fast you’re walking. This house has recently been sold as the "stepfather" is now dead, his name was Paul (unknown last name).

Jack was murdered on the corner in a small neighborhood between Verona St and West of Ferris Ave. in East Los Angeles. This neighborhood on foot was about 15 to 20 minutes from my grandma’s house where she lived on Mednik in East Los Angeles. Again, I speculate someone called him on the phone so he would leave, and this is why he was walking out so late at night, it was set up to have him killed for money. About five years ago my uncle Richard (mother's side) told me how his son Zach and he were speaking to this young priest at a church and this guy blatantly said how Jack was set up by the girls in Wilmington. How would this young guy know that? The incident was way before his time. So, whoever shot and murdered Jack bragged to this young guy who is a priest as he bragged about it like he knew all the details. It's only a matter of time that I find this priest. The photo above was taken over 40 years and this sign was eventually taken down after the new owners took over those properties on Mednek. Jack wanted out of East Los Angeles. Jack was accepted to college by the psychology department and I know he would have succeeded in life if he only had the chance he deserved but those ghetto whore took his life. I know Rebecca had something to do with this. Yet the bitch who killed Jack walked and was never convicted. Once I get the court transcripts I'll have more evidence to piece it together. 

Zeferino Ramirez Mortuary in Brooklyn between Ford and McDonnell was owned by my Aunt Bea's Family. Diana Zayas was her daughter, and her sister Angie inherited the properties, but they cashed out. This is where Jack's services were held and someone had to suggest it to Rebecca as she wouldn't have known about it. Her only focus was getting the money Jack left behind. If anyone has more information let it be known I will provide a reward for information about the gang whores from Wilmington and the priest as it is obvious he must know her personally or related somehow. 

Jack Palomarez was MURDERED for no other reason than ghetto whores from Wilmington wanting money or other reasons, but they killed a young man and all these bitches walked. When you take a life don’t expect anything good to come from your own life and those responsible are yet to pay for what they did. That cunt who told the court my uncle Jack raped her is a viscous lying bitch and for the court to take her word over a man who has been killed and can’t defend himself is so fucked up and beyond unfair. You bitch better hope I never find you. Far too many people are walking around free after murdering a human being for selfish narcissistic reasons fucked up reasons. May you burn in hell whores and Rebecca Zulacia.

   In Loving Memory of John Jack Palomarez


Lisa Calce is over 50 and still hasn’t grown up, she’s a drunk and weak-minded, selfish cunt who plays the victim to anyone who will listen to her complain. This white trash bitch is disrespectful from the moment I met her, she has no education, no class, and no self-respect, her narrow-mindedness is a reason to dislike her altogether. Actually, now I recall it was before I met her, this is how IGNORANT and STUPID FUCKED UP WHITE PEOPLE REALLY are. Todd told his dumb ass sister of my race and her response was, “Oh does she speak English”? I can still hear that big mouth of hers through the phone. When I finally met her face to face I confronted her and she looked at me with a STUPID manner and had nothing to say. When her father died he left her $40,000 in cash and she never used it to buy a home, instead, she pissed it all away that is the difference between Lisa and Tina. The other bitch used it as a down payment and purchased a home which later sold for. Tina and Kenny Zimmerman.

Lisa Calce Garrettson whatever your name is White Trash in Bakersfield

I remember the many times she called her brother Todd it was only to bitch and complain about family problems. Never to say hello or ask how you are? First, it began with Lisa trying to unload Todd's mom on both of us and I told Lisa, Barbra is not our responsibility, she’s your mother and why should Todd take her, she was never in Todd’s life the way a mother should be? All I recall is Todd telling me how his mother burned him with cigarettes when he was a kid, he hated the men in her life and there were many as his memories were never positive about his parents and he remembered them fighting in the parking lot at the whiskey GoGo.

During this time Todd and I were both working in Los Angeles and Lisa would call regularly late at night drunk every time. She once called about her boyfriend Mike and how he took off for a month. She was so stupid, “Oh I don’t know where he is”. Uh. with another woman obviously and making a plan to kick you out when he comes back and sure enough that’s exactly what he did. She made for a lousy mate and she wasn’t wife material. This guy was sick of her drinking and partying. The phone calls never stopped and at some point, she expected Todd to school her nephew because Stevie Zimmerman was a drug addict and heroin junkie and didn’t care about his life or his future. That loser didn’t work, but frankly, he should have spent more time in prison as the year he spent wasn’t long enough.

Again, it's not our responsibility he has parents although they weren’t worth a dam as his father was a pill popper and his mother Tina was another idiot who just put up with it all and walked around with a fake smile on her face and cocktail in her hand. Lisa had no respect for us she only called to complain. Todd hadn’t dealt with his own problems considering all that happened and this bitch dumping all this shit on us including the mother. Lisa never cared for her mother she was living with Tina but this bitch was keeping Barbra drunk. Frankly, I speculated Tina couldn’t wait for Barbra to drop dead. She had to take her in because she couldn’t be on her own anymore and her friend didn’t want to rent a room to Barbra because she would drink all day and fall and get hurt. The woman was already 80 years old. She wasn’t a good mother at all and it's because her own mother had abused her very badly, abuse is a vicious cycle. It’s in society everywhere we go. Lisa was so ignorant the first time I met her hillbilly ass face to face she tell's me, I don’t want to hear about your sex life with my brother, this white cunt is so fucken STUPID, I never would consider her someone to trust or confide in. She must have me confused with someone else, I have manners (but I won’t hold back on being blunt) unlike this bitch and her narrow-minded thinking.

A couple of years go by and Lisa hooks up with another guy named Mike as he too is a bigger drunk than Lisa. She marries him after his sister warned her not to, but Mike lied to Lisa about his job which he had none, because he had nowhere to go. So, he lived with Lisa and her son in their small apartment. Months go by and Lisa notices the problems become more transparent so she divorced Mike a year later because the IRS said he owed over 12,000 dollars. A few months passed and Mike killed himself at the local motel, after overdosing on pills and booze. Lisa again ignorantly denies he was a drug user. Hey look on the bright side, the IRS will never get any money!!  I remember when Todd and I moved to La Mirada she would keep calling late at night drunk and as she spoke about Mike, she said how they would never have sex. How the fuck is a guy who is drunk 24/7 going to perform or be in a romantic mood? Notice the contradiction? I questioned Lisa why she married this guy and she confessed that she was lonely. Every man this bitch has been with has ended on a sour note with nothing to show for it in the end. Lisa Calce Adams Garretson whatever your name is BITCH!!! Sound familiar Lisa? Her last name has changed many times from all the men she’s had failed relationships with.

Nothing will ever work out for Lisa until she decides to change her attitude and educate her ignorant ass. White people think they're special when in fact they're NOT, just narrow-minded and fucken Stupid! Oh, I have advice for Lisa go get section 8 housing bitch because you can’t afford retail especially since your too lazy to work 70 hours a week. She works now as a care provider but it doesn’t pay much unless you work 70 hours a week. White bitches are lazy they only prefer to sit on their fat asses behind a desk. Generally, they don't like to work, of course, many women are guilty of this but white women take the prize. It's interesting when Mike died of that overdose I recall Lisa telling me how Tina came over and not only was she rude but she left quickly. I had to point out to Lisa she doesn't care, you refused to accept it. Your cunt of a sister cares about herself. Now that she has a new husband and her grand brats her life seems fulfilled she won't waste her time with you anymore since she is no longer alone. It's this way with many people. People only come around if they want something or have no one to occupy their time but the minute something else fills the gap they're gone. Those who once came around won't anymore, there is no reason to. It's called using you.

Lisa had lost her job a few years ago because the new owners who were Asian took over the convalescent hospital she worked at; she was mad expressing they needed to go back home. Maybe, they do but, she had no business working there with a DUI hanging over her head as the hospital could lose its license. It was only because the white manager gave her the job knowing she had a DUI on her record. Again, white people fuck up and still gain favoritism when she should have been kicked out the door. Now she works at IHSS as a care provider, which she sucks at. I know Barbra is dead. Lisa has to be really lonely now with no friends, and no mom, her sister is busy with her own life and has no time for Lisa.

Lisa didn’t give a fuck when her brother Todd died that’s what a selfish whore she really is. I called Barbra and left a message on her cell phone because she didn’t answer and Lisa called back with a disrespectful shitty attitude. These white whores will never know what I went through and the pain I endured from caring for Todd and I still miss him today. Lisa is a lowlife degenerate cunt who is a selfish pig. I only pray her soul burns in hell for the problems Lisa, Tina, and that drug addict whore Cynthia Taylor caused me. You cunts will get yours when you least expect it. See you in Hell!


Tina Calce Zimmerman Smith whatever your name is a racist white trash hillbilly working at American General and living in Redneck city Bakersfield. The first time I met Tina she was as ignorant as white trash can be, like her sister Lisa had no education and worked selling air time. Maybe I’ll contact some of those customers who might not be interested in buying airtime from a racist cunt like Tina. Yet she thought it was okay to give her welfare witch of a daughter my cell number calling me with her bullshit thinking she was funny. Sammy is a lowlife whore who can’t keep her legs closed and pops out kid after kid because she needs to compete with Nikki who has adopted three children. Then there is Tina's other kid Steve Zimmerman heroin junkie white trash with no education in and out of prison, breaking into the neighbors’ homes. Tina had Steve calling me up yelling I was NEGRO, am I? Why don’t you say it to my face you piece of shit? Actually, I'm Native and Mexican American my ancestors are indigenous here, but you jackass, are not. No white person is (white trash in America evolved through incest). Although none of you would know that since none of you graduated high school.

Tina and Mr. Smith who she desperatly went Husband Hunting for to save her from her demise

When I think back on it Tina never acknowledged Todd she didn’t even when we came to see his mother for the first time, she didn’t ask how he was or anything about him. When he was very ill and I reached out for help she ignored me because that’s the way this ignorant whore is yet she enables her loser son to hold him by the hand. He’s over 30 and she still breasts feed that piece of shit. Who is nothing more than a loser and a coward? You know I remember Tina and Lisa fighting as they were both drunk when we were visiting during the holiday. Lisa used the N-word and Tina didn’t like it one bit and yelled at Lisa that she sounded like white trash. Yeah, well you are NO different Tina the problem with you is you can't see your own faults. Either way, you are no better and just as RACIST especially after the way you treated me when I was at your home on Waterwheel, remember in the bathroom where you cornered me what was it that you called me again?

Aren’t you a hypocrite Tina, and straight out the mouth of a lying cunt. She has no problem pointing out anyone else’s flaws but can’t see her own. Her daughter Sammy is a loser just like her mother as Sammy mimics everything her mother does, she has no one else to look up to. I recall Sammy attacked me when I was in the bathroom only to be a bitch and say how she needed to use it. There was a bathroom in the hall and then Tina walked over to me and called me CHA CHA see deep down in her soul she is a two-face cunt who is a RACIST BITCH and she knows it!! Fucked up, white people. I should have figured they would behave this way considering they grew up in the gutter. I also witnessed Tina yelling at Nikki’s adopted children when playing on the chair, yet she allowed her dogs to lay all over the furniture. A message to Nikki I would be overprotective of your daughter she is a child of color and will grow to be a woman of color, so if Tina is a racist, I would be careful. And keep her away from Steven Zimmerman since anyone with Olive skin is Negro. You wouldn’t want any of them to hurt your child considering the abusive racist background they come from.

Todd’s mom was pleasant, she actually expressed to me how she had respect for me it sounded sincere and I don’t doubt she never told her daughters that. Otherwise, Barbra had a reputation but she was old at the time I met her and still hurt very deeply from her own mother being extremely abusive emotionally and physically, is what I observed. Is the reason she refused to speak about her mother.

Tina, Sammy (like mom) Stupid Steve Zimmerman Racist White Trash in BakersfieldWhat I find disturbing is how Tina lies with no conscious I mean for all those people who know her and have read her Facebook Page. Tina has not been married to Mr. Smith for 21 years. That is a lie and look what it reads on her Facebook page, Tina implies her daughter Sammy is from a man of 21 years and her son is from someone else. As if people aren’t going to notice the lies, she tells.

Kenneth Zimmerman and Tina were married for 21 years both of her loser kids are from Kenneth. The other guy she leached on to and met at Lisa’s wedding to that idiot Mark or was it Mike?  Anyway, she hooked up with him fast because Uncle Sam is going fuck her with taxes. One day Tina catches father and son doing their drugs together, she kicks Kenny out, files for divorce and after meeting Mr. Wonderful she sells the house on Waterwheel and purchases a new house in a newly developed set of track homes that were built. However, Lisa highly exaggerated how she custom-built this house which is a fucken lie. Those are track homes that were built you STUPID BITCH! A custom home is when you have an architect draw up blueprints, buy the land, and pay someone to build the house for you or do it yourself. White people can never be honest. Land developers build track neighborhoods all the time. Who gives a Fuck, Tina is a husband hunter like so many other women (white women especially) as they choose not to struggle on their own. Tina looks out for herself she always has this is why she doesn't bother with her sister anymore, now she is busy with Mr. Smith. Lisa doesn't have the common sense to follow the same method. She's too busy feeling sorry for herself to use her brains.

Frankly, I don’t know what Mr. Smith sees in Tina, she's not that good-looking. Yet Tina looks up at Mr. Smith like he’s Prince Charming who saved her from her Demise, which in a sense he did, she was desperate. I have no doubt Lisa's jealous but Tina looks out for herself she walks around pretending life is perfect with her fake smiles but deep down she is strung out to the point that she can’t drive her car on the freeway anymore. Now that she has a new hubby, a new home and Barbra is dead life is grand. And that’s what is important to Tina how society views her. 
It's important to Tina that she appears stable, she isn’t. Having a home and bargaining your life for security from a man she barely knew that’s desperation. Many women are guilty of that and so much more. Gee… I hope he doesn’t have a heart attack and die on her. Then she’ll be right back where she started, but I won’t feel sorry for her, if it happens frankly, I hope it does. I pray to the DEVIL her daughter Sammy gets a kick in the head and ends up with no husband and let’s see how far that whore will go on her shit job cutting hair.

I am curious if she took in her loser son with no job and a long rap sheet as he went on crying to his mommy with no place to go. I wouldn’t be surprised if she did and that would be more than what Mr. Smith bargained for, if I were him, I wouldn’t put up with it. Steve tries to convince everyone he found GOD, but he is full of shit, he doesn’t know what GOD is if GOD smacked him in the face. Yet, if he did find GOD then why is he calling me a NEGRO? Is that the behavior of a good Christian? Of course not. No more than all those white trash evangelists you see on TV getting caught in homosexual affairs and snorting drugs. The Calce family is just a bucket of shit and I’m referring to Tina and Lisa, and that gossiping whore Cynthia Taylor (no relation) just white trash meth junkie. Remember Tina your job is at stake here because customers now know what you are!



For years I've listened to the media brag of how Kimberly Stewart is a social light. No, she is a loser who has never worked a job in her entire life. She is just white trash and peddles off of her daddy's name. The only accomplishment that white bitch has done is grow old only to turn out just like her mother Alana Stewart, now this bitch is something, but we'll get to her later.  The media has a bad habit of calling white bitches, "social lights" because the world has to look up to white women. White women need to be on a pedestal. They're not whores their special, yeah right. I'm sure all of Tiger Woods's whores are special too. As white women will suck any dick as long as it has a phat dollar attached to it. It's a label and they are not special. There is nothing special or interesting about any of these morons, but I can't help myself today I'm going to exploit this white trash for what they both are. "White Trash Whores" using children for financial gain and peddling off of Rod Stewart's name. 

In addition to using names every time I look and read an article, it's pathetic how Rod Stewart and Benicio Del Toro's names are used to support this white trash, it's the only way to give her any leverage. Kimberly is pathetic, uneducated, and has never worked a real job. Used every excuse in the book to sit around waiting for some idiot to marry her because she needs financial support, white women don't work! Now years later she found an idiot to marry dumb ass. Benicio must be thrilled Kimberly is now someone else's problem. This is all too obvious to me but women are GUILTY of using children for "financial leverage" just as her mother Alana did and so did Kimberly it's the reason she fucked Benicio and begged him to marry her, she tried hard to get pregnant again in hopes he would marry her. Thank God he did NOT make that huge mistake! Can you imagine? Maybe not but that bitch, her colors would have changed the moment the honeymoon took place. I mean look what happened to Johnny Depp. People come on real love doesn't come with a price tag, real love is sacrifice, real love is being there when shit goes bad, real love is working hard to keep the home together not one person depending on another because they have a few coins in the bank. Not for white whores, and some not so white, look at Salma Hayek she is a Mexican whore who did the very same thing fucked a man to use her pregnancy for financial leverage.

Well let's look into the past shall we because it thrills me to slash this stupid white bitch, actually I feel sorry for this guy he has no idea what he just did. Yet neither did Daniel Moder (Julia Roberts's husband) he is scared of her, it's obvious, don't let the fake smiles for the press fool you. Julia Roberts is a controlling psycho. Not to get off subject but I found this from a NOT A JULIA ROBERTS FAN! It was hilarious and I so agree. Julia Roberts is a controlling bitch, it's so obvious, see you must realize women can see through other women's bullshit just like men can see through men's bullshit. I am curious what Julia did to sell her ass and soul to work in the industry. I mean her brother Eric got her in, but who did she fuck for all those movie titles? No one gets a free pass and she has no talent, hell most people on film have no talent. As for her husband, he is too scared and too weak to walk out on that crazy bitch, but he should the minute his kids are legal age, I mean if you want to have a peaceful sane life why stay with a crazy cunt like Julia Roberts? Daniel wake up can you actually see yourself growing old with that bitch and say you are fulfilled in your heart, in your soul, NOPE! I didn't think so. GET OUT AND SAVE YOURSELF!  So this "not a fan" shouldn't feel bad at all because you are not the only one who sees through this crazy cunt. Yeah, I remember Steven Seagal, I remember he ruined Kelly LaBroc's life she was young and beautiful and he ruined her with domestic violence and keeping her barefoot and pregnant. Now she is older and her career is gone because of him and Julia you are Steven Seagal's twin. I remember his brother who was white trash scum working as an agent hiring young fags to work in his office and he was an ex-junkie. See these people are nothing special.




Law Enforcement is trained to be Racist and Abusive - It's obvious to me with observation and personal experience that cops are trained to be abusive and racist. Watch, and observe closely most of the time when two cops are partnered it's according to their race. Cops will drive outside their jurisdiction and ticket, make arrests, harass women (which some cops have killed), and use children by placing them outside of liquor stores tricking people into buying them booze and cigarettes so cops can make arrests based on entrapment. Cops in Orange County are GUILTY of the same behaviors and stirring up revenue is the goal. I've witnessed and was fucked out of $850 all because a cop lied that I ran a red light. Judges are liars too only to screw people out monies and will give the cop burden of proof once it's gone to traffic court. I was a witness to a dozen cop cars pulling people over so they could lie and write out tickets again its all about fucking you out of money. All law enforcement is exactly the same.

Law Enforcement calls are based on 25% Assumptions without facts - Have you ever noticed Koreans and Chinese love to call the cops on crying wolf if you question them or have a confrontation? Especially the women, the women are the biggest cunts crying to cops all the time and then exaggerating the circumstances as well. Cops assume too much without the facts, especially in Orange County I once experienced this very thing twice at a nail shop with a bitch who had all these immigrants from off the boat in her shop, she tried to cheat me of monies and when I confronted her, she got pissy, calls the cops and makes up a wild story only for some white racist rookie to grab me by my arms accusing me of shit that never happened. These fucken scumbags don't bother to ask anything that is how fucken stupid they really are, but that gouk, she was soon out of business and I was glad. Too many of them are here in America illegally as it is.

Law Enforcement Allies for Politicians and the Rich - Yes they are let me express a HUGE contradiction that all cops will say. When they're trained it's known that all citizens are GUILTY OF CRIMES, if that is the case that includes you pigs and all politicians and rich people too. Then why are you asswads not arresting people like Trump for killing children or Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates for being child molesters and child trafficking? Why not you pieces of shit? Could it be because you too are GUILTY of such crimes, or do you protect these fucken child abusers, or are you being paid lots of cash to protect their ass? Ignorantly assuming rich people do no wrong IS SO FUCKEN FAR FROM THE TRUTH! Law Enforcement can NEVER be trusted they are the biggest lying sacks of shit with no SOUL. They're child abusers, rapists, liars, con artists who beat up on women. I've known many cops even dated a couple when I was young they are nothing special just pieces of shit.

Law Enforcement Guilty of Abusing Children and Adults - We live in a world filled with piss child molesters, rapists, and murders and cops are just as GUILTY if not more than everyday citizens. There is nothing honest about cops. I have a big peeve about homosexuals especially if they are men, because heterosexual men walk around with an erection in their pants which is disgusting they can't control their sick behavior. So if homosexuals are doing the same thing it's three times as bad when fags are getting together. All of this sexual abuse is a vicious cycle of abuse when these cops were probably kids or adults but that doesn't make it better or an excuse to violate a child or an adult with rape and sexual assault just because you were ASSAULTED a child. For males, they seem to think it's okay, but it's not and I've noticed white people are the main culprits of sex abuse and murder. White women think they're funny raping children and getting young males to impregnate them. They're disgusting whores violating a human being, violating a child. You have to be twisted in the mind to do this, but these people know exactly what they are doing. Cops are GUILTY just the same. So while you pieces of shit walk around thinking your shit doesn't stink take a better look at yourself you worthless fucks. 


Law Enforcement are Lazy pieces of Shit uneducated Ass wads - Cops are so fucken lazy they are FAT FAT FAT very out of shape, the women and men. They have poor judgment and are uneducated losers because the state of California wants them to do what they are told, not have a thought or opinion of anything. If they do then they will think outside the box and question the authority of the scum at the top who are training them to be allies for the rich and politicians who kill people, rape and murder children, and trafficking human beings. $5000 a month is shit pay for a job that is founded on ABUSE, INSIDE CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. Cops race around in the cop cars, throwing on the sirens to run a red light, the young ones are driving around on their cell phones, but if you tell the "watch commander" he'll be a dick and say they can use their cell phones in theory, which is fucken STUPID, no they can't when driving a fucken car! Being a cop will only get you so far.

You will never think outside the box, you will be a dumb shit your entire life with poor judgment, and let's be honest. You, cops, are humans who fuck over people, lie all the time, and are worthless excuses for human beings. White cops want to MURDER people (ESPECIALLY PEOPLE OF COLOR) and let me not forget all the white trash whores in Orange County that are cops with their long blond hair down and their tight uniforms, wearing pounds of makeup on their faces looking like clowns, sucking the watch commander's dick. You are losers with bad marriages, cheating on your spouses, your kids hate you and you think you are so fucken honest? What part is that when you lie to yourself in the mirror every morning? Cops are the DISHONEST, CORRUPT GROUP OF SCUM WHO ARE NOT HUMAN BUT A SELLOUT AND BITCH FOR THE USA!

Law Enforcement Cheats and Lies - You will never find a man who is a cop to ever be honest, all adults lie it's just a matter of degree, but some make a living from it. Let me indulge you with a story, it's a true story. Once many years ago I was on the phone with a cop (it doesn't matter how our wires crossed) but this ass wad brags to me about how he met this girl (not a woman) and he was fucking her only to find out she was married to a doctor. Of course, some whore marries another for the money and security only to cheat and lie, how typical. So he confronts her numerous times and she denies the marriage every time. Then he goes above and beyond and gets a copy of her marriage certificate. Again she denies everything (she's playing his game now). He whines to me about how she looked like Selma Hayek and how fucken stupid everyone seems to have a thing for that Mexican whore which she is not special. So the story doesn't end well, but I will say too many cops are on Adult Friend Finder crying about their problems to anyone who will listen to their shit. This cop is scum himself, he thought he found the love of his life only to get a slap in the face. Well, I don't feel sorry for you. I feel bad for the Doctor, he married a whore who doesn't care at all about him.

Law Enforcement creates chaos with Ego behavior - Murder, cops enjoy killing people, especially white cops. Cops leave their jurisdiction all the time and are not supposed to, let me give an example. Numerous times I would see cops driving through the parking lot of "Planet Fitness" At first I didn't think anything of it. As it continued on a nightly basis I thought, why are so many cops driving through here for this small town? Which in fact is a town, not a city. Only a city will have its own station, then after these two fuck wads white cops give me a ticket for driving from one parking lot to another I then realized too late they are West Covina in Hacienda Heights. Out of their jurisdiction. So later I call and of course, I end up having to speak to a STUPID bitch only for her to tell me, to call the City of Industry, it's their problem. No, actually it's not your a cunt. I let it be known I am contacting Internal Affairs. The next night two cops show up but after that, they don't come around much anymore. Walnut as STUPID as those pieces of shit are and the City of Industry shares that jurisdiction. Cops being out of their authority can be a serious problem just like that cunt Steinke who deliberately tried to kill that young woman.  It was with INTENT that cop wanted to kill that young woman with INTENT and that bitch walked FREE. The employee of the month should read "MURDERER, KILLER OF THE YEAR". Lethal Injection is what you deserve you worthless bitch, what she did was with INTENT!



Antonia Velarde Contreras Christian Hypocrite I have every right to express this thought brutally, I know the bitch. Sometimes when you grow up with your siblings being close to them you later realize the greed and lies that person is characterized by, not her Christian beliefs as that is a contradiction. Most of us know the church is filled with liars and hypocrites, it's a money-maker this church is in business for itself. It dares to ask the people for donations so the preacher and his fat wife (Patti) can be supported by the community to pay all their bills. Yet if a human in the community goes to the church and needs help with anything no way, we can't, are you a member? Antonia Contreras should have asked Patti and her husband every time she needed money,  instead, she always harassed my parents, especially my father, because her shit husband Tony Contreras is a loser who couldn't support his own family. And not once did this piece of shit show any respect or "a thank you" to my father for all his financial help. Let's look back on this and I will show you over the last 30-plus years how this cunt who is my mother's daughter took advantage of my father and his money.

Tony Contreras is a Loser from LaPuente Ca

Tonia and Tony met at a dance she was 13 and he was 18, then she dated him and got pregnant by 15 surprise, how typical this guy should have gone to prison for "statutory rape". Instead, these two idiots believed to be in love (delusions) married, and flew away to Germany since Tony had no plans for his future, joining the military was the quick solution to solve the problem of needing support. During the two years living in Germany, Tonia never saved money or could balance a checkbook, which is surprising considering what a "cheap bitch" she is. The military provides free housing and a salary enough to live on, so her gross negligence of money was her focus on being irresponsible. Asking my father for money was a regular thing Tonia did, her husband wasn't man enough to support his family and wife and hid like a bitch never thanking my father for a fucken thing. Especially when he lived under his roof. When these two idiots returned to the States they had no plans for a home and work. Tonia should have gone to work and had enough sense to protect herself from pregnancy, again being STUPID she did neither, but had two more mouths to feed which neither one of them could support because of laziness and a husband who lacked ambition and education.

Both of them returned to the States and after several years of going back and forth from my father's house to her in-laws, Tonia began to show her true colors which lacked respect for our parents, her laziness in refusing to work a job and make a living. Yet she had plenty of respect for her shit-in-laws and that ignorant sister-in-law Irene Contreras who found her husband in the gutter was the biggest piece of shit I had ever seen, Al never supported his two kids and later bailed on the family. Irene's second husband was from prison, but it didn't last, since her parents never approved, Irene was a fat lazy whore who never worked and had low self-esteem. Yet Tonia believed Irene to be such an upstanding person, Tonia was talented at talking shit to her own sisters. When Tonia needed help with medical care it was Debra who supplied the help with her personal insurance and cost since Tonia and Tony didn't have a pot to piss in, but this whore would NEVER help Debra now if she needed it, hell NO! Tonia used everyone in the family for money, with her disrespect for the very same people she would beg from including myself this rant is well deserved in her name. As I used my credit cards to buy her kid's school clothes, and pay her fucken rent because her useless husband was a piece of shit. I'm just getting started bitch!

Antonia Velarde Contreras is Greedy whore of Christian faith and uses everyone for money.

After Tony Contreras decided to save his soul because he believed himself to be living in SIN, it didn't STOP this loser from taking money from my father, regularly, like the time my father paid $1000 for his warrant so the Army wouldn't kick his ass out. My mother went out of her way to buy this whore a car because again her scum-bag husband couldn't afford it but what happened, it all turned to salt. A hit and run and the car was ruined and not once did this cunt allow our mother to drive the vehicle that is what a selfish whore she is and still is. Her behavior is why the car accident happened and why she lost the car altogether. Tonia did a good job of ruining our mothers' credit. See Tonia Contreras has never worked she is a lazy whore who expects her worthless husband to support her while she sits on her fat ass running to her church but never helping anyone, especially her own parents. Only to their money that is a talent she is gifted with stealing money. Let me provide a good example, Tonia admitted to me this church she still attends today, hordes cash in a bank account Patti Doris and her sleazy husband live on that money the community contributes. In addition a large storage with tons of goods from children to adult clothes, furniture, and all kinds of items from retailers. I asked Tonia to help out with baby diapers for a relative and she wouldn't, this is how fucken greedy these people really are. Tonia Contrereas is a GREEDY CUNT!

When her grandfather Frank died Tonia didn't fucken care she was too busy with her church rival it was more important. Like her aunt Frances she is a self bitch!  There was a time before our relationship separated when she begged me to watch my kids because she needed money, while I worked and went to school, she was paid $1000, and one day she screamed at me because this cunt was too dumb to know she had to pay taxes on the money, it was my fault for not informing her of what she should have already known. Again lazy to educate yourself about taxes,.

Tonia and Tony had four kids they couldn't support financially because neither one of these morons made an effort to work or have a career. Our parents worked and took turns caring for us kids as we grew up. Not these losers, they were too lazy and stupid to work together as husband and wife should, especially Tonia. Yet let's give what little money we have to the church so God will bless us! Yeah well maybe BITCH you should have asked God to pay your fucken rent bitch! At one point Tony left the Army I guess he thought he could find something better but he didn't make much of an effort at all and he was never educated. After years of freeloading off our parents, they moved from one shit apt to another, and when he couldn't make the rent Tony begged the Army to take him back. This scumbag lacked ambition and brains and yet when he and I finally had a fist-to-fist argument, this mother fucker thought he could tell me off. I reminded this piece of shit who is NO MAN how much money he owed my father, not his father, my father. Tony never dared to ask his parents for money or the fucken church because they were just as fucked up and couldn't manage their bank book. Over the years, they lost their house in La Puente.

Tony Contreras is a LOSER who stole my fathers house
Tonia and Tonia couldn't manage shit in their lives but Tonia always had so much more respect for her fucken in-laws than she did for our mother and my father. Since Tonia never worked a job she would babysit her friend's child but I later told Rachel of how Tonia was abusing Jerry, he was a good kid and Tonia would force-feed him Valerie's leftovers and shove the food in his mouth, and force him to take naps all the time. While we're on the subject of Valerie Contreras let me mention the "apple doesn't fall far from the tree", her daughter is another whore, gets pregnant, and throws her baby in the garbage like he's trash, so her parents had to raise him as Valerie didn't want her baby. I guess Tonia should have thought twice about spoiling the wrong kid. It could have been worse though, Valerie could have murdered the kid as some of the white cunts like Casey Lee Anthony. I'll tell you what though Valerie if you are reading this, next time ugly broke ass wants to talk shit behind my back, say it to my face, you whore, don't be like your cunt of a mother and go behind my back they way you did telling Richard (that loser you fucked) who fathered your bastard child you threw away. You're a coward, bitch!!!

I REGRET NOT informing the police of the child abuse Tonia inflicted on my children and little Jerry, but it was the beginning of severing the family relationship. It doesn't matter how old all of us are now, nothing has changed. Tonia and Tony think they're shit don't stink because now they cheated our mother out of $265,000 of the price of my father's house. The truth is these losers who claim to be for GOD can't afford to buy a home in California, this is why he went to the VA to finance and cheated Gloria Palomares out of the sale of the property. Tony had the nerve to brag to a relative who told me he was waiting for my mother to die so he could sell the house and buy something bigger and better. Will see about that, this piece of shit owed my father thousand and thousand of dollars, he disrespected my father and when he died he NEVER showed fucken gratitude or once ever told my father "thank you" and this low-life rapist actually thinks his credentials now mean something? You are both PIGS!!!


This is how ungrateful Tony Contreras really is, once someone from the church gave Melissa the youngest kid a dress when she was a baby and Tony made a big fucken deal about it, let's give them a "thank you card". I just looked at him in disgust since when have you ever thanked my father you fucken pig? Never, once my father told Tonia to return the money she owed him and she was so disrespectful Tonia started yelling at my father over the phone because she didn't want to pay the money she owed.

Tonia Velarde Contreras is a GREEDY WHORE who disrespected my father. Her father was drunk and a loser who committed suicide when she was 2 years old. Richard never helped our mother when she had Debra and Tonia raising them alone. Frank their grandfather was always there but Tonia wasn't when Frank died. She didn't give a fuck her grandfather was dying, Tonia was busy at church, just like when Anthony Jr. had an important engagement but church was more important THAN YOUR SON. THE CHURCH SHOULD SUPPORT YOUR BILLS BITCH AND RAISE YOUR KIDS AND PURCHASE YOU A HOME BITCH!!  YOU SELFISH GREEDY CUNT!!

I'm going to do you the favor of letting the world know what a fucken greedy whore you really are and that your husband is a piece of shit. Do you think Tony is innocent if he was then why did he stick his tongue down Debra's throat when you first met him? He was always looking at her and her friends with his perverse sexual fantasies. Or how about the time she was swimming and he got an erection in his pants because she was in her swimsuit. Tony ran out of the house he couldn't control himself. Debra had no idea what was going on, but your husband has marital affairs with women at the church too and you Tonia, with your hand on another man's chest when taking a photograph smiling. Denying your feelings are you? The both of you make me sick, you're both PIGS!!!

Desiring to have a sexual affair with another man? Is it running through your mind you Christian Cunt! I have so much dirt on you bitch the world is going to know what a greedy selfish whore you really are and your kids need to know the truth too, so they don't think that mom was a saint in school, that's right your a high school drop out who was barefoot and pregnant at 15. Yet here you are talking shit and disrespecting Mom about Jack, remember the time you had a nasty attitude "Oh he actually got good grades" is what Tonia said Remember this YOU CUNT? When you disrespected Jack, you disrespected our mother and this is coming from a 15-year-old who wasn't smart enough to stay in school and graduate. YOU ARE A WORTHLESS GREEDY SELFISH WHORE, THERE IS NOTHING CHRISTIAN ABOUT YOU, AND WHATEVER GOD YOU PRAY TO BITCH, IS  NO GOD AT ALL!! HE DOESN'T EXIST. YOU WANT TO PREACH TO PEOPLE BITCH, PREACH TO THE FUCKEN POLITICIANS WHO MURDER ON A GLOBAL SCALE FOR MONEY.

Antonia and Tony Contreras cheated Gloria Palomarez out of $265,000
Oh yes, you do love money don't you Tonia? Gee, I thought the Christian saying was. "if you love money, you can't love God"? Not for Tonia and Tony Contreras a Christian whore and Greedy fucken pig for a husband who stole my father's house and owed my father thousands and thousands of dollars. See you in Hell bitch, as Heaven doesn't exist for hypocrite cunts like you. PRAISE CHAPEL IN ONTARIO ON FACEBOOK WITH THE REST OF CHILD PREDATORS!!!!! FUCKEN HYPOCRITES!!

For the record your fucken kids are shit none of them have amounted to anything except Anthony, but having you as a mother even your son knows what a two face shit of a cunt, you are and your husband is no man!! You being married to the same loser for over 40 years I would think you should have been so far ahead in life but you are NOT Neither one of you, it's so much easier to steal from our mother and my father isn't it, you ungrateful cunt. Time will tell how this story ends. This image shows the amount of money borrowed to purchase a property which is valued at 650,000 in Hacienda Heights. Gloria was cheated out of the value of this property because this whore couldn't afford it and didn't deserve it. Now both of these criminals think when our mother dies they're going to profit from the sale of the property, I don't think so, the Devil doesn't provide gifts from sinners like you.

Christian liar and hypocrite in action

Patti Doris is a Christian Cunt who helps no one and lives off the money the community provides!

#Antonia Velarde Contreras, #Antonia Contreras, #Tonia Conteras, #Tony Conteras, #Hacienda Hts,#Tonia and Tony Contreras,#Real Estate Theft, #Christian Liars and Hypocrites, #Stop giving the church money,#Fuck Christianty, #Anotnia Contreras is a Greedy Whore,#Tonia if filled with Greed



You are Fucking with the wrong person, you must have me mistaken for a pushover? AMC LLC retaliated against me threatening my life and slandering me all because I contacted government officials during the Los Angeles moratorium as it was stated NO PROPERTY OWNERS are allowed to raise the rent or evict anyone, this is exactly what Steve Chong and Matt Goelze were doing. After I left Somerset Apts I had already had another unit set up to move right in, which made the transition easy, but I moved into the wrong unit at the Villa Apts. Actually, I realized too late I moved into the wrong property, as this place is FUCKEN TOXIC!! I was under so much stress I didn't stop to think living upstairs would be a problem and the staircase was extremely narrow. I hired 4 men to move my stuff and all of them were so lazy, everyone wanted to get paid, but people didn't want to work. My first experience when I applied to the Villa Apts was with Judy Parker a racist white bitch who is unhappy with her life, she will subject you to her toxic behavior. Judy is a liar, and manipulator and will go out of her way to cause problems and drama with the tenants. See, it doesn't matter where you live people are a problem everywhere but it usually stems from management. From the moment I applied for a unit, this bitch told me, "You don't have enough money to live here". Really? I made over 5000 a month, it was more than enough money, you ignorant CUNT! Judy is jealous because she made less money, and her son bitch's and complains how they still had to pay 50% of the rent living on the property. Judy Parker should be grateful it's only 50% and not 1800 that people are being charged now for these shitty units that are 500 square ft. of space with no insulation in the walls, windows and a manifestation of rats running a muck (that is a bad omen). 

Todd and I moved in and the black guy downstairs and his psycho girlfriend were bitching and complaining all the time. It's not my fault this building is built out of sticks or the windows and walls have no insulation. Developers make everything cheap and sell high, apartments are crap to live in, it's only a box and you can hear everything from loud music and people fighting. Yet the bitch downstairs thought it was okay to bang my door in with her feet, but this buckwheat eventually moved out and I moved downstairs on the other side of the property. After yelling at corporate SEVERAL TIMES because management ignored me. I wasn't going to tolerate being threatened anymore. Numerous toxic people, ghetto rats, and too many 30-something ass-wads living with their 60-year-old parents. Numerous fake reviews you will find on Google and maintenance are vindictive and abusive and threaten me several times. Judy Parker and her buckwheat Wesley (the rat on his housing voucher) were the main culprits of the complex but Matt Goelze allowed this abuse and Steve Chong's manager endorsed the behavior. Neighbors would blast the television after 10pm at night, and Judy vandalized my car on the driver's side, upstairs the Koreans would bang their feet on the floor deliberately. This was ongoing for the entire time I lived here until I finally contacted an attorney and soon left. 
Unfortunately, the HIGH COST OF RENT people pay only to be bullied and threatened because management refuses to take responsibility for their actions. I'm going to describe the scrupulous behavior of management. Now that I was living downstairs Judy's son made a habit of walking the dog in front of my unit 4 times a day, to look in my windows, her son doesn't work since his mother supports him. The property is large and he should have been walking that stupid dog elsewhere. Maintenance set me up in the laundry room filled the trash can with water and blamed it on me. I told Steve but this lazy ass-wad did nothing. The reason was that I slipped and fell in the parking lot as the ground was wet and damaged. Management didn't care, it's easier to retaliate against the customer who paid 1600 in rent.

I lost my balance stepping onto the broken pavement. The entire parking lot needed to be repaved for a smoother appearance it had not been done in many years, it had numerous potholes and cracks everywhere. Years ago my grandpa lived here so I am familiar with the property, then it was nice and pleasant with good people, it's no longer the situation. Maintenance also lives on the property, there is a saying NEVER SHIT, WHERE YOU EAT.  However, it was convenient for management when Steve and Matt would tell these guys to harass and provoke the tenants. This is what they did to me several times all because I emailed Gov officials of the theft in raising the rents during the Los Angeles moratorium. This is a rent-controlled property and Kelly Vickers was responsible to oversee it but she did nothing but sit on her ass and ignored all of the problems and the abuse these pieces of shit caused. Now it's my turn to educate the public, before you move into any apartment avoid AMC LLC properties, although ACACIA CAPITAL owns it they too don't care. As long as they make their money they don't give a FUCK if the gate crushes your car or if you are attacked by Judy Parker slapping you across the face. The abuse is ongoing. Management makes it a point to stick their nose in everyone's business this is why Judy has her negro as her pet rat. Wesley gets free bees for being so diligent in meddling in people's personal lives. AMC LLC was stealing money from us on a rent-controlled property. And Steve was the main culprit. The county supervisor had a regulation in effect NO RENT IS TO BE RAISED OR EVICTIONS DURING COVID, in Los Angeles, but these mother fuckers didn't care, so I was threatened all the time. Maintenance would come to my door to provoke and harass me.

I don't bother anyone who doesn't bother me first, all of this was uncalled for when I needed to care for Todd the abuse and vindictiveness from these fuck scum bags pieces shit did to me with all the rent I was fucking paying. Judy Parker that white trash racists whore and her negro Wesley because this bitch believes in slavery and keeping it alive and Wesley being the piece of shit he is falls into the traps. This place was worst than the Somerset Apts, here is a list of the shit I dealt with living here. Judy Parker lied that Todd owned a trans am car when she fucken knew it belonged to that negro in the W-building. AVOID THIS PROPERTY AND ANY OTHER PROPERTIES AMC LLC IS LISTED WITH, AS THERE ARE MANY OTHERS, AND READ RIP OFF REPORT!!

  • ACACIA and AMC were stealing from tenants on rent and towing cars with the intent to jack people out of money.
  • Numerous false reviews from Koreans and Chinese, only the negative reviews are the true reviews.
  • Tenants of 30-year-old kids living with their 60-year-old parents blowing up fireworks in the parking lot damaging cars.
  • Matt Goelze took nearly two months to give me back my refund, I DEMANDED the entire move-in amount for all the abuse and he refused. 
  • White trash neighbors on section 8 housing blasting radio after 10 pm at night, Steve refused to tell this whore to shut off the noise.
  • Black neighbors were constantly talking shit and causing problems.
  • The parking lot is broken and tons of potholes and cracks for slips and falls.
  • High turnover in the office because of gross negligent staff talking shit about tenants and lying to tenants. They also keep a report making up lies which Emily gave me a copy of mine.
  • Judy Parker was harassing me every day about the Edison bill when I questioned this bitch why my light bill was over 100 dollars? 
  • Cameras were placed in the laundry room after the complaint about maintenance blaming me for filling the trash can with water, and Buckwheat's face was in the window (I mean Wesley) as the witness to it all! Setup.
  • Judy talks shit about how I don't make enough money to live here, this was before I moved in, as she is STUPID and doesn't understand math!
  • I paid over $3500 to move into this dump and was harassed every day.
  • Steve Chong allowed the Tenant to bang on my door after Todd died being disrespectful and threatening me.
  • When I asked Steve Chong about renewing my lease he refused to be honest and lied then tried to cheat me out of money.
  • These fucken losers added nothing but stress when I was caring for Todd with their ongoing abuse and harassment.
  • Judy is STUPID WHITE TRASH tells me one day how she likes menudo, I swear to god white people are so fucken dumb and say stupid shit all the time in regards to people of color.
  • Management gossips with the people at Acacia Capital about tenants just ask Carolyn as she is another Judy Parker.
  • Judy's son complains about paying 50% of rent when he doesn't work or pay bills, his cunt of a mother supports his STUPID 40-year-old ass.
  • Judy had Arrons towing the tenant's car deliberately so Acacia and AMC could split the costs.
  • Set me up and blamed me for filling the trash can with water. It was all lies.
  • Steve Chong refused to tell people to lower their radio and TV blasting after 10pm. Is the ugly old white bitch next door on section 8?
  • Judy INTENTIONALLY vandalized my car on the driver's side keyhole was damaged.
  • The main gate damaged cars closing too fast and Steve Chong refused to fix the problem.
  • A neighbor in W-building had his girlfriend kicking my door in because she didn't want to hear noise upstairs.
  • Maintenance who lives in W-building gossips to his wife about tenants and complains to anyone who listens to him complaining about his wife.
  • All maintenance lives on the property provoking and harassing tenants as instructed by Matt Goelze and Steve Chong.
  • AMC LLC cheating and raising rents against moratorium during COVID against federal guidelines on a "RENT CONTROLLED PROPERTY".
  • Management has a high turn if anyone complains they dismiss that person to another site just as they did with Emily.
  • Judy lies about tenants to get people evicted with intent. If you move NEVER tell anyone you lived there JUDY WILL STALK YOU, remove their name from your credit report immediately, and this bad juju will follow you.
  • Steve Chong admitted to me via email tenants are PAYING FOR ALL electricity on empty units, that is not the tenant's responsibility! Loser!
  • When I first moved Judy was always talking shit about other people to me, it was obvious she was going in occupied apartments without permission. She is a miserable old whore who needs to fill up her day.
  • Management has a scrupulous 3rd party acting as an electric company when they are not and you will be harrassed about the Edison bill.
  • Edison allows ACACIA TO CHARGE tenants and pay the corporation's electric bill.
  • Emily's leasing manager told me my rent was going up 9% on a rent-controlled property. She also admitted Judy likes to cause drama between the people living here. Judy Parker is the main problem I hope this old WHORE dies and her sons are left HOMELESS!!!
  • Judy admitted how she would go into units that were occupied without permission. This whore once harassed me about my email address.
  • I have tons of evidence against this company via email of Steve admitting theft and lies against tenants. CIVIL LAWS SUIT TIME!
  • After Todd died tenants were banging on my door Steve and Matt Goelze ALLOWED IT because that is how these scum shit people are, disrespectful, especially Judy Parker she loves to meddle in everyone's life, that old whore has nothing better to do!
  • There were rats in the walls and on my balcony crawling everywhere it has nothing to do with the trees, it's the toxicity of the people.